Chapter 4 ~ Meeting Fans

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   The nightmares did stop. It took a few nights, but Isla was able to stifle her tears before she had to go to Sans, and even then she didn't wake him, just cuddled with him and eventually fell asleep.

   Sans had gotten into contact with someone to meet a certain robot that both of the younger persons liked. It was a surprise, but Sans told them both to dress nicely. Somewhat nicely. So that meant Isla had to wear clothes that were not hand-me-downs from Sans and Papyrus.

   So either the clothes she wore to the underground, or going out and getting her clothes. Or an early Christmas present....

   Nah. New clothes!

Sans had gotten a cute little  dress for her and a bow that would go with her hair. It was relatively easy to find her size, since monsters are all different sizes, it made it easier to find her size.

   "Sans, where are we going?" Isla asked. "'Fraid I can't tell you that kid. Already told you this when we left." Sans said, holding Isla's hand. On the other side of Isla, Papyrus was holding Isla's right hand. "BUT WHY NOT?" Papyrus whined. "Because it's a surprise." Papyrus gasped. "SANS! YOU ARE ACTING STRANGE! YOU WOULD NEVER DO SURPRISES UNLESS YOU COUNT CHRISTMAS GIFTS!"

   Sans smiled weakly. "Well, I dunno... I guess Isla's presents has changed me." Sans said,his smile morphing a sly grin.

   Isla burst into laughter while Papyrus scolded Sans loudly. "Whelp. Looks like the kid finds my puns Humerus. Papyrus, you should really find your funny bone." Isla couldn't stop giggling. Sans was a little surprised she knew the names of bones.

   "GAAH! SANS, SOMEDAY I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Papyrus screamed in frustration. "Love you too skelebro."

   All that was heard was Isla's laughter and Papyrus's screaming along with Sans's chuckles.

   Sans took an umbrella from the small bucket of them, and so did Papyrus. Isla pressed up against Sans to make sure no water got on her. "Where are we?" She asked. "This is Waterfall." Sans said. Isla nodded and grabbed Sans's hand again, since she had let go so he could get an umbrella. Sans squeezed her hand, which Isla took as a message that he liked it.

   Isla giggled as they finally exited the darkness and into a place that had three pathways. "Oh! That's Undyne's house right over there. Is that where we're going?" Papyrus asked. Sans chuckled and shook his skull. "Undyne would flip if she saw Isla. And not in a good way. But we should keep going." Sans said, leading them away.

   Finally they got to Hotland, and Isla took off the coat. "Sans, here is your coat." She said. The skeleton put it on. "How can you wear that in here? Its soooo hoooot!" Isla whined. "Oh yeah. I forgot you were sensitive to heat and temperature. Well Isla, since I am a skeleton, I am less sensitive to the heat and cold. It takes a lot to make me sweat (which is weird because I have no pores) or be cold." Sans said. "I can feel the temperature, of course, but it doesn't really affect us all that much." Sans explained. "THAT IS RIGHT HUMAN!  SANS AND I ARE VERY RESILIENT TO THE HEAT AND COLD COMPARED TO YOU!" Papyrus added. Isla understood now and nodded. "I see." she said. "Since you both are skeletons you don't need to keep a body temperature, since you have no guts!" she chirped. Sans looked at her weirdly and then chuckled. "I suppose."

   They walked past a big white building, and on And on. Until finally they were in front of a big fancy-looking building. "Alright, Lets get going." "SANS... WHY ARE WE AT THE MTT RESORT?"

   "Because your surprise is..." "Oh, hello, darlings!" the box-like robot rolled out the door. Isla and Papyrus gasped in sync. "Sans? Your surprise is Metta-t-ton?" Isla gasped. She had a little trouble with his name. Sans smiled. "Yep." Isla looked up at the robot. "Hi..." she said, hiding behind Sans shyly. "C'mon kid, he's your idol, right?" Sans asked. Isla remained quiet. "Come here, darling. I don't bite." Mettaton chirped happily. Isla slowly stepped out from behind Sans before walking in front of the robot. Papyrus was watching them excitedly. "You don't have a mouth or teeth to bite!" Isla giggled. "I suppose I don't! Haha, you are a silly child." "No! You are a silly robot!" Isla pouted at Mettaton cutely. "Aww, you're adorable, Darling!" the robot cooed. Isla blushed a little. "No I'm not..." "Kinda are, kiddo." Sans added. Isla pouted at the both of them.

   Papyrus talked to Mettaton a lot with Sans or Isla adding in some things. Then they had a little tour of the resort, and then Sans brought them home. Isla was very tired, so Sans carried her.

   She fell asleep in his arms before they even left. Mettaton chuckled a little, saying something about how tuckered out she was before saying goodbye.

   "SANS! YOU LOOK LIKE A FATHER CARRYING HIS DAUGHTER, YOU KNOW THAT?" Papyrus said to Sans. Sans blushed a little before laughing quietly. "I guess you could say I can make dad puns now, eh?"

   Papyrus 'growled menacingly' at Sans. "YOU BETTER NOT, SANS!"

   Sans chuckled before stopping at the house. Papyrus unlocked the door as Sans's hands were full, and immediately climbed up the stairs to his room. He laid her on the bed, and tucked her in.

   Sans hesitated by her bed before pressing his teeth gently to her forehead before leaving.

   Then he went downstairs to sit with Papyrus on the couch as he watched a talk show with Mettaton.

   After a few moments Papyrus spoke up. "SANS." "Yeah bro?" "How did you set up that meeting with Mettaton? He is so busy..." "I work as a comedian in the resort. It gives me special privileges so... I asked him if he would meet you and Isla. He agreed after I offered him some polish for his joints." Sans said. Papyrus's jaw dropped.

   "THAT'S ALL IT TOOK?" "Yep. He can be pretty reasonable when you try." Sans said with a shrug. Papyrus looked at the TV when he saw a picture of Sans, Isla, Mettaton, and himself shown on TV. They were asking Mettaton about them. "Ah, yes. The short Skeleton is a regular occurrence at my Resort as a comedian, so when he approached me asking if I would meet his little brother and a human child they were caring for, I couldn't help but day yes." Mettaton said cheerfully. "Oh! And the shorter Skeleton gave me a cute little drawing by the little girl and the tall Skeleton." Mettaton coped, showing off the pictures. Papyrus's was actually pretty good compared to Isla's. Probably since he has experience. Papyrus was bouncing from excitement. "SANS! HE SHOWED OUR DRAWINGS ON LIVE TV!" Papyrus cheered. Sans chuckled and leaned on his younger brother while closing his eyes. "Nice, Pap."  He murmured. "SANS, NO. YOU ARE NOT FALLING ASLEEP ON ME, YOU LAZY BONES!" Papyrus whined, shoving his brother off of him. Sans sighed. "Well where am I supposed to sleep?" Sans asked. "I've been sleeping here since Isla came." "WHY NOT SLEEP WITH ISLA ON THE BED? SHE USUALLY SLEEPS WITH YOU ON THE COUCH ANYWAYS." "Nah, just let me sleep here. Maybe tomarrow." Sans joked. Papyrus glared and pouted at Sans before standing up. "At least read me a bedtime story!" Papyrus whined. Sans chuckled and got up. "Alright. Lets go." Sans chuckled.


   Sans woke with gasping breaths. His ribcage heaved in heavy breaths. He had a nightmare.

   He looked around frantically, not seeing a sight he has been accustomed to in the night. A small figure beside him on the couch. But she wasn't there. Sans scrambled up and almost tripped as he scrambled towards the stairs with a desperate purpose.

   He ran past Papyrus's room and to his room. He opened the door only to see Isla peacefully asleep in his bed. Sans sighed in relief and he walked over, only in his shorts.

   He let his hand brush her cheek softly. Memories of his dream came rushing back in his mind, and he attempted to clear his head by shaking it. Finally he sighed out loud and crawled in beside Isla, who instictively curled into him, wrapping her small fingers around his ribs. "Sans..." she murmured in her sleep. Sans was surprised as he let his bony fingers rest on her cheek, rubbing his thumb on her face fondly.

   It was then that he noticed that Isla was more than just a kid he took in. She was like a daughter to him. Sans froze when he realized this, and was going to leave to figure out how to distance himself from her, when the girl nuzzled into his ribcage murmuring his name again. Sans sighed and smiled gently.

   And he was ok with being that close to Isla.

Lol looks like Sans ain't gonna be a cold skeleton toward the smol one any-day~

Anyways, did I tell you that I got a laptop for Christmas? It's amazing even if it is used lol

I feel lucky



And how would you guys feel about being able to ask questions to Isla and the other monsters? It kinda popped up and I was like... Why not?

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