Chapter 11) Kinda Planning

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           "So? What's the plan again?" T. Foley asked.

           "We don't have one." Danny responded.

             "I was going to say that running in and screaming 'go back where you come from wrenched ghost!' Is the best idea." T. Foley added.

"Wrenched? Plus, how was that plan different from the original idea? Turning intangible and flying away." Miss Manson reminded them.

"I have to have some other helpful powers." Danny pointed out.

"What can be better than flying, being invisible and intangibility?" Samantha questioned.

"I think a way to trap a ghost?" Tucker brainstormed. "Or making money appear out of no where?"

"Danny, Jazz? We're home!" Jack Fenton's voice boomed through the whole house.

They heard Jazz say something back. Then Jack boom again, "that's great sweetie! We heard of ghost sighting!..... No we didn't see it, but one of those days we will!"

They heard Jasmine say that Danny was sleeping. They heard Jack's usual boom go down to barely audible tone.

                 Samantha, T. Foley and Danny looked at each other. "So how are we going to go home?" T. Foley  whispered.

"It's only two in the afternoon. We could figure out how to defeat her." Samantha pointed out.

"Sooo? How are we going to defeat her?" T. Foley asked.

"I said figure out, didn't I?" Samantha snapped back.

"I think wait until dinner." Danny said dreamily.

"We can't wait a couple of hours to plan. Unless you mean get food which I would agree with, but may I remind you that we didn't have lunch. You know because of the lunch lady." T. Foley said.

                       "No, I mean the cafe is still open for  dinner." Danny explained.

                        "It's not. I've been to the cafe everyday and it closes at two o'clock. It probably closes earlier because of the ghost attack." Samantha figured out.

                       "So no food?" T. Foley asked.

                        "Tucker, we are going to have a lot of food soon enough." Danny said.

                        "I don't get it."

                         "You know because the lunch lady throws, sorry floats food at high speeds."

                        "Still not funny."

                       "Neither one of you are funny." Samantha sighed.

                     "Do you think she'll still be there?" Danny asked.

                     "Probably. Where else would a glowing, floating lady go?" T. Foley responded sarcastically. 

                   "I guess... never mind, that's a rhetorical question."

                 "This really explains your grades." Samantha remarked. "Danny, do you actually want to go to the cafe to face her? Now?"

"I have to agree with Miss Mansion. You have no way to defeat her, you are really tired right now and none had lunch." T. Foley pointed out.

"Drop the food T. Foley. Seriously, Danny, are you even thinking?"

                   "Yes, I am. I can surprise attack her, she might lose energy like me. You know turn human." Danny explained.

                    "Can others even turn human. What if she's stuck like that?" Tucker questioned.

                  "Maybe she doesn't know she can turn back. I had no clue, maybe we just need to tire her out." Danny admitted.

                "That sounds plausible." Sam answered.  "Are you okay to go? Do you think your powers are.... I don't know.... full?"

               "Probably. I better get going, the Lunch Lady is angry and I rather not have her out on the town. " Danny responded.

                  "Yes, the sooner we get done the better. " T. Foley said. 

                 The trio exited the room and descended down the stairs. They saw Jasmine reading a book and Danny peered around the corner to see his parents working on a machine in the kitchen.

"Hey! Danny boy! Let me show you what we're working on! It's going to change everything!" Jack Fenton boomed as he saw his son. Danny walked slowly into the kitchen as his friends cast unsure looks.

"Jack, honey, it's not ready yet." Maddie soothed.

"Plus, they are not real!" Jasmine yelled from the other room.

"Nonsense, Jazzypants! Of course they're real! This Fenton Thermos will trap the ghost!" Jack seem to celebrate, "of course if it worked and we saw a ghost."

"Umm, Dad that's very interesting, but we can we get going..." Danny began, but T. Foley interrupted.

                   "May I take that with us? I am an inventor myself and I can make it work."

              "Umm, Jack I don't think...." Maddison started, but like T. Foley Jack interrupted.

                "Of course! Anything and anyone should help fight these terrible spooks!" Jack boomed.

                 "Thank you sir." T. Foley said as Jack handed the Fenton Thermos over. T. Foley studied the Fenton Thermos, the smooth surface was filled black and green lines. As the named suggested, it was shaped like a Thermos. To T. Foley it looked like a piece of junk. 

(This part I give credit to Butch Hartman) "Well, Danny, you and your little friends want to hunt ghosts." Jack Fenton announced.

"Actually, Dad, I want to become an astronaut." Danny responded meekly.

"Sorry, Mr. Fenton. I was into ghosts, but they are so main stream now. Like photographs. " Samantha said with boredom.

"Waste these looks and charisma hunting ghosts. Criminal. " T. Foley replied. Jack Fenton started going on a rant, eventually leaving the topic of ghost hunting.

               "Well we really have to get going, goodbye." Danny said as he started walking away. The others followed, hoping not to attract attention of Jack Fenton.

They exited the Fenton home and walked towards the cafe.


            "Danny this is a piece of junk. It doesn't even open." Tucker complained. They were standing a few stores down from the cafe, hoping not draw the Lunch Lady's attention yet.

"Well, it's the only thing we got. So deal with it." Danny replied. "Plus, do you know anything about ectoplasm? Or how it might react with humans."

"Shouldn't you know anything, Danny? You worked in the factory for about four years. Plus, your parents are ectolarks, shouldn't you know a bit?"Samantha questioned.

"I really did not have time to study the ectoplasm. Nor at home or at work. I was too tired from work and when I had free time...." I was sleeping and trying to avoid Dash, Danny thought, but dared not say. "Anyway, my parents are always in their lab and I really don't go in there."

"Wait, your parents have a whole lab just for ectoplasm and you didn't think to show us. While we are... I guess the word is hunting a ghost!" Tucker exclaimed. 

                 "Tuck, it's okay. Danny's been away from school, logic isn't natural anymore." Samantha kinda argued.

                  "Wait, there is logic at school? Look at the math problems for example. When is anybody going to buy twenty watermelons? Or when are you going to read a book just to write an essay on it?" Danny pointed out.

"Guys, I think we talk about what we came here for. You know to defeat the Lunch Lady. Maybe get this stupid thing open!" Tucker hissed. 

                    "I am sick of waiting. " Danny said as two glowing rings appeared around him, transforming him into his white haired counter part. "I am going in, what could go wrong?" He flew into the cafe.

                "No, Danny, stop. You are going to destroy all the planning we did." Tucker droned sarcastically. Samantha ran after Danny as Tucker mumbled what a bad idea this is under his breath. 

I know it took me way too long to update. I really have no good excuses. Summer is almost here (and for the first time I have nothing to do) and updating sounds like it's going to happen. 
Sorry for not updating, have a good week.


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