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Check out what I drew last night! Do you like it?

Now! On with the story!

"I...I'm so sorry, I... I gave you the wrong order. Everything's going to be fine. Okay? Let's just keep heading to the right." Alphys says through the phone. Aw, Alphys. It's nothing to beat yourself up about. I think as continue walking until I get to another crossroad.

Alphys says to go right (bird's eye pov) and then doubts herself and says up. But y'know, movie cliches and doubts being wrong so I right. And see a bridge... that is crawling with lasers. Alphys deactivates the power to the laser before they somehow regained power and turned on again. Great, not I'm between a rock and a hard place. I was at the part of the bridge that was just a wall of blue lasers.  

"D-damn it... Th-this isn't supposed to... I'm... I'm gonna turn it off again. When it turns off, move a little, and then STOP. OK? Y-you wont get h-h-hurt." She says though the phone.

"OK. Ready. Steady. Spaghetti!" I say back to her and then the power goes off. We basically play 'Red Light, Green Light' except it's 'Blue Light, No light' and I get all the way across. 

"S-see? I got everything under control. Everything's under control!" she says/shouts through the phone. I smile and turn the corner. Just up ahead, I see a Save Star. and then I get some concerning news from Alphys

" This doesn't look like my map at all... I'm sorry... I... I... I have to go." She says and hangs up.

I look down at the phone and then shrug it off as Alphys watching anime and walk up to the Save Star. The air is filled with the smell of ozone...It fills you with DETERMINATION. Then I focus on the signs on the walls. There directions.

North, the warrior's path. West, the sage's path. Any path leads to The End. 'The End'? Why are they capitalized? Is it a place or something important? I wonder before looking back at the directions. OK, so warrior's path... Night Knights? Sage's path... Majics? I wonder before heading east. After walking a little, I see a sign saying something about solving a puzzle to open 'The End'

Right. Down. Right. Down. Right. Left. Up. Shoot. Shoot. And win! I smile and walk out. And continue up the hallway and took a right. I came at another crossroad and chose to go north. The path lead to a bridge. It was dark and spooky bridge, like the king horror movies would start with. Where some sort of monster ,that just ends up being a dude in a mask, would pop out and attack you. And ,son of a gun, a monster pops out of nowhere and attacks me. Called it! It was two monsters Whimsalot and Finall Froggit. It's kinda cool how these guys look like the ones back in the RUINS. After doing a magic trick and some praying I spared them. But with 4/20 health left. 

I tried to get through the rest of the bridge without another fight but... yeah, I jinxed it. I got into another fight and ended up dying. It was so scary! I really thought I was gonna die! (This is the first time you died in this story) Then, in the darkness it saw... 2 buttons and a voice echoing through my head,"(Y/N)! You've come to far to give up. Stay determined!" It said. I looked back at the buttons. 


I picked continue because... why not? I have to get out of here. I have to get everyone out of here and this is giving me the power to do that. Did I always have this power? I think I'm the only one that can see and interact with the Save Stars. So... I guess I always had this power but... why is there no Save Stars on the surface? Is it something only in the Underground?

"Uh... To much questions and no answers!" I say out loud,"Well... I guess it's okay. There are some things that nobody can explain. So... best to live with it."

I place my hand on the [CONTINUE] button and I was suddenly standing in front of the puzzle I already solved.


Here you go! You died! But you came back so it's okay. I hope you like my little piece of advice though. There are some things that either wont/can't be explained or things seem really bad in your life but you can always live with it. I mean, you've been doing it ever since you were born and it seems to be working out pretty OK. But that shouldn't mean you go throw yourself off canyons and expect to get out of the hospital free of charge. You still could really die. Just thought I should point that out to those who were really about throw themselves off cliffs. Wow, I made this longer that it needs to be. Welp, see ya in the next one!

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