54. Feel

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 "You should come and talk to him." Said Soomi while standing side by side with a woman who's everyone wanted to see the most these past months. No one knows where she was, not even her parents, but being Soomi, she always has her way to find out.

"And then what?" the said woman ask her, looking out to the garden where her heart's owner sat with another girl. "You said he lost his memories which is the best thing I could ever wish to happen to him."

"He is not only losing his past, he also lost every memories he made day by day, which is mean he spent a meaningless life. And don't say you are grateful with that." Soomi said with no emotion on her face while looking at the garden. "There should be someone to help him, to make him happy, and that's definitely not me."

"Neither I am, Soomi." Spoke the woman again. "Can't you see how happy he is right now. He can smile like that, I don't even remember when the last time he smiles like that."

"When he was with you. And that smile, he only confused, he had nothing in his mind. He had no clue about what's going on and being stupid enough to be manipulated by anyone else who's only wanted him by his look. And his wealth." Her voice raised as per her anger come up to the surface.

"Why don't we gave that girl a chance? She seems good."

"Can't you go for that by yourself?" Soomi cut the girl words and looking her at her eyes, demanding. "Can't you face your feeling?Being honest to everyone, including yourself that you also can't live without him. Why should you make everything so hard? Face yourself, Lisa."

"You are right." Lisa spoke, smiling weakly when she sees the girl beside Jungkook caressing his hand softly. There is a tight knot in her heart seeing all of this. "I can't."

"Why can't yo-"

"Mino won't let me go." Lisa spoke calmly despite of how high her voice right now. Some nurses passed by looking at them, curious.

"At least, please, for this one, please, ask him to move out from this hospital." Soomi pleaded make Lisa looking at her, can't believe what she heard. Because, Soomi never plea.

"Why don't you try by yourself?" Lisa asked. "He already forget me, he have his new live now. And by meeting him, will only bring his wound back, I won't do that."

"Who are you?" she heard the same question again for god knows how many. She sigh while trying to smile calmly.

"Soomi, your friend."

"Ahhh..." he responded and then looking at the orange juice beside his bed, Soomi find it cute when she sees how the love of her life looking at the orange juice full of needed. She nearly chuckled when she take the glass and gave it to him make him smile, showing his bunny teeth before he swallow the whole glas of orange juice in one gulp. "Thank you." And she nodded.

"I want to talk to you, Jungkook." She said softly when they are in the garden, only the two of them because Ja In still in her recovery state.

"Go on." Said Jungkook innocently playing with the paper on his hand, scratching the pencil on it, he draw the flower.

"You should move out from the hospital, the doctor said that you could go home." She try to sound as cheerful as she can while clapping her hand, but instead of being happy, Jungkook stop his drawing activity in an instant, looking at the white paper blankly. "Jungkook."

"Can't I stay in here a little longer?" he asked to make Soomi curious. He is still not meeting Ja In, he still doesn't remember that he had friend in here, so what is the reason for Jungkook to stay here despite of lack of his memories.

"Shouldn't you feel happy to able to go out from the hospital and go home to your house?" she asked carefully reaching his right hand and hold it tight. "You will be able to interact with your family, your grandpa, your little sister, your mom and dad too."

"I-I don't know, Soomi. I just, I feel it's not a right thing to do now." He said uncertainly.

"You can't live here forever, Jungkook."

"You won't understand, Soomi."

"Why won't I understand? Tell me, tell me what makes you think your feeling is right?" they are bickering make another patient who's stay near them feel uncomfortable, they left one by one. It's getting serious now since Soomi nearly lost her patience.

"Of course, it's right, it's the only thing I only have in me. My feeling. And I won't leave this place before she come." He said angrily placing his paper and pencil roughly on the bench while try to drive his wheelchair, wanting to leave his new friend.

"Who?" being a stubborn kid will lead Jungkook nowhere, Soomi pull his wheelchair and make him face her. "Who are you waiting for?"

"My Barbie." He shouts, he knows that what he said will make Soomi thinking that he is insane. Because who won't, he lost his memories but something, Barbie. That name always been in his mind since the day he woke up.

I will be there when you wake up. I promise to be there, Jeon Jungkook

He still remembers each of the words that voice said inside his dream, it repeated every day. It had to be an important thing for him that it stays inside his brain like a tattoo. And it's no way to not believe in it, he will wait. He will wait and wait until she come. She promised me.

He expected Soomi to laugh when he said that, but she only froze on her state, saying nothing. She finally lowered her gaze, sat in front of him, both hand on both of his arm wheelchair.

"Is that the only thing you need?" and he doesn't understand what she said, but he nodded his head. "You know that I love you more than your Barbie love you right?" he bite his bottom lips, confused, but he shake his head. "I love you more than what she can gave for you, but you only love her,you- only remember her."

"I am sorry." He said softly. "But I wanted her."

"What if I told you that she will never come."

"I believe in her, she said she will come, and I will wait."

"What do you want again?" Min Yoongi asked when he found his sister knocked on his room door nearly at midnight. She never come home, she always been with Jungkook, but tonight she come home.

"About Jungkook."

"Have you heard that Ja in's family won't let their daughter go from the hospital, and neither Jungkook wanted to leave." He said boring, tapping on his glass full of coffee.

"I know someone who will make Jungkook leave the hospital." She spoke still sitting in front of her brother in the living room.

"And it's definitely not you." She nodded hearing what Yoongi said. "Who's that?"


"No one knows where she is." He chuckled from the name his sister mention. No one could ever contact Lisa since the day Jungkook had accident. He knows she will blame everyone for what is happening. She might hate everyone know by not capable to protect Jungkook.

"I know." Yoongi snapped his head, boring into his sister eyes. His heart nearly exploded from happiness. "She lives near here with her fiancé. I already talk to her but she refused."

"And what's make you so sure that she will help us to persuade Jungkook?"

"I have my own way to make her say yes."

"And even though you made it, what's next will happen if in the end Lisa will leave again, will settle down with other man. Doesn't it mean the state will wreck Jungkook more?"

"I already thinking about it." Hearing how sure his sister make him suspicious. He knows that his sister won't ever give up for anything, even though she should killing people she will do that thing to chase what she wanted. And that's what make him afraid, that's what make everyone afraid of her.

"You won't do anything stupid, because I won't gave you my bless." He gritted his teeth when a realization punch him hard.

"And I am not asking for your blessing, oppa." She said smiling genuinely. "I come to ask you for something more important to do than giving me your blessing because you know me. Just like tsunami, I am unstoppable."

"I won't do that." He hissed.

"Of course, you will." She is calm upon seeing her brother boiling in anger make his pale skin got red. "Because you are my brother, because you are Jungkook's brother. And because you owe a good life that you seize from Lisa."

"You are unbelievable, Min Jisoo." He said uncomfortable on his state, gripping his glass hard, he needs something to hold on.

"You will get rid of me, the psycho sister who will make you always feel guilty, isn't that a good thing to treasure?" it's right, but how bad she would be, a sister still will be a sister for him. He adores her so much, he loves her.

"Min Jisoo."

"Have a good life, my dear brother." She said calmly despite of how hurt she was inside. She wanted to live with Yoongi too. She loves her brother. But she could only be a big burden, a heavy burden on his shoulder and by doing this she could kill two bird with one stone. "now, listen carefully."


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