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Jaehyun questionably came to his parents' house since he was called to do so. They said he left something that he might need. They couldn't say it so the man just decided to come over for a second. He still needs to go and check their suits with Taeyong for the party.

He arrived shortly, looking at his watch to see if he still has time to pick up Taeyong for lunch. He didn't bother knocking and just barged into the house. He walked through the tiled hallway and went towards the living room, where he froze as soon as he saw his mother.

"Jaehyunnie!" she exclaimed and smiled widely as soon as she saw her son. She walked up to hug him with her heels clacking against the tile.

Jaehyun was caught by surprise, "You're here?"

"They didn't tell you?"

"They said your flight was cancelled."

She chuckled, "Oh, that's just for show. Surprise! You don't seem to be happy to see your mother."

The man wasn't really happy to see her.

"Do you want to tell me something, mom?"

She hummed, "About what?"

Jaehyun frowned, "About me and Taeyong."

Her smile slowly faded. She immediately glared at the man infront of her. Her eyebrows were arching and her jaws were clenching.

"I don't think I need to tell you anything--"

"You lied to me!"

She crossed her arms, "Why? What did he tell you?"

Jaehyun's hands became fists and tried not to burst out of anger. He wants to give his mother a chance to explain, "The opposite with everything you accused him about."

"That's what he told you? He's lying--"

"Then that makes you not because you say so?"

She squinted her eyes at him, "What makes you think he's not actually lying? Why? Did he make you eat something to confront your mother like this?!"

"I'll believe in him because he doesn't and won't use people to their advantage. Taeyong has always been by my side more than you did! I know him enough! You've always been selfish anyway. Didn't you always love the feeling of being the center of attention?"

The man felt his blood boiling and rising from how much anger he has right now.

Her eyes widened, "Jaehyun! Do you hear yourself?!"

"Yes! And I am perfectly satisfied to say this to you, mom! I want to hear the reason why you had to separate us and tell me lies!"

"You want to know the truth?! Fine! This is why I don't what you to be with him! He's turning you against me! He's no good for you, Jaehyun. Don't you understand that?! He's putting you at risk. Your career, your family, your life...What's left? Taeyong will only use you for his own."

"How well do you know him anyway? For you to judge him like this? You're the one who's keeping me at risk."

"I told you lies so you could stay away from him!"

"You told me lies so I could be miserable! Do you know how many years I've wasted just to be your stupid little puppet?! Mom, you were breaking me! You even put a knife on Taeyong's neck so it would look like he forgot about me?! Do you even realize how manipulative you are?! Now, I understand why dad wanted to divor--"

"Don't you ever dare to bring that up! I tried so hard to become a good mother and wife! All I ever wanted was the best for my family!"

"Well, congratulations, you failed."

Every word he said had force and Jaehyun didn't even regret doing so. He had enough and knowing the truth just made him hate her even more. He hated himself for falling into this mess and to atleast make it up for Taeyong, he wants to fight for them. It's his happiness and whatever's on the line, Jaehyun can take the risk if it means he could be with Taeyong.

"This is bullshit. I don't want to have any connection with you anymore--"

"You can't!" she exclaimed.

Jaehyun clenched his fists, "Why?! Wasn't ten years enough to keep your life at ease? I was like a puppy, doing what my owner tells me to do. Haven't you enjoyed that feeling?"

"You can't leave me, Jaehyun. I'm your mother--"

"I already told you, you failed. I don't have any reasons to stay with you anymore. All you did was to get what you wanted, not what we needed."

Jaehyun forced every word to come out of his mouth because this would probably the last time he'll be able to talk to her. But she was pissed. She clenched her jaw as her son turned his back to her. She can't let him get away.

"Don't try to lay a finger on him--"

She laughed a bit crazily, "And then what? You'll file a case against your own mother? You think you can do things against me?! You can't live without me, Jaehyun!"

Jaehyun turned back, "I'll do whatever I can to put you into place. You don't know what I'm capable of, mom."

She admitted that at her son's age, Jaehyun can do anything. In fact, she'll be too old to have the company. She'll be left with nothing, and if she lets him go, what will she do now?

"I-I have cancer! I'm dying, Jaehyun. I came to America to get cured...You can't leave me yet."

Suddenly, the wind changed its direction. The man stopped and tensed. His fists lets the grip go and held his breath. Not only it made Jaehyun to hesitate, it confused him. Was she telling the truth?

"...hyun! Jaehyun!"

The said man snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at his boyfriend who just came out of the dressing room, already wearing the altered suit. Jaehyun smiled at him, sitting comfortably on the couch.

"Anything looks good on you, baby."

Taeyong frowned, "You're distracted. Anything bothering you?"

Jaehyun shook his head, "Nope, don't worry. I wasn't able to sleep well last night."

"You know that I know you too well to lie, Jung Jaehyun."

The man rolled his eyes playfully, "I don't want to talk about it here."

"Then let's go somewhere else."

"Let's pick your suit first."

The boy looked at himself in the mirror, "Don't you think I look boring in black?"

"Nope, I don't. But you could take that very dark blue shade. It looks better on you," Jaehyun uttered, pointing at the other suit.

Taeyong looked at it then nodded, "I do think so."

"Then we'll take it."

As soon as they chose their suits and asked to be altered again, both of them went somewhere private, like a parking lot at Jaehyun's unit building. They didn't have many places to choose from anyway. Jaehyun doesn't want anyone eavesdropping at their current situation.

"So? Let's talk about it. What's up?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun sighed, "You already know my mother's here, right?"

The boy tensed, "S-Sorry for not giving you a heads up...I didn't want you to invade her already."

"But I already did," the man uttered, "I had to confront her. I just can't keep my mouth shut from how messed up she made us. I just had to do it so I would know what happened."

"Jae, you didn't have to do that."

"But I wanted to. I had enough. She even tried to ruin you to me. Like, where in the fucking world could you find a mother who has the same attitude as hers?" Jaehyun chuckled in sarcasm.

Taeyong looked at him worryingly, "I didn't mean to ruin your relationship with her--"

"You didn't, she did."

The boy slowly nodded. He received a soft peck from the man.

"You don't have to worry about anything...But if she ever does anything to you, tell me, okay?"

Taeyong nodded again. Jaehyun sighed. He felt the boy grabbing his hand and caressed it with both hands. The boy kissed his knuckles and smiled sweetly at him. Everything just becomes easier when Taeyong's near him. He couldn't really afford to lose him anymore.

He'll protect him this time. He failed enough in the past but now, he'll do better for Taeyong.

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