7: Great Experience

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"Hey." She smiled.

I smiled back, taking a seat before replying to her "Hey, I'm sorry I hope you didn't wait long."

"No worries, I just arrived as well." She handed me the menu that was in her hands, I politely accepted it and took a look through it. I had no idea who was going to be the one paying so I just picked something that was not as expensive but I would still enjoy it.

It was easy to call over the waiter since there were not many people at the moment, we placed our orders and handed the menu to the waiter as he took off to deliver the order to the kitchen.

Then, I looked up at my 'date' and the sudden realisation hit me that I have absolutely no information about the girl who is seated across from me. Sure, we talked on the phone but that was more of flirting, I have no idea how to act in a real-life situation. I should have asked Zero Two for some tips, I cursed in my head.

A soft hand landed on mine which was rested on the tabletop.

"Relax, I don't bite." Her giggle was light and slightly high pitched but not annoying, in fact, it was super adorable.

I felt my face heat up and my lips curling up at the ends as I nodded and took her hand in mine causing her face to the same.

"So, how have you been?"

"I've been well. School is being a little of a burden but other than that everything is...hmm...not sinking?" She chuckled at herself. She was mindlessly drawing circles in the back of my hand with her thumb as she spoke.

"Oh, I doubt I asked what school you go to."

"Ah, I go to Franxxtaminia High."

My mouth dropped and my eyes widen that school was filled with geniuses. It was a private school and only took in the smartest of the batch people like me could only dream of even stepping a foot on the campus.

"Oh, close your mouth, a fly might go in." She said but I could tell she was bashful.

"That is a great school, you must be like super smart."

"Am not. Well, maybe a little." Her smile was so genuine, even though she was saying something that should have been annoying. It wasn't when it came from her.

The food came and from there it only became better. The conversation was smoother and easier. We barely have any air left from laughing so hard at everything and anything.

It only felt like a dream, an impossible dream where everything just perfectly falls into place for you.

She ended up paying the bill and I am so glad I picked something on the cheaper side, I would never let myself live it down if I made her pay so much for me on our first meeting, not to mention I already owe her for that drink in the bar.

The day was still young so we decided to take a stroll in the nearby park.

"By the way, have I mentioned that you look absolutely stunning today?" She said, breaking the comfortable silence that was surrounding us.

Again, it was like my face had a volcanic eruption or something. "W-wha...N-n... Thank you. You look very nice as well...I mean it's better than nice. You look like a goddess that came from heaven..." I stopped myself when I realised I was rambling, slapping a hand over my big mouth.

Miku blinked and started to laugh so hard she was bent over and wiping tears from the corner of her eyes.

We were just two complete idiots in the middle of the park laughing our hearts out when she grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me a huge hug.

"What is this for?"

She pulled back and shrugged "I just felt like it." She smiled and took my hand in hers before we continued on our stroll.

I was normally not a touchy person but it's kind of felt right when she hugged me plus I got used to not flinching away from the one and only friend I have, Zero Two.

Just as the thought popped into my mind my eyes caught a glimpse of pink and I stiffen.

"What's wrong?" Miku asked. I pointed over to the direction where I could see Zero two and Hiro sitting on a bench with their backs to us.

"That's my friend."

"Then let's go say hi!" She started to pull me towards them but I held them back.

"I told her I was going out with a guy.


"Well, I just recently found out that I am not some freak and I just haven't found a good time to tell her yet," I explained. She moved in front of me and held both my hands, giving them a small squeeze and looking straight into my eyes.

"This is a perfect time to tell her. I think you will be fine. What do you say?"

My eyes shifted from Miku to the back of Zero Two's head and back again.

I gulped, licked my lips, and finally nodded.

"Alright then, let's go."

We walked the rest of the way to them.

"Y/N, hey. I didn't know you were here. I thought you were on a date?" The pink head was definitely confused as she looked between the two of us. Hiro did not say anything, although we are friends he knows when to stay out of our 'girl' business. He told Zero Two he was going to get some ice cream and left.

"Zero Two..Hi...ermmm well...I should have told you this earlier but...well...I am on my date." I manage to spit out, my hand reaching over to the other, needing some support which I got in the form of a gentle squeeze.

I studied the confusion on my best friend's face, waiting for a reaction of some sort.

She blinked and her signature smile was back, she stood up and held out a hand to Miku before introducing herself.

Miku accepted it and introduced herself back to the pink head.

"Well, it was lovely to meet you but I don't want to take up too much of your time. Y/N, call me after alright?" She said with a wink and ran back to Hiro.

"See, it went well."

Miku had already turned and was walking.

I turned back and saw a face I never have seen on Zero Two's face as she looked us look away, it disappeared in an instant and was replaced with a smile and a thumbs up.

I might be overthinking it but for the first time, I notice how fake that smile was.

Miku and I spend the whole day out; shopping, talking, laughing, going to her house, and playing video games.

She walked me home despite my refusal.

"I had fun today." She said at my doorstep.

I nodded "I did too. We should do it again."

"Yea, we should."

We smiled and nodded, she rocked slightly on her heels like she was debating on something. Her lips parted, ready to say something but I stopped her by placing my lips on hers and kissing her.

She kissed back but still looks shocked when I pulled away. I did not wait for anything else and dashed into my house, leaning against the door in an instant, heart beating out of my chest.

I crept to the window and peeked out into the night. Miku was walking away with a smile and her fingers gingerly touching her lips. 

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