Chapter 24: End

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Third Person POV

Jimin and Yoongi had been together for a year now. Everything was going great and Jimin didn't feel the need to go into Little Space as often.

Throughout the year, each of the boys faced many hardships that brought them closer together- not that they minded. Hoseok and Baekhyun had started dating a little over 5 months ago and were still going strong.

Despite the laws in Korea banning marriage between the same sex, Jin and Namjoon had gotten unofficially married two months ago. For their honeymoon, they had taken a two week vacation to the beaches of Busan where they had decided they would move to America where they could officially be married and possibly adopt kids. They hadn't left yet due to a pending task.

Taehyung and Jungkook were going on strong as well. Jungkook had made up with Yoongi and gotten his side of the story, thus, forgiving him. Taehyung had already known, so he was just glad they could all be on good terms.

Yoongi and Jimin wanted to follow in SeokJin and Namjoon's footsteps, but they knew they could never leave behind the familiarity of Seoul. Yoongi still hadn't proposed to Jimin so he was starting to believe he never would, but Yoongi had other plans in mind. Jimin didn't know, but Yoongi did have plans of proposing to him. It took a while to figure out how it would all work out seeing as he wanted it all to be perfect, but he finally figured it out.

Taehyung and Jungkook would help him set the whole place up beforehand while the others would serve the food during. All seemed to be going as planned as he came home from class to find his boyfriend cuddled up on the couch watching Supernatural on Netflix (he had gotten into it not too long ago and was already on the eighth season).

"Baby I'm home!" He yells out, making his presence known.


Even though Jimin would rarely go into Little Space nowadays, he still liked to call him daddy because he claimed that he liked the way the word rolled off his tongue.

"Go get dressed real fancy baby. I'm taking you out somewhere special!"

"Wait, if I'm supposed to go dressed fancy, why aren't you dressed fancy?" He asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"Don't worry about it, I have my things in the car so I'll just get dressed over there," says Yoongi, dismissing his boyfriend.

Not asking anymore questions, Jimin walks into their shared room and pulls out the suit he wore to Jin and Namjoon's wedding. Not wasting any time, he pulls it on and looks at himself in the mirror, making sure nothing was out of place. After applying light lipstick, he finally feels ready to go out.

"Let's go!" He yells as he runs out of the room, almost crashing into Yoongi.

"Woah there, baby! Calm down," he says chuckling, "there's no need to rush."

Both of them walk out the door hand in hand. Walking downstairs to the Impala, they get in before heading to their destination.

Yoongi had already gotten Taehyung and Jungkook to set up and area at Hangang Park for them two to have a nice dinner. Jin had prepared a meal for them to enjoy before the big moment came. He had entrusted Namjoon to pour the wine while Jin would serve the food.

Although it was a bit heavy to carry, Jin had made Jimin's favorite- Stew Kimchi Jjigae. It was a special day so he just had to go all out for him.

Arriving at their destination, Yoongi got out and, being the gentleman he is, went around to open the door for Jimin.

"Thank you," Jimin says while blushing slightly.

"Let me get changed real quick in the car and then we can head to our destination," Yoongi tells him, kissing him on the forehead before getting into the backseat to change.

He came out wearing a suit similar to Jimin's, except his had a white flower in the pocket instead of a purple flower.

"Let's go shall we?"

The older male then escorts the younger to a secluded area of the park where he had Taehyung and Jungkook place fairy lights in the trees. A small, round table was set up in the middle adorned with purple bellflowers and a single purple rose in a vase amongst everything.

Jimin gasped. "This is beautiful Yoongi!"

"Not as beautiful as you, baby boy," he replies coolly, making heat rise to the other's cheeks.

"How long did it take you to set it all up?" He asks as Yoongi leads him to one of the chairs, pulling it out for him.

"Weeks to plan. Hours for Taehyung and Jungkook to set up."

"No wonder they couldn't hang out today! Wait, what about Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung?"

As if on cue, the aforementioned men made their presence known by walking up to them from behind the big tree a few feet away from where their table was. Both were dressed in butler-like attire- Namjoon even sporting the white cloth hanging from his left arm.

"Good evening, gentlemen. For tonight's drink we have a Chardonnay saved just for this occasion. For dinner, we have a specially made Stew Kimchi Jjigae. Perfect for this cool weather!" Namjoon spoke, deepening his voice and sounding more formal.

Jin placed the pot of jjigae in between both men, removing the flower vase.

"Mmm! My favorite! Thank you Jin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung. And especially thank you, Yoongi for this special date," Jimin says gratefully, showing them his crescent-eyed smile that they all adored.

"It's no problem at all, Jiminie! Now dig in before the food gets cold! Namjoon and I will be nearby if you need anything," Jin says, walking away.

Both boys do as told, eating until they were stuffed. Namjoon had come twice to offer then more Chardonnay which both had gratefully accepted.

It was almost time for the big moment and Yoongi couldn't help but be extra nervous. He knew Him in loved him and he knew his answer would be "yes", but he still let doubt cloud his thoughts. The box lay heavy in the pocket of his slacks, taunting him almost.

As soon as Jimin had finished his last glass of Chardonnay, fireworks erupted in the sky behind him. He turns around in his seat to look at the beautiful display of lights.

This is it, Yoongi thought.

He gets down on one knee in front of Jimin and pulls out the box, opening it up to show a beautiful diamond ring.

"Yoongi look-," a gasp escapes his lips when he turns around to see the love of his life on one knee, holding a black felt box with a ring inside.

His eyes begin to water, happiness swelling in his chest at the sight.


"Before you say anything, let me just say this:

Ever since I met you that day in the classroom about a year ago, I couldn't get you out of my head. You plagued my thoughts and invaded every crevice in my head. I've always thought you were a special one, Park Jimin. I just never thought we'd come this far.

You are the love of my life- my one and only. Words can't express how much I love you. I don't just want you by my side forever, I need you by my side forever.

Although we can't become official husbands because of the laws of our country, I promise you that one day that will change. One day you will officially be Min Jimin, but until then, I want to show you how much I really do love you.

So will you, Park Jimin, do me the honour of becoming my unofficial husband?"

"Yes! One thousand times yes!" He throws himself onto his now husband, tears running down his cheeks.

He then kisses him hard on the mouth to emphasize how happy he was.

Yoongi, wiping away the tears, slips the ring onto Jimin's wedding finger. As they make out, the four males who were hiding jump out, applauding as they cheered for the unofficial newly weds.

"Long live the YoonMin couple!" Both Jungkook and Jin yell.

That night, everyone felt at peace. They couldn't care less that they had to clean up afterwards. The only thing on their minds was that Yoongi and Jimin were finally "married".

About a month after that night, Seokjin and Namjoon left for America, leaving behind the younger ones. The other four, along with Hoseok and Baekhyun, had gone to wave them off at the airport. Tears were shed, but they knew that it wasn't the last time they would be seeing each other.

They all had bright futures ahead of them, it didn't take a genius to see that.

As they waved off their friends, both Jimin and Yoongi knew that they could face any issues that came their way. They were happy with where they were in life and couldn't have asked for more. It was time to close this chapter of their life and move on to the next.

The end.

A/N: It's over. It's actually over you guys. I'm- fuck. Even though I feel this book could have been better, Im happy with how far I've come with it. Thank you to each and every on of you who have stuck by me and this book. A special thanks to ListenLinnda and AlwaysHaveNeverHold for supporting me from day one.

I hope you have all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! With that being said:

This is Jay, signing off💜

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