Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning with an arm wrapped around daddy's chest and my head nuzzled in his neck. I felt a soreness between my legs causing me to groan and roll off of daddy and face the side opposite him. My eyes fluttered open and I nearly screamed.

I hurried into a siting motion while kicking at the sheets but also trying to hold them over my still naked body.

Daddy obviously heard me and shot up into a sitting position. He grabbed me by the waist, getting ready to defend us.

I watched as his eyes opened wide and he pulled away from me when he saw the 'intruder'.

"I-Ivy...I can explain!" He said.

"Explain what?! That's my daughter you sick bastard!" She yelled at him then turned to me, "Oh sweetheart, did he hurt you?"

"No mommy. He didn't." I replied.

"Come on. Get up. I cant believe he took advantage of you like this,"she turned back to him, "I want you out of my house now! By the way, Im calling the cops!"

"No." He said.

"Excuse me?" Mommy exclaimed.

"You heard me Ivy. I said no. I love your daughter  and I wont leave unless she tells me to do so."

"You're sick, Aiden!" She yelled.

They both looked at me and mommy said, "Go ahead honey. Tell him you want nothing to do with him and he should leave and-"

"No." I whispered.

Mommy face hardened and she looked confused.

"What did you just say?"

"I said no. I wont tell him that because I love him too mommy and I want to be with him."

"To bad!" she screamed, "You're just as sick as him for wanting..this! Get out of my house, now, Aiden!"

"I already told you-" Daddy began to yell back at her but I put a hand on his chest, silencing him.

"Its okay, Daddy," I whispered so that only he could hear me, "I think you should leave... but i'm coming with you."

He smiled softly and nodded. He got up and put on his boxers then grabbed the rest of his clothes and walked out of my room. I looked over to mommy who was smiling.

"Good job, Livi. I knew you would make the right choice."She praised me.

"Im glad you think so mommy, but i'm leaving." I said coldly.

I hopped out of bed with the covers wrapped around my body. I went to my closet and grabbed my suitcase. I began throwing clothes, shoes, and other items in it. My mom was to shocked to even speak, she just watched me. I threw on my under garments, an oversized t-shirt, and my fuzzy slippers. I tied my hair up in a messy bun while zipping up my suitcase then made my way out of the room.

I rushed down the stairs and quickly pulled the door open. I was hoping that Daddy was already in the car because I didn't want to deal with my mom right now, I just wanted to get out of here. Thankfully daddy was already outside, sitting in his car, ready to go. I ran to the car and popped open the trunk so I could throw my suitcase in it. I noticed that daddy's suitcase was also back there . I rushed to the passengers side of the car and slid in. Daddy rested a hand on my bare thigh and looked at me lovingly.

"You sure about this, baby?" He asked.

Just then I saw my mom burst out of the front door. I saw her beginning to make her way to the car.

"Just drive, Daddy." I said, smiling at him to tell him I was sure.

He smiled back and put the car in reverse. He pressed his foot down on the gas and we pulled out of the driveway. Soon we were speeding down the street and I watched as my old home vanished from sight.

"Daddy?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"What are we going to do now?"

"Well," he began, "When you were inside I called up Tanner and told him our situation. He said he'd gladly let us stay with him and Lizzie for a while in the guest bedroom. The twins live right next door to Tanner so we will all be in one area."

A smile broke onto my face, completely breaking my upset mood. At least I get to see all my friends in one area every single day. Me and Lizzie can have so much fun, we will be roomies. Oh my gosh! what if-

My thoughts were broken when I felt daddy rest his hand on my thigh and smiled at me.

"Im guessing you're liking this idea. Am I right Livi?" He laughed.

"I love the idea, Im so excited!" I squealed.

He laughed again and gave my thigh a little squeeze. When I calmed down a little I turned to talk to him.

"I love you, Daddy."

He smiled brightly, "I love you too, babygirl."

It was my turn to smile. I finally tore my gaze away from him and looked at the road in front of us. After a while of driving and feeling the warmth of daddy's hand on my thigh, I drifted to sleep with nothing but Daddy on my mind.

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