Chapter 1: The Boy and the Thief

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It's the first day of the end of the world.

A beautiful day to paint my masterpiece. My gorgeous art.


Everyone else writhed in utter pain, but for me, this is the least they can do... for making me suffer.

The mesmerizing scent of blood caused them to barf and they ended up throwing up their previous meal right in front of me.

"This is such a lovely sight," I marveled, walking along the makeshift bridge of corpses. Fires erupted from every single corner I gazed my amused eyes... And useless humans died alongside their loved ones in a pathetic embrace, as they hugged each other and starved themselves to death.

"It's really... such a lovely sight."


I woke up, my entire body drenched in sweat. Taking sharp intakes of breath, I shivered at the thoughts that entered my head. Smiling ever so menacingly like that as I watched people die.

Placing my left hand on my chest, I took a slow, deep breath, feeling my panicking heartbeat calm down. It was almost like I ran a hundred-mile marathon with nothing but chili sauce to quench my thirst.

A few drops of cold sweat dripped further down my face, so I wiped them off with my right, brushing some stray strands of brown hair away from my forehead in the process.

What a nightmare.

I rubbed my eyes, and headed straight towards the bathroom, ready to emerse myself in the comforting warmth of the hot water, and hoping that it'll help me rid myself of that ugly dream.

After taking a bath, I changed into my school uniform —which consisted of the average slacks and polo shirt—and strutted downstairs, just to see my father in a frilly pink apron, flipping those beautiful pancakes like a pro.

I wanted to ignore him, so I decided to tiptoe my way towards the dining room. But fathers have this radar that allowed them to sense every single movement their sons make.

"Good morning, Lucas," he greeted, eyeballs glued unto the pan.

"Uh... good morning, Dad." I smiled awkwardly before quickly rushing off, but his voice pulled me back to a complete halt.

"Grab those plates for me, will ya? These pancakes are almost ready."

I nodded in reply before going to the counter to grab those plates.

"Did you finish your homework?" he questioned, and once again, I answered with a nod.

"Lucas, I want you to answer me using your voice," Dad ordered, his gaze ripping themselves off the pancakes and staring straight into mine.

"Yes." I looked away, slightly annoyed. I was never good at talking. But my dad, he'd always try to understand me—by forcing me to speak, that is.

The two of us headed for the dining area to have our breakfast, and when my eyes glanced at the old grandfather clock, I noticed the small lag in one of its hands. The long hand of the clock was somehow going back and forth... and it confused me.

My watch had read 6:24 am. I looked at it again, and it was back to its original state. Exactly 6:24 am.

I sighed. Maybe it was my imagination, or maybe because that clock was just too old. Its name was 'Constellation,' and my grandfather, a well-known astrologist, kept it. After his untimely death, it was sent to us as a keepsake—according to his will, that is.

I heard my American bulldog, Hauser, as he leapt up into the couch and barked excitedly until my dad told him off. That action reeled me away from the clock, and I proceeded to the table with ease.

"So, Lucas," my dad, Matthew began. I gazed at him, expression filled with dread.

"About this month's meeting... Your teacher told me that you were getting bullied at school. Is this true?"

I simply shook my head. "Of course not. Teacher Julie told you about it, didn't she?"

My father could only scratch his head in reply. "Well, she was deeply concerned for your welfare—and you're not telling me anything, so I was worried."

I smiled faintly, hoping that this act would somehow reassure this overly worried father of mine. "Don't worry about me, Matthew. I'm tougher than I look."

"Why the heck are you calling me by my name?" he quickly rebutted my statement, but then chuckled. We ate our pancakes in silence, and only when I finished eating, did dad found the opportunity to speak up.

"If you say so, then I'll believe you." With that, he stood up and cleaned the table, and I helped him.

"But, you're in trouble if you lie to me-if this bullying issue of yours is much worse than they are." I saw his dark, ebony-coloured eyes, and I knew that he was serious, but careful with his choice of words.

Picking up my bag and ignoring my father, I headed outside in a fluid movement... until the rays of the fresh sunrise bathed me.

Mondays. I hate Mondays.

"Lucas, wait up I say," his voice echoed from inside, as I watched him fiddle with his necktie, hurriedly trotting outside and fixing it before locking the door.

"Okay, now you're done." Walking off would've been easy, if not only for this annoying father of mine.

"I said wait," Matthew whispered, yanking unto my collar as if I was going to another country without him.

Rolling my eyes, I answered in a bored tone. "What is it now?"

But that's when I felt his warm, slightly calloused hand drop unto my hair and gave it a ruffle.

"Take care, Lucas."

I avoided his gaze. "Y-yeah... Dad. See you later." Why does it have to be so awkward when I'm talking in a lovey-dovey way to a very close relative?

With that, the two of us finally parted ways. Dad was off to his workplace, and I was off to school. Exactly on the opposite direction.

I was never really good at talking to people, but I'm glad that my dad's here. Even if he forces me to talk to him, I didn't mind, for he accepts me, even though I'm a weirdo of a son.

It's only the two of us now, after all.

That's me. Lucas Stellar. A sixteen-year old highschool kid in a peaceful town named Storkenston. I'm currently living a simple and peaceful life with my dad. Well, trying to.

There's something wrong with me, and that's the reason I can't be normal.

After the fifteen-minute walk, I managed to arrive at the school—which for me, signified hell.

Breakfield Highschool.

See? Even the name sounded hellish. Breakfield High is supposed to be for the gifted and talented students... and they had also recruited my dad to let me enroll here as a scholar, because I'm 'unusually smart.'

It was supposed to be the best school there is... but I thought wrong. There were more selfish people in here than the entire population of the Caribbean islands.

"Ooh. It's the devil himself."

"Darn, why can't he just stay away from this school?"

"Geez, now that devil's here, I'm gonna have bad luck all day."

Then why don't you quit badmouthing out loud, I thought to myself, but sighed in annoyance.

Never mind. No one cares. And no one will. The only thing I needed to think about was how to survive the entire day with only a few bruises.

Simply walking across the hallway was a battle that I had to endure everyday. I don't want to tell my dad about it, since this scholarship is everything for us.

I knew that he's having a hard time with his job, but he's just keeping it to himself. All the more reason why I shouldn't be a burden to him.

Well... at least I'm trying to.

"Hey Lucifer!" The lockers weren't an exception, for I could still hear their jeers... And it's ringing in my ears.

Stop this.

"What do you want?" I turned towards them and smiled gravely. Four big jocks were approaching me, and they didn't look happy.

"Where's the schoolwork that I asked you to do for me, Lucifer?" Brick Williamson sneered at me, clutching my collar with his sturdy, gigantic knuckles, which were almost the size of my face.

Messing with them will only turn out into a catastrophe... so I better play it safe.

"Well, I finished it, but my dog Hauser peed on your notes, and—"

His hand wrapped itself tightly around my neck... but I couldn't feel a thing.

I'm used to it, that's why.

"Don't worry though, Brick... I dried your notebook for you," I added, and my grey eyes were instantly met with his dark green irises, and it was telling me that my life will soon end up in danger if I didn't comply.

"You and your fucking antics... Lucifer, they're making my temper rise," He said with a snarl, garlic-scented breath fuming my face, nearly causing me to suffocate.

"Now listen, and listen well... Devil's child. If you don't obey me, you'll know what happens to your house." Brick's threat didn't mean anything to me, but whenever I close my eyes and see my father's terrified expression, the only thing that comes into my mind is that I should protect him.

So I bobbed my head up and down, and my perpetrator snickered in delight.

"Hey! What are you guys doing to a fellow student?!" Our science teacher, Ms. Julie's shout echoed from the far reaches of the hall. She approached us with a frown on her face, and it was an indication that things could wind up badly.

"Shoot. That stupid woman's here," one of his gang members whispered, and with a low growl, Brick walked away, both infuriated and disappointed. But before he completely let go of me, I noticed the slight glint in his eyes. I knew it meant something... And I knew all too well what students like those are capable of.

It's only a matter of time before I get beaten up into a pulp again, but I knew that there's no escape. The more I struggle... The more it will hurt.

So why fight back when you know that you're gonna lose in the first place?

"Lucas! Why on earth were you just standing there, doing nothing?" She asked, a hint of worry laced in her soft expression, baby blue eyes darting and examining my entire body.

Ms. Julie Anne Sanders. For a twenty-eight year old teacher, she sure was pretty, with those golden blonde curls hanging freely from her shoulder in waves, exquisite curves, and there's always this feminine aura going on around her that makes not only other male teachers, but also male students, swoon.

She placed one hand on my neck, just to check if there were any injuries from all the chocking Brick did.

"Lucas, how many times did I tell you? If someone bullies you then you have to report this to the teachers. We will be able to help you." She held my right hand, and led me towards the school clinic... But I stopped.

"Don't worry," I declared, avoiding my gaze and keeping my head hung as low as possible.

"I will be fine."

"No you won't."

My entire body stiffened when I heard the voice. Hoarse, raspy, and filled with pent-up anger. There was this unmeasurable urge to just dart off and run away in some God-knows-what place, but something else in my brain told me to brush it off.

"But Lucas, we need to check if that neck of yours is okay," the beautiful teacher stated as she smiled at me... Her blonde hair falling gracefully to her side.

"Seriously. I'm fine." I shrugged in reply as I hurriedly brushed her hand off me and walked away. She'll never understand anyway. Besides... Staying with me will end up in a disaster.

"Hey, Lucas!"

I ignored her calls. I'm okay. I am okay-and I will be. No one has to worry about me. They don't have to... Because it's my fate.

I was cursed. Well, that's what they say.

And I believe it. I am cursed.

Upon reaching the classroom, I instantly became the center of their attention. The cursed one. The 'child of the devil'... Lucifer. Under the binds of the devil himself, I'm the harbinger of misfortune and untimely deaths.

"Oh, Lucifer. I thought you were gone... For good." Our homeroom teacher smirked... And the entire class seemed to approve, for they chuckled menacingly amongst themselves.

I shrugged in reply. "Don't worry, Mr. Willows, only one year to go." A small smile entered my face... But it was a bitter one.

I seated myself, and listened to the discussion like all the other normal students.

But I will never be like them in any way possible. This 'curse' is what had doomed my grandfather. And sooner or later-me.

My head began to throb... But I ignored the pain. This headache has been continuing for days, but I didn't tell anyone about it.

After all... It's just a headache.


School had ended, and I already made some plans to talk to teacher Julie about reporting my case to dad.

I don't want my dad to know. It's better this way.

I was already walking towards the teacher's room when Brick and his goons stood there, blocking my way. He was the only significant bully I kept track of, since I already have too much in my plate to keep track of others.

Heck, I don't even know the names of those goons hiding under his shadow. And I wouldn't even dare try.

"Ooh. So you have the guts to report us to the teacher now?" He taunted, lips curved up into a malicious sneer.

"No... I just want to talk to teacher Julie about something," I muttered, lowering my head.

Why did he have to be here?

"Why? Do you wish for me to avenge you? For all their wrongdoings?" A sinister, vain tone reverberated from the depths of my head... And I could almost see that devious-

I stopped, gritting my teeth, repulsion eating away at my system. Please don't come. Please don't.

The bully on steroids yanked me by the collar, and slammed my back against the wall.

The jarring pain coursed throughout my entire body, starting from the sinister feeling of my spinal cord snapping in half, to the urge to just curl myself into a ball of complete agony. I wanted to cry in pain... But no scream came out of my mouth.

That's because I bit my bottom lip. So hard that it cracked, and I got to taste my own blood. Slightly sweet and metallic. Tangy, and enough to keep my thoughts preoccupied.

"This is all your fault, son of the devil!" Brick screamed as he clenched his fist and I prepared myself for a devastating punch.

I was being a good student, if you ignore the sole fact that I'm supposed to be cursed. So what did I do wrong?

But then he stopped... And placed a finger on my forehead. I wasn't afraid, but I had to look down like the good person I am.

"Well, since I'm in a good mood today, I'll let you off the hook if you do what I say." A whisper in my ear was all it took... And I nodded once again, a slave to those who stand at the top. It made me wonder why Brick changed his mind so suddenly, but I'm in no position to ask.

There's always a choice. That's what everyone said-and I believe in those words. I can either fight back, or stay put and allow him to make me suffer.

Those choices are important. That's why I decided to choose the second option. Call me weak if you want, but I don't care. I won't risk my own body on a reckless decision.

If only I'm stronger... But I'm not.


"After her!" The imperial guards shouted as their backups arrived.

The girl giggled playfully, her brightly coloured hair glistening against the warm sun. Purple irises facing forward, she swung her arms upwards and jumped. A flash of red erupted from above, and the hair matched with an iridescent red hue basked against the light.

The lass was running at full speed as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop, laughing merrily as if she was living off of the thrill that came from stealing.

In the streets of England, a sixteen-year old juvenile girl ran rampant, out on the loose. Beauty shone through her radiant but dangerous face, which was covered in a pearly white mask.

"Master thief Krauz, you better stop running and surrender yourself now!" One of the guards yelled at her from below.

The beautiful teenager dangled her legs cheerfully, admiring the view of the beautiful sky and the clouds that formed different shapes as they began to move lazily across the blue ocean on the air.

She didn't care about all the ruckus down below. Heck, she didn't even care if she were to get caught.

This was the life that she led.

Keina Krauz. Master thief.

She smiled genuinely at the guards, who were trying their best to climb the roof of the tower that she was sitting on-but failed miserably.

"And they call themselves the imperial guards," Keina muttered to herself as she stood up and began to brush off the grime and dirt stuck on her pants.

With a triumphant grin, the thief that possessed lethal grace bounded off with a twirl, and smoke began to surround her, blocking the view of everyone else who came to watch her performance.

The mesmerizing glow of the pink diamond evident in her hands, the master thief swiftly disappeared like a bubble.

"Sayonara... Losers."


Hello, author here, thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my story, Stellar Lucifer!

I hope you'll continue reading, cause things will get crazy next chapter!

What's gonna happen to Lucas if he keeps on thinking that way?

Well, if you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote! Feedback is also important to an author, so if you have fingers to spare, please consider giving a comment!


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