Chapter 4: Not a Date

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A/N: It's going to be switching from Jimin to Yoongi's POV  so watch out for that

Jimin's POV

It's been two weeks since Hoseok found out about me being a Little and five days since he said that he was fine with it. Nothing has really changed if I'm being honest. The only thing different now is that I can finally use my pacifier in front of him when I'm stressed and I can finally cuddle Mr. Rainbow at night! To be honest, I was a little bit hesitant on bringing him out from the closet. I mean, what if he wasn't comfortable around my stuffie? What if Mr. Rainbow didn't like Hoseok? My mind was put at ease, though,  when the older had wrapped his arms around me that night, pulling me and Mr. Rainbow close to him.

Sigh. I was now in the class I shared with Yoongi listening to the professor lecture. Speaking of Yoongi, I've only talked to him about three more times since I introduced myself. Come to think about it, didn't he look upset when Hobi kissed me? I shrug. It's not my problem. 

My focus on the lesson is interrupted by something hitting the back of my neck. I look around to find the source of my distraction only to find a folded piece of paper on the floor. I pick it up and unfold it to read its contents.

Coffee after class? - Yoongi

Really? He couldn't just ask me after class? I'll admit it's cute though. I look back at him and give him a thumbs up. He responds by flashing me his pearly white teeth in a smile. I turn back around in my seat and come to the sudden realization that we could've been sitting next to each other this whole time. There is always an empty seat next to me. I decide to tell him about it after class and send Hoseok a text telling him not to pick me up today before focusing my full attention on the lecture.


After class I met up with Yoongi outside of the class room.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked him.

"There's this coffee shop that just opened up a few blocks from here. I think it was called Cypher Café or something like that. Thought it'd be nice to go with y- a friend," he says, chuckling nervously.

"Okay! Let's get going then!"

"C'mon, my car is this way," he says before leading me to the student parking lot and to a nicely kept '67 Chevy Impala.

This kid must be rich if he was able to afford such a beauty and keep it maintained.


The ride to the coffee shop was short and quiet. I would occasionally glance at him and sometimes our eyes would meet. It wasn't an awkward atmosphere which I was really thankful for.

He opens the door to the coffee shop for me and I mumble an audible "thanks". Once inside he says, "Go find a table. I'll order for us."


With that said, I walked away to a secluded table in the corner of the café. Five minutes later, I watch as the mint haired boy walks over to our table with our drinks. 

"I ordered chai tea for you. You seem like a tea person," He says as I take a sip from the warm drink. 

The liquid slides down my throat leaving behind a sweet taste on my taste buds.

"Mmm~," I moan loudly. 

I feel my face turn a bright red when I realize what I just did. That's embarrassing. I set my drink down to hide my face in my hands and pray to whatever god would do me the favor of killing me or making me disappear in this very moment. Oh god, he's gonna think I'm a weirdo or something! I wish I had Mr. Rainbow with me so he could help me cope with this situation.

In the midst of my anxiety-filled embarrassment, I feel strong hands gently pry my own hands off of my face. I look up at the culprit to reveal Yoongi smiling this adorable smile. 

Stop thinking like that! You're with Hoseok you hoe, I think to myself.

"Aw~ don't hide your face! You look cute when you blush," He says, instantly making my face turn a darker shade of red. 

"I probably look like a tomato," I mutter.

"A very cute tomato," He comments with a smirk.

Yoongi's POV

"Gah! Stop it!" He says, hiding his face in his hands again.

He was so cute when he wanted to be. I just wanted to pinch his cheeks and cuddle him all day. Unfortunately, his boyfriend was in the way of that. Well, I'll just have to win him over.

"Oi, I said not to cover your face," I repeat with a slight chuckle.

"Well then don't say embarrassing things!" He yells out.

"Whatever," I say, "Anyways, I brought you here to get to know you better. Sure we've spoken in class but not enough to really be considered friends in my opinion."

I watch as he takes in my words. 

"You're right. You want to play Twenty One Questions?"

"Sure," I agree.

"I'll go first!" He says with a cute smile, "How old are you?"

"I'm 23," I answer.

"Ah! So you're my hyung since I'm 22," he admits cutely.

Really, Yoongi? Quit calling him cute. Argh!

"My turn! What's your favorite color?"

"Hmm, I have two but I'll go with light blue. It's a pretty color!~," he says before asking, "What's yours, Hyung?"

"Mine? I gotta say white," I say with a smile.

It goes on like this for a few more minutes. It's amazing what you kind find out about a person just through simple questions. So far I know his favorite food is stew kimchi jjigae, his favorite animal is a cat, he wishes he had the ability to speak to animals, and he has a best friend whom he calls TaeTae which I think is really cute.

There I go again throwing around the word cute. 

We continue asking questions, totally dismissing the fact that we were playing 21 questions not 50 questions. Okay, maybe we didn't ask fifty but it felt like we did. By the time we realized how late it was we were laughing our asses off over Jimin's childhood story of when he accidentally walked into the girl's bathroom in elementary. When we parted ways, I made sure to get his number so that I could get in contact with him. 

Walking home, I kept replaying today's events. When I got to my apartment, I could feel my face starting to go numb from how much I was smiling. I fell onto my bed, still smiling. He was the last thing on my mind as I drifted off into an easy sleep.

What are you doing to me, Park Jimin?

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