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"Hyung, it's time to go!"

Taeyong heard Jungwoo say when he went into his room. Jaehyun must've been calling them already. It's already the day for the small celebration and the boy doesn't know if he should be nervous or excited about it. He looked up at the boy and told him that he'll catch up.

He immediately fixed everything on his desk and kept some in his bag. For the first time after some years, he grabbed his phone for a mirror and looked at himself to see if he looks good before he stood from his chair and went out of the office with his bag.

Everyone looked very excited for the nightout and tomorrow would be dayoff so they'll surely be wilding tonight because, unfortunately, everyone chose to go to a club, and Taeyong wasn't able to oppose. Jaehyun was fine with it, that's the problem. Then he thought to himself, it's alcohol and he's with Jaehyun. Two of those things aren't good together, in this circumstance.

They went into the elevator and met at the parking lot to get their cars. Taeyong didn't agree on getting a whole ass van just to take them to the club. Although, they haven't planned on who goes to someone else's car.


While Taeyong was trying to plan on how they'll squeeze themselves inside two cars, he looked behind him and saw Jaehyun, asking.

The boy hummed, "We were just getting there, Mr. Jung. You could've drove ahead, though."

"Ah, I was waiting if someone will go with me in the car," the man uttered.

Then everyone looked at Taeyong, telling him to go ahead with Jaheyun since between all of them, Taeyong is closest to Jaehyun. But the boy just looked back at them, confused.

"So...Is anyone coming with me?"

"Mr. Lee would come with you, Mr. Jung...We already arranged ourselves inside the cars," Jungwoo suddenly answered which made Taeyong's eyes to widen at them.

"Wait, I was going to--"

"Someone else wants to go with us?"

Taeyong looked back at Jungwoo and immediately pulled him, "Jungwoo will come with us. It's settled, right? Let's go."

The man nodded, "Alright."

The boy looked at his friend with squinting eyes, "I hate you," he whispered.

"You're not awkward with him, hyung!"

Everyone gets into the cars and drove out of the building. Taeyong wanted to sit beside Jungwoo on the backseat but then he didn't want to make it look like Jaehyun's a driver so he went to sit on the passenger. His driver was nowhere to be seen today, maybe he just wanted to drive by himself. Jungwoo was quite an extrovert which came in handy so the drive won't be as awkward as it can get. He was asking Jaehyun things, since they are outside of the workplace which the man was fine with it.

Taeyong was taking small glances at Jaehyun. It shouldn't be illegal to look at him, should it? Like, he's just looking, admiring. How many times did he admired Jaehyun? Probably plenty and the boy wouldn't be tired of it. The man's just effortlessly charming. Anyone wouldn't deny it. But then, the boy realized he still needs to stand behind the line. Jaehyun shouldn't be the person in his mind.

It took them around a couple of minutes before they arrived. Everyone excitedly entered the venue and started to have fun inside, leaving behind Jaehyun and Taeyong because the boy's phone was missing.

"Are you sure you brought it with you?" Jaehyun asked, looking inside his car to find the device.

Taeyong hummed, finishing up looking inside his bag and pockets before he answered, "Now that it's missing, I don't think I was able to get it from my drawer. Shit...I'm sorry for troubling you. I can handle it though. You can go ahead."

"I wouldn't be able to leave you out here. Do you want me to call it?"

The boy looked at him, hesitant, "I-Is it alright?"

Jaehyun grabbed and handed out his phone, "We'll be able to see it if it rings somewhere."

Taeyong nodded as he dialed his number and tried calling it. Well, it wasn't ringing no matter how many times he tried. The man just watched him, thinking of something to calm the boy down.

"Maybe it's still inside your drawer. It doesn't have signal so it's somewhere secluded. I don't think it dropped anywhere," Jaehyun explained, "Don't worry, I'll call someone to check your office. Would that be fine?"

The boy slowly nodded, "Sure. Thank you, Jae."

"No worries. It's your celebration so have fun. We'll be able to find it, even if it means that I have to call the police for it."

"You're overreacting!" Taeyong chuckled.

Jaehyun smiled as he removed his necktie and loosened his collar with the cuffs, "I'll find it for you. You can go ahead inside, if you want to."

The boy hummed, "I'll...I'll just wait for you."

The man nodded, throwing his coat and tie inside, rolling up his sleeves then checked a few things before he locked the vehicle and escorted the boy into the club. It wasn't the clubs that are usually very wild, it was quite tolerable with the way people are behaving. Well, Jaehyun doesn't really like places that are fishy so this must be up to his standards.

Taeyong walked towards the table where the others are, a hand on his lower back to assure him that Jaehyun was there behind him. The boy sat beside Jungwoo then Jaehyun went towards the bar and greeted the bartender to order some drinks.

The others were in a conversation but the boy has his own world just staring at Jaehyun who was being entertained by a woman who has her hand holding the man's arm. The boy frowned. They were talking and laughing about who-knows-what. Jaehyun seemed to be enjoying. Maybe he's doing this to cope up? With what? Is it to move on too?

Even though he kept saying he should stop getting bothered about Jaehyun, he just can't. He was trying his hardest to forget and act normally but it just wasn't the case.

What he didn't know, it was just Jaehyun's friend who is actually Mark's cousin.

When the drinks came in, Taeyong just glanced them for a bit before he threw his thoughts away and slowly got drunk.

It's been a while since they've been inside the bar and Jaehyun's been talking to Mark's cousin for a while. He was able to check the others but he was too much distracted with catching up that he didn't realize it was very late. If someone didn't catch his attention, he would be there for another hour.

"Mr. Jung, we'll be going ahead. We need to drive them home," his employee said.

Jaehyun looked at his watch before he nodded, "Of course! Have a safe trip. I should drive the others home too."

"Ah, well, Mr. Lee is a bit stubborn and we couldn't really force him to go so I thought, you can do it, Mr. Jung?"

The man looked behind him and saw Taeyong already sleeping, "Okay, I'll get him home. I'll see everyone on Monday."

"Good night, Mr. Jung. Thank you for the treat."

Jaehyun smiled and nodded before they went out of the establishment. He then excused himself and walked towards Taeyong. He softly tapped the boy's shoulder but didn't get any response so he gently shook his shoulders to wake him up.

"We need to go, Taeyong," Jaehyun uttered softly.

Taeyong whined as he looked up, obviously drunk, "Home? We haven't had any fun yet..."

"You drank enough," the man said, "Why did you even think about drinking too much?"

"You want to know why, huh?" the boy asked in a tough and drunk manner, looking straight at Jaehyun with lazy eyes. Jaehyun didn't answer, knowing what he was just about to say and he didn't want to hear it, "I want to get rid of any thoughts about you...You know? Like any other person would do when they just can't be with someone they want to be with."

Jaehyun sighed, "That's enough, Taeyong. Let's get you home."

He pulled him up, almost carrying him out of the club. They're doing the same, push and pull, to make things easier for the both of them.

"Do you know how much I'm trying to move on? You said forget about it but I can't...I haven't forgotten the days we spent and you want proof?" Taeyong pulled out the necklace he has and showed that it didn't have any pendant, but a ring, that Jaehyun knew all too well, "This ring has been with me all the years and I keep it as my lucky charm, just because it came from you," then he laughed, "I just realized...how bad you are to me. You're so bad for me, Jaehyun..."

Jaehyun didn't say anything since he's just going to answer to Taeyong's drunk-self. But he was surprised that the boy still has the ring with him. He still has the other one, just kept somewhere safe.

He continued carrying him towards his vehicle. The man unlocked and opened the backseat door, just wanted to keep him safe on drive. He placed Taeyong, who became too drunk to talk, inside carefully and made sure he's safe.

Before he could even go, Taeyong suddenly pulled him by the collar.

A/N: the comments are always on fire

every chapter, comments are always on fire AHSHSAHSHAHH

Love lots ♥

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