Chapter 19 (PART 2) - Defeat

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   The lilac soul radiated little music notes at Sans as Asriel also unleashed countless star attacks at him. Sans was able to dodge all of them. "I'll be able to reset everything after I kill you! Chara will come back, and I'll keep her from dying! We will be a happy family again!!" He laughed. "AND YOU DO THAT BY TAKING MINE!???"

   Asriel paused. "HOW MANY FAMILIES HAVE YOU KILLED ALREADY, FOR YOUR OWN PURPOSE?! HUNDREDS?! THOUSANDS?!"  Sans was outraged. All this for such a selfish reason. Then Sans softened his gaze. "Can't you see? All the changes... All the differences now... This is the last reset..." Sans chuckled. "And... That means that there is no way for Isla, Chara, Papyrus... Or anyone to come back... It's only us..." Sans said. Asriel was quiet, and that's when Sans took his chance to attack. 

   Asriel was very angry. He grabbed Isla's soul and squeezed, purple juices oozing out. Sans froze, knowing it probably would have hurt her, that is if she had consciousness. The purple liquid splattered on the ground, and started radiating heat. it kept getting more and more intense until it burned just being near it. And you have to remember; This is a skeleton. They are pretty resistant to hot and cold temperatures. Sans climbed on top of a gaster blaster and maneuvered it to float above the acid-like substance, that radiated a burning heat.

   Then giant music notes radiated from the acid. Sans dodged all of them, before letting the blaster shoot a huge beam at Asriel, who couldn't dodge the lazer that travelled at the speed of sound.

   But his HP was enormous from all the souls he had consumed. It only put a dent in his HP. Not to mention his defense was basically infinite. Sans continued, making countless bones form around his opponent, blue, orange, normal, and gaster blasters circled him, shooting at random times.

   Sans was surrounded by music notes from Isla's soul, soul star-shaped attacks and and rainbow beams from some strange gun, and also his attacks with his "Chaos Sabers". Even though the names were childish, they were very strong, and very numerous. He couldn't dodge for much longer. "Please, Asriel. I feel like we were once friends in another timeline." He dodged a wave of stars and music notes. "Maybe we could just stop all of this while we can, ey?" He dodged a beam. "You and I both know the chances of Isla coming back are slim... You know I'll remember."


   "I won't be happy with you." 

Dodge again.

   "In fact, I'll despise you."


   "I'll never-" "SHUT UP!!!" What seemed like thousands of attacks all came at Sans at once. When Sans dodged those, he was at his limit. "NOW YOU WILL DIE BY YOU'RE OWN DAUGHTER'S POWERS."

   The heart was released from his grip, and floated down a little. Asriel smirked as the now pale heart, sickly purple from being squeezed too much, started radiating sound waves. The sound was so loud, and so bad, it was like nails screeching on a chalkboard, except worse.

   Sans fell to his knees, screaming as he pawed at where his ears would be. Asriel laughed sadistically. Music notes shot at him as he was in tears from the pain in his ears. A music note hit him, making Sans gasp from the sudden pain. Everything suddenly froze. All the attacks, Isla's soul, Sans... His HP was at .1 and close to dropping. The soul floated down to him, and Sans took it in his Skeletal hands, gently stroking it. It seemed to be refreshed by his touch, before it floated back towards Asriel. Sans only watched as it shot more attacks, but this time the sound waves held soft melodies mixed with a familiar voice that hummed to him softly.

   The music notes healed him all the way back to full hp, Rejuvenating his energy. The purple liquid on the ground went to a nice, comforting temperature of warmth that seemed to envelope him with hope and love.

   "... What?" Asriel muttered. He held his palm towards the soul, focusing all his hate and anger on the impressionable human soul. 

But it refused.

   Isla's soul then disappeared. It didn't shatter, nor go back to Asriel, or even hide. It just... Faded away.

   Sans continued to fight Asriel with all his power, and within minutes he finally defeated him.

The god of absolute hyperdeath was defeated.




And here is a Hopes and Dreams remix for y'all

Azzy looks so appalled XD

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