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Last night was a blast and Taeyong downed every cup of beer he could drink so he could atleast take his mind off everything, especially him. He had too much fun too which made him to get tired. He was able to sleep that night, pretty well, and when he woke up, he felt like he just wanted to stay on bed for the whole day.

He did spend almost a whole day inside just to avoid him. He doesn't want to see him too much. It just messes him up and he doesn't want the feeling of it. Jaehyun did check him if he's alright and Taeyong told him that he is, just tired from last night. Because of that, the man started to bring glasses of water and medicine that he had to ask Yangyang to give him some.

It wasn't helping. Taeyong just wants some peace of mind.

So after dinner time, he decided to go for the waterfalls. Yangyang did say that it is what most people go to after the team building so he was excited about it. When Taeyong was able to reach the area, he was greeted by a pretty sight of falls. Yangyang opened all the lights, considering the fairy lights, for him and everything just became prettier. Taeyong was astonished.

He wasn't able to bring his phone, he didn't want it to become wet so he left it. He doesn't it anyway. He didn't think twice and, placed the bag he has for his clothing and towel before he walked towards the water. He tried testing the water and it was actually cold, but it didn't really stop him. It was in a good temperature for him.

Taeyong didn't remove his tank top and shorts, and just dipped into the water. Skinny dipping won't be a good idea. He took a deep breath from the coldness. As soon as he adjusted, he submerged and immediately went up. He wiped his face and combed his hair back, sighing.

"This feels good," he uttered to himself.

It was quiet for a few minutes, the crash of the water was the only thing noisy. He swam for several minutes, swimming around until he took the chance to go under the falls to check it out.

He didn't know someone was coming to find him.

Well, Jaehyun got worried when he couldn't see Taeyong around. He tried calling him, despite the weak signal, but his phone was in his bedroom. And so he asked most of the people until Yangyang told him where. He immediately went to the area and saw the pretty waterfalls. He looked around until he saw the boy by the falls.

Taeyong didn't notice him until he got closer and saw someone sitting beside his bag. He stopped, looking right back at Jaehyun who has a simple, small smile on his face. The boy didn't know what to do but he just thought he should just go. And so, he swam back and didn't talk to him. He grabbed the handle of his bag but felt Jaehyun grabbing his wrist.

"Why are you leaving all of a sudden?"

Taeyong shrugged, hesitant to reply, "Well, it became too cold now. I don't want to die from it."

Jaehyun looked straight at him, "Are you avoiding me?"

The boy looked back and shook his head, "No--"

"I thought we were good. I mean, it's fine we're still going to be timid around each other but something's up and I'm sure there's something wrong. You're talking to me right now but I just know something's bothering you."

Taeyong sighed, "What are you talk--"

"Taeyong, I know when you lie."

The boy felt himself get anxious. He was really bad at keeping things, and this is what happens he tries to. Taeyong doesn't like to confess anything. He'll just end up ruining things for them. He didn't want to ruin things for Jaehyun, especially him. He was too important. But without telling him his true feelings, he'll just regret it all his life.

It seemed selfish, but Taeyong doesn't want to have a burden again.

"Just stop whatever you're doing."

Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

The boy pulled his hand away, "You're doing these on purpose, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about? You're accusing me for nothing now?"

Taeyong clenched his jaw, "Y-You're just making me confused! Very bothered! You're making me feel guilty, Jaehyun!"

"For what?!" the man asked, annoyed, "Where--"

"I...still haven't moved on from you. I still have the same feelings I have for you ever since and it just gets stronger when days gone by. It's wrong! I know it's wrong! B-Because I have a boyfriend but I have someone else in mind. I love someone else other than him! It's difficult to be in this place and I'm scared."

Jaehyun was taken aback. It was obvious how defeated Taeyong was. His eyes were just filled with frustration, becoming teary, and his hands were fists. He wasn't mad at Taeyong blaming him for his feelings, he understands the boy. But he's not at fault.

"I just don't want to break anything...As much as you're the one I want to be with, I don't want to leave him either..."

The man stood from the ground, sighing, "You want me to move away then? Or do you want me to push you away instead? Because either way, it's for you. I don't want to make you confused. I know how important everything is to you. If that's the only thing that could clear your mind, I'm ready to do it for you."

Taeyong started to tear up, "I already told you that you're the most important person in my life then you're asking me to push you away?"

"Then what are we going to do? What are you going to do? You're confused because of me but you want me to stay? Taeyong, you're the only one who could decide. I'm just giving you options," Jaehyun uttered, "You're as important to me, Taeyong. And I'll respect whatever you want to do. I understand our whole situation."

Jaehyun would've liked to hear Taeyong picking him, over his boyfriend. Is it possible? As much as he wants to say yes, Taeyong cares too much for the people around him. It's fine if the boy would choose to have the life he has now, instead of risking with Jaehyun. It's hurts him, but it's Taeyong. Wherever he's happy, he'd be there to support him.

"I'll be on my way. I just came to see if you're okay. Please start packing your things for tomorrow," the man said lowly, disregarding the ache in his chest.

Jaehyun walked away, passing Taeyong who couldn't speak. Because when he speaks, surely he'll burst into tears which he didn't want. The boy mentally decided to forget about everything and he immediately pulled Jaehyun back.

And when he did, Taeyong purposely kissed Jaehyun.

The man was caught off guard but immediately kissed back. The boy wrapped his arms around the other's neck and felt an arm around his waist, pulling him closer. Their lips were in sync, yearning for each other's touch. Taeyong melted into the warmth of Jaehyun, wanting more. He even jolted when a hot hand was placed under his clothing, specifically on his bare cold waist. His hands gripped onto the man's shirt as their lips were too busy.

Their tongues tangling, tasting each other. The boy's knees became weak with their breaths ragged. They were itching to have more of themselves.

They were craving for each other.

A/N: don't hate me,,

or taeyong,, or jaehyun




Love lots ♥

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