Alternate Ending Pt 1

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Previously on 'Steal Your Girl'

"Oh, where is your friend? Maybe you would like to join us." Miku offered.

"Really? Is that alright?"

"Yeah sure."

Zero Two smiled widely but it wasn't pleasant.

"Come over." She waved someone over and stepping out from behind the pillar was a girl about our age with long wavy light brown hair.

She walked over and I returned her friendly smile only to realise the air around us was definitely not right.

I turned to look at Miku and sure enough, she does not look happy at all. It was a mixture of anger, sadness, confusion, and guilt. Her hands were hidden under the table and her eyes were on the empty table in front of her.

"Miku? Are you okay?" I asked.

She gulped and looked up at me shortly before turning her face to the other female.

"Kokoro, nice to see you again."

"Oh, you two know each other?" I asked, genuinely curious. Everyone around me seemed to know what's going on and I'm here feeling like a lost child.



This was awkward. We shifted seats a little, currently Zero Two and her friend, Kokoro it seems was her name, sat down opposite of us. 

I swallowed, no one was talking, does that mean I have to be the one who talked? Gosh, this situation was just getting worse and worse. The gears in my head were turning trying to formulate some sort of plan to lighten this tense atmosphere.

"So, what shall we get?" Zero Two swooped in, flipping through the given menu, right as I was about to come up with something barely intelligent to say, thank you for being the social one.

No one replied to her. 

"Hmmm, this turkey sandwich looks amazing." She seemed plainly oblivious to the situation around her or maybe she was just as awkward as I was.

"It's been a while, Miku. How have you been?" The girl's voice was light and soft, it was soothing like a lullaby. 

Miku doesn't say a word.

"Zero-Two..?" I muttered, trying to get some sort of answer for this strange situation.

"Why?" The voice was strangled, horse, barely heard. I turned to look at Miku, my girlfriend. Her face was as red as her hair and I swore I saw a tear rolled down her cheek but she swiftly wiped it away before titling her head up to look towards Zero Two, my best friend, ex-love, whoever she is to me. 

"Miku..?" I muttered.

"Answer me, Zero-Two. Why?" Her voice strained, teeth clenched. She didn't sound angry, just hurt, pain.

I glanced over at the female sitting opposite of me, her pink her framing her face nicely, her fingers gripped the menu fiercely. 

"You are making a scene." Zero-Two spat with disgust I have never heard come from her in the past. 

"I'm the one making a scene?" Miku rebutted. 

"Miku, Zero-Two, please stop this," Kokoro muttered weakly. At least she is trying to do something, while I am just sitting here looking like a lost puppy left in the middle of town.

The silence stretched. Glares and worried eyes being thrown around.

"Could some please explain what is going on here!" I finally managed to get the words past my lips. I shifted my gaze from one to another and back again, pleading someone to answer me.

Zero-Two sighed and placed the menu down, combing her fingers through her beautiful hair.

"I'm sorry." She said looking at me then she turned to Miku, "I'm sorry", she said again. Lastly, she turned to Kokoro and aid it one last time "I'm sorry."

She turned back to face me, a tear rolling down her face, "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

I turned to Miku, the pain melted away from her face. 

"Y/N, this is Kokoro, she is my ex-girlfriend." Miku indicated to the female in question. 

The gears turned slowly in my head. 

"So, you two were a thing.." I mentioned to the two of them, they nodded in response. I turned to look at the female who has ignored me for nearly a month, "What does this have to do with you then?" 

I watched as Zero-Two chewed on her lip in what seemed like embarrassment.

"I..." Zero-Two started.

"It's fine." Miku cut in, she smiled at Zero-Two. "Let's order, shall we?"

Kokoro filled in our orders and went to the counter to make payment while the three of us sat there.

"Why don't the two of you discuss this privately later on?" Miku nodded at the two of us. 

Zero-Two opened and closed her mouth but ultimately she just nodded.

Kokoro came back to her seat.

My mind was spinning, I don't understand anything that was happening at all.

"Sorry, Kokoro. I've been doing alright, how about yourself?" Miku changed the topic of conversation with a snap of her fingers, talent is what it is. 

The rest of the lunch went on as smoothly as you would think, the four of us trying to pretend the first 10 minutes did not happen, we ate and chatted. 

Miku and Kokoro separated from the two of us when we finished. 

Zero-Two and I walked in silence towards the direction of our houses. 

"Zero-Two.." I was about to start even though I wasn't even sure of what to say, of course, someone is always a step ahead of me. Zero-Two stopped in front of me, her upper body parallel to the ground in a bow, "I'm sorry."

"Zero-Two? What are you doing?" I stuttered, looking around as if trying to find someone who would jump up and tell me this is all a prank, I have obviously been watching way too many programs recently.

"This is all my fault, I'm so sorry." 

"Zero-Two? I don't understand. What are you talking about?" 

She straightens up and I could see the tears pouring down her face, the amount of hurt I could see in her eyes struck me.

I took small shuffle steps over to her and wrapped my arms around her. 


I stared into green eyes in utter disbelief.

We sat on my bed, facing each other with our legs crossed.  Zero-Two just told me everything while I sat there listening with my mouth dropped open like a fool.

"Alright, let me get this straight." I shook my head as if that would fix everything. There were many things I would have liked to say after that but the one thing that came out was "You like me?" I muttered like the idiot I am.

"Is that the only thing you have to say?" Zero-Two bit her lip, trying to stifle a laugh. 

I nodded and we both burst out laughing. 

It took us a while to calm down.

"Aren't you mad at me?" She asked seriousness filled her face.

I licked my lips, "Mmm...I guess I should be." I shook my head, "But I'm not."

Zero-Two seemed shocked at my answer and being in the only place where I'm completely comfortable and do not take a thousand years to formulate a sentence. 

"Well, of course, I'm not happy with what you did. In fact, I think what you did is so dumb I don't even have the words for it." I laughed.

"I'm really sorry." She apologised yet again.

"Stop apologising. Right now we have to figure what to do."

To be continued... 

 A/N: Hello everyone, I am back and this alternate ending is indeed happening!!!! I would like to thank everyone for their support. 

Luv u all,


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