vii. Titles

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I don't think what it is, but all you see nowadays are books all titled with the same bland, overused, completely irrelevant names. They're cringey and often have nothing to do with the plot of the book, or they don't fit theme, or they're too wordy, or all three.

If your book has a name similar to any of the ones listed below, you might have a problem.

The Good Girl And The Bad Boy
Me And The Bad Boy
The ( insert adjective ) ( insert surname ) ( insert type of relative, eg daughter )
The ( insert type of relative ) ( insert whatever supernatural creature you can think up )
Her Bad Boy
His Angel
The Jock And The Nerd
Footballs And Glasses

Okay, so basically any name that's right on the nose. We don't need to know the premise of the whole book in the title. Talk about it in the summary or something, and instead, choose something symbolic of your book/something that tells you what the book is about without literally telling you what the book is about.


Fall From Grace
Glassy Eyes
Her/His Soul
White Noise
A Love Made In Hell
The End Of Everything
Song Of The Stars
Little Demon
A Helping Hand

You get the gist of what I'm trying to say. Something like the second lot will pull potential readers in far more than the first lot will. If you want to attract people who want to read about bad boys or whatever, just put it in your hashtags. That's what they're for, after all. I just get sick and tired of scrolling through the Home Page and seeing all these ridiculously titled books. It makes me fume. Literally. Steam comes out from my ears every time I see it.

Just...if you want a more diverse audience, think a little more creatively about the title of your book. Please, I'm begging you.

See ya!

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