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The next morning, Taeyong woke up early because of his instincts. He has work. He needs to go to work but then he guessed he can attend late because he still needs some time to go back to his apartment and change.

Right when he fluttered his eyes open, he woke up to him being backbhugged by Jaehyun, who was still sleeping. An arm loosely around his waist and the other supporting his neck. Taeyong carefully placed the arm around his waist behind before he could slowly sit up. He looked back to see if Jaehyun woke up. Luckily, he didn't, he just adjusted.

Taeyong smiled, feeling his heart fluttering. Even though it was dark, he could still see how handsome Jaehyun is. He still can't believe this is happening. He thought he was dreaming. He leaned down to place a soft peck on the man's cheek before he stood, quietly picking up the clothing on the floor and separated his and Jaehyun's. He placed them on a chair before he quietly walked out of the room.

It was really dim since the curtains are down. He went to put them up to see the pretty sunrise. After he did, Taeyong made his way towards the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and looked through it.

"He won't mind if I look through his food, would he?" the boy asked himself.

Taeyong grabbed a few, thinking he should just make a very simple breakfast. He immediately heats up some water for tea. He placed a pan and started working on cooking. As soon as the water was heated up enough, he prepared two cups.

He puts sugar on his and none for Jaehyun.

While he cooks, he was checking his phone if he missed something as he drinks his tea. He thought about messaging Jungwoo that he'll be late today. He should probably wake up Jaehyun if he's going to work.

Taeyong jolted when he felt someone placed a kiss on his neck. He looked behind him and his lips immediately showed a smile. Jaehyun wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and he propped his chin on the shoulder. The boy placed his hand on top of the man's while he finishes his message. He looked back at man and saw him with his eyes closed.

"Still sleepy?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun hummed as a response.

"There's your tea. I hope it's not too cold yet," the boy uttered, "I need to go for work, by the way, after we eat breakfast."

The man pulled away and took a sip on his tea while the boy proceeds to cook their food. Taeyong turned around to get something from behind then he just realized that the man hasn't bothered to put on a shirt. His sweats are hanging dangerously low too.

"I already excused both of us," Jaehyun said.

Taeyong's eyes looked back at Jaehyun's, looking away from the tease, "What? But I was already absent yesterday."

"Don't worry about it. We're going somewhere today."

"To where?"

"Some wedding planning. Mark wanted me to join in for opinions and I know you're good at those details so I'm pulling you in," Jaehyun smiled, leaning against the table behind.

Taeyong chuckled, "Is it okay if I go?"

"Of course. I want you there."

The boy rolled his eyes, "Okay, but I don't have any clothing here."

"Borrow mine."

"Speaking of clothing, put on some shirt please."

"I live like this," Jaehyun uttered, moving closer to his lover.

"Uh-huh, it's not just to tease me, huh?" Taeyong asked playfully.

The man shrugged, trying to hide his smirk, and he crossed his arms, "I don't know. Am I?"

The boy grabbed both ties of the man's sweatpants, since they are untied. He pulled them as he stood very close with a smirk on his face, their hips touching. Jaehyun stared back mischievously.

"You don't like what you see?" Jaehyun asked.

"Did I say anything?" Taeyong answered.

"Other than that, looks like we're going to have no breakfast."

The boy snapped out, "Wait--Oh, shit!"

He went back and immediately turned off the stove as the bread was burning. He fanned it out and sighed. He threw the burnt bread away and thought about making new french toasts.

"We'll have to eat something else then," Jaehyun commented, dirty joking.

Taeyong hummed, "I'm making another one. You go and sleep or something, you're distracting me."

The man didn't bother teasing. He just pats Taeyong's lower back before he exits the kitchen to prepare them for the day.

After breakfast, both of them took their baths and changed into their outfits. Jaehyun's clothing on Taeyong doesn't look any different, it's just a little bigger on the boy but it fits just right. But the boy felt like he's being too much of a hassle.

Both of them went into the car with Jaehyun driving. Taeyong sat on the passenger's seat.

"I could've just gone to change in my apartment," the boy said.

"Why? Doesn't it fit right? They look good on you."

"I'm being a hassle. You even have to do the laundry for my clothing."

Jaehyun chuckled, "Don't worry about it. We'd be living together anyway."

"Oh, you're already thinking about that?" Taeyong laughed a bit.

"I'd like to. I mean, the unit is too big for one person, isn't it? By the way, here," Jaehyun grabbed something in the compartment of the car right when they were on stop. He gave a duplicate key to Taeyong, "You can stay over anytime. You should put some of your clothing in mine, just in case."

The boy smiled, "I'd want to move in with you in a heartbeat. But let's keep it down for a while. We still have the media, especially when you're a big deal here in Korea."

"I'd announce you're my partner with no issues, Taeyong. Right here, right now. I can call a press conference--"

"Don't do that!"

"I grew up doing my own decisions without any permission or opinions, but since you're the most valuable person in my life, I'll do it when you're ready."

Taeyong sighed, "I don't want to get you in trouble...that's all."

Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows. It took him a second before he answered, "Whatever my mother told you, it's nothing. You don't have to make yourself a problem when you aren't."

The boy didn't reply. He just got used to the thought of it that he's scared to even disobey it. He wants to love Jaehyun freely, now that they already have the opportunity but Taeyong's just scared to ruin everything that Jaehyun worked on for years. He knows the consequences.

He pushed the thought of it. He doesn't want to think about it right now. He should be happy. His eyes did land on Jaehyun's hand, wearing a ring.

"You still have the ring?" Taeyong asked.

"Actually, this was bought a few weeks ago," Jaehyun answered.

The boy furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms, "And what happened to the old one?"

"Out of anger, I threw it away and then I regretted it," the man uttered. Glancing at the boy, he just chuckled, "Hey, atleast, I found a dupe."

"I won't wear mine just so we won't be in any scandals..."

"Whatever you want, Taeyong. The only thing that matter is us."

Taeyong smiled, "Of course, Jae."

They arrived shortly and entered the restaurant together. Jaehyun asked the receptionist for the reservation and they were escorted to the table. The man did a favor to make it a table for six. Both sat, with Jaehyun being such a gentleman and had to pull the chair for Taeyong, and they waited for four more people to come.

Shortly, they arrived.

"Good that you didn't ditch us, this time," Mark uttered as soon as he reached the table with his fiancee.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes, "Just sit."

"Oh, hey, Taeyong," Mark called when he noticed the boy's presence.

Taeyong smiled at him, "Jaehyun pulled me into this."

"No worries. Glad you could make it. By the way, this is my fiancee, Donghyuck."

The boy looked over at the other man beside Mark. Taeyong's eyebrows furrowed. He looked awfully very familiar to him. He's sure he seen him somewhere on the internet.

"Wait, aren't you a Broadway theater actor?" Taeyong asked.

Donghyuck looked flattered, "Oh, you know me?"

"I've seen some of the clips. I like how you sing the pieces by the way," the boy uttered.

Mark pulled the chair for his lover as Donghyuck sat down with a big smile.

"If Jaehyun could bring you to New York, I'd give you some free tickets. Front seats," the boy said, followed by a soft laugh. Then he looked at Jaehyun, "Well, I'm sure he'll bring you there. The wedding's at the States. We just decided to plan it here."

Taeyong nodded, "We'll see."

Mark clapped, "Anyway, I just need opinions on the theme..."

Jaehyun just can't bring Taeyong to America in a snap. They still have some problems. And by problems, they meant Jaehyun's mother.

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