Dinner and a Story

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I walk back to the elevator and select R3. I walk past Heaths Flamesman and past the Royal Guards up to this big building that said 'MTT Resort'. Sans was standing near the entrance but there was a sheet of paper on the ground with some writing on it. I walk over to the paper.

Hey! Go up the creepy alleyway to the right for some great deals! Is what the note said. OK, I'll do that later. First I gotta question why Sans is here. I walk up to Sans and said hi.

"hey, i heard you're going to the core.how about grabbing some dinner with me first?" he asked

"Sure." I said back to him.

"great. thanks for treating me. over here, i know a short cut." He said and turned the left corner of the building and I followed. Knowing that we're somehow going to end up inside anyway.

Suddenly, somehow, we were somewhere in MTT Resort. Probably in the dinning room. There were tables and piano playing in the background. Yes, totally in the dinning room. 

"well, here we are. so, your journey's almost over. you must really wanna go home. hey. i know the feeling, boddo. but maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you. down here you already got food, drink, friends... is what you have to do... really worth it?" He stays silent for a moment and stares at the wall.

"Yes, it's super worth it. I don't aim on leaving the underground alone. I plan on breaking the barrier so that everyone can come to." I tell him. He looks at me with a shocked face. 

"heh. okay, i'm rootn' for ya, kid. ... hey, let me tell you a story. i'm a sentry in snowdin forest right? i sit out there and watch for humans. it's kinda boring. fortunately, deep in the forest..." He trails off for dramatic effect but I already know what he's about to say.

"There's a HUGE, locked, purple door?" I cut him off.

"yeah, how'd you know?"

"When I fell into the underground, I started in a place called the RUINS. It's kept in a decent condition thanks to a nice goat lady called Toriel. She also likes jokes." I tell him. He faces me with some more interest.

"okay, continue." he tells me.

"... can I play the guessing game?" I ask him. he looks confused but then nods," There's this HUGE door in the end of the Snowdin Forest and it's PERFECT for practicing knock-knock jokes. So, one day, you're at the door telling jokes" I knock on the table when I say knock-knock," and you get a response from the other side of the door. A lady's voice 'Who is there?' ", I say in my best Toriel impersonation

" And, as if on instinct, you say a  random joke. And once you get to the punch line, she bursts into a fit of laughter. You keep telling jokes and she keeps laughing until, she tells a joke. After that you to became friends and you didn't even know what she looked like. But then one day, while you where telling jokes, she wasn't laughing a lot. And you asked what's wrong. 'If a human ever comes through this door... promise me you'll protect them?' Now, I'd imagine you hate making promises. But to this lady that loves jokes, how could you say no? I guess I should be thankful, besides if she hadn't said anything... I would've died forever ago." I say and look at him. His face was full for shock. I got the story right. Not all the details but none the less, right.

"how do you know all of this?" He asks dead serious.

"I've had a dreams about it. Ever since I met... that other skeleton. I think he's been sent me dreams for whatever reason but... I guess it helps sometimes. I know what happened to him, I know about the core, I know about you... a lot of things I know of because of him. ... I think I sound crazy, do I sound crazy?" I ask him. He nods his head, still in shock," Great! That means I'm just cooler then all the kids in school."

I get out of my seat and say bye to Sans before leaving the dinning room. Got a secret off my chest and, in the corner, I see a very happy skeleton.

OMG! I'm sooooooo sorry I din't update last weekend! I was celebrating my birthday that weekend and the craziest thing happened. The day of my birthday, during gym class, I almost passed out. Not because of heath reasons. Because breakfast was to early and I zero cups of water. And I bruised my middle finger pretty badly. But it's getting better, I am typing this chapter. But yeah, that was the suck-iest present ever. Welp, see ya in the next one! 

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