Chapter 14:

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The next day, Rose prepared for her final speech. She stood in her dressing room, staring at herself in the mirror. Nearly two decades as President, and it was about to come to a screeching halt. Suddenly, there was a knock at her door. It was one of her guards.
"Madam President, Terrance Chandler is here to see you." He said.
"Send him in." Rose said. Sure enough, Terrance appeared through the door moments later. His pure black trench coat flowed behind him. He walked up behind her. She didn't turn to look at him.
"You look ravishing, Rosy." He complimented. "A perfect way to end your reign."
"Shut up." Rose ordered. Terrance simply chuckled.
"Oh, come now. Don't be like that." He said, placing a hand on her waist. As soon as she felt his hand, she turned and slapped him across the face.
"Do not touch me!" She spat. "You kidnap my daughter, blackmail me into stepping down from my position, and you expect me to give in to your disgusting advances? You truly are a vile creature, Terrance."
Terrance glared at her for a moment before smirking.
"Careful, Rose. Another outburst like that, and Jade might not make it." He said. "Words hurt, but not as much as a knife to the throat."
Rose didn't speak, she simply turned back to the mirror. Her tears had stained her eyeliner, so she wiped it off and reapplied it. There was another knock at the door.
"Madam President, it's time." The guard said.
"Ah, the moment of truth." Terrance said, clasping his hands together. "Time to go and disappoint your public."
Rose ignored him and stepped through the door. She could hear the thousands of New London citizens gathered outside to cheer for her as she appeared. It made her smile, until she saw Jade near the podium. Owl stood behind her, wearing a guard uniform to prevent from standing out. He still had his mask, but it wasn't as noticeable. Jade sadly smiled up at Rose.
"It's good to see you again, mother." She said. Rose smiled back.
"You too, Jade. I'm sorry. You shouldn't be in this mess." She said.
"You're giving up your position for me." Jade reminded. "I think that's apology enough."
Rose nodded and stepped up to the podium. The crowd stopped cheering, and the microphone at the podium activated.
"People of New London," She began, "my reign over this amazing city has been long and great. I have been your commander, your servant, and most importantly, your President, for many years now. But I regret to inform you... that it has come to an end."
The crowd began to murmur amongst themselves. Obviously, everyone was surprised, even shocked. Even the guards began to look at each other with confused glances.
"Unfortunately, due to events outside of my control," Rose continued, "I am forced to step down from my position as President. In my place, I leave you in the... capable hands of Terrance Chandler."
Rose stepped down as Terrance approached.
"Lovely as always." He complimented. Rose scowled at him as he stepped up to the podium. Barely anyone clapped. Nobody cheered. A few people booed. Terrance raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, come on. What's with all the silence?" He joked. "Oh, I get it. It's because I'm a crime lord, right?" None of crowd responded. He grimaced at first, before a grin spread across his face. "Anyway, I believe a change of President is long overdue. And if that replacement is me, than so be it... you know what? I don't like the term president that much. Let's change it. You may refer to me as... Emperor!"
Owl clapped. Eventually, others in the crowd began to do so.
"That's better." Terrance said. "That's all for now. I look foreword to ruling you."
He stepped down from the podium and walked back into the hallway. Rose was waiting for him with crossed arms and an angry scowl.
"I hope you're happy." She said.
"Not quite yet." Terrance replied. "I'm about to give my first order as Emperor of New London. Guards?"
He snapped his fingers and pointed at Rose. Immediately, two guards grabbed her by the arms. Two other guards grabbed Jade and brought her over as well.
"What is the meaning of this?" Rose asked.
"I can't have you two trying to rebel against me." Terrance explained. "So I'm having you exiled. How does... Noman desert sound?"
Jade's eyes widened. Noman desert was where Martin and Karina were. Terrance obviously didn't know this. She smirked to herself as she and her mother were placed in handcuffs.
"This could have been avoided, Rose." Terrance said. "You and I could have ruled together, with Jade at our side. But instead, you two are going to rot in the desert. How sad."
In response, Rose spat in his eyes. Terrance wiped it away before violently striking her across the face.
"You're not in power any more. Get used to it." He snapped. With that said, he ordered his guards to take them into their exile before walking to his new office. Rose was despondent as she was escorted to the ship that would take them to the desert. She looked over at Jade, who was snickering slightly.
"What are you happy about?" Rose asked.
"We're going to the Noman desert." Jade said.
"So?" Rose asked as she sat down in their empty private room.
"I was just there." Jade explained. "With Martin and Karina."
As soon as Rose heard this, hope sparked back to life in her eyes. Jade could see it, and it only made her smile more.
"Are you sure they're still there?" Rose asked.
"They're probably freaking out trying to find me." Jade said.

"Martin, quit freaking out." Karina said. Martin had helped Copper fix Geoffrey quicker so that he could help work on the ship. Now they were about to leave so they could help too. Martin frantically threw his coat on.
"I'm not freaking out." Martin shot back. "We need to fix the ship quickly. I think I know who kidnapped Jade, and they're not still here."
"You don't think the League of Silence had something to do with this?" Karina asked.
"I'm practically certain." Martin replied. "They wanted us dead so they could get to her. I don't know why that is, but I'm about to find out."
Martin swung the door open, and saw a group of people gathered around something. He raised an eyebrow. Karina noticed this as well.
"What's everyone gathered around?" She asked.
"Let's go see." Martin suggested. They walked over to the crowd and slowly pushed their way to the centre. Finally, they got to what everyone was crowded around. It was Jade and Rose. They saw Martin and Karina and ran over to them.
"Martin, Karina, thank god we found you!" Rose said. She looked as if this was the only good thing that had happened to her in a long time.
"President Rose, what are you doing here?" Martin asked.
"I'm no longer the president." Rose said.
Martin was about to ask her to explain, until he realized the crowd was still surrounding them. He turned to address them.
"Nothing to see here. We've got everything under control." He assured. Nobody left. In fact, they seemed more intrigued. Martin gave a frustrated sigh until he heard the sound of a gun being fired in the air. The crowd gasped and split, revealing Flint holding a silver revolver pistol with a picture of a snake engraved on it.
"You heard the man." He said. Immediately the crowd dispersed. Martin crossed his arms. and raised an eyebrow.
"I should get a real gun." He muttered.
"Well, looks like you found Jade." Flint said, walking towards the group. "And who might this fine lady be?"
Rose curtsied and nodded as introduction. "My name is Rose. I'm Jade's mother."
"So... what're you doing here?" Karina asked.
"It's a long story." Rose began. "Allow me to explain..."

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