v. Naming Your OC

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     Okay, this is gonna be pretty short.

     Basically, I'm warning y'all against taking inspiration from My Little Pony and naming your character Pearl Samosa Glitterbug Nightheart Beauty Queen III because guess the fuck what? NOBODY IS NAMED THAT IN REAL LIFE. And if you believe otherwise I would like to have you institutionalised into a mental hospital.

     Just... name them something normal, like Ashley or Connor or Damien or Daisy or like... any name that actually makes sense for your character to have.

     Let's say you want your character to have the name of a Greek God. Make the parents avid fans of mythology, maybe one of them is a Historian. If you want your character to be named after a flower, make it so that their family has a history of naming their children after flora. If you want them to be named after a constellation, same thing. If you want some completely made up name, set it in a different world, or country, or just like... don't do it, maybe? It's far easier to use names that already exist, lest you offend an entire nation of people.

     Oh, and always search up the name on Google, you wouldn't want them to share a name with a notorious serial killer. That'd be bad form.

     See ya!

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