Chapter 9 ~ New Friend?

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  Isla was sniffling in her bed, crying softly as she wiped at her tears. "Daddy..." She murmured. She got up and walked over to the chair with her coat on it and brought the coat to her nose. It smelled like him. She put it on, and walked back over to the bed. 

   Her sobs were silenced, but she still couldn't sleep. Toriel had given her a tour through the ruins, so she knew where she could and could not go. Isla got up and slipped on a pair of sandals made by Toriel. Then she exited her room and then the house, venturing outinto the ruins a little bit.

   Right next to the Spider bake sale, a Ghost laid on a pile of leaves, pretending to sleep by saying 'Z' over and over. "Excuse me..." Isla murmured, still sniffling from crying earlier. "I know you're just pretending." She said. 

the ghost paused in his murmuring of the letter z and sat up. "Sorry...... I can go now if you want...." He murmured. "No... Please don't leave..." Isla sniffled. The ghost nodded slightly and Isla sat beside him. "So.... Why're you crying if you don't mind........?" "I miss my dad..." Isla sniffled. "Oh... I understand..." The two fell into a comfortable silence. "So... My name is Napstablook. What is yours.... If you don't mind....?" "My name is Isla." She murmured. "Oh.... That's a pretty name..." Napstablook said. Isla giggled a little.

   "Thank you, Napstablook... Your's is cool too..." She murmured. "Want to listen to my music? Music cheers me up when I miss my friend..." Napstablook offered. "Alright.. Thanks, Napstablook. Do you mind if I call you Napsta?" She asked. Napstablook shook his head as he got out his headphones and handed them to Isla, who put them on her head. She was completely engulfed in the music within minutes, staring off into space. Napstablook was happy that she seemed to enjoy it.

   Isla's eyes fluttered closed, and she started snoring. Napstablook widened his eyes, but looked around. He sighed a little and hesitantly picked her up and brought her back into the house, even though he was incorporeal. Luckily Isla left the door unlocked, so after he put her in what he assumed to be her room. Then he left the house quickly, not wanting to intrude any longer.


   Isla was holding the lion plush that Santa had gotten her. "Simba is too stereotypipical." Isla said, messing up saying the word. "Uh... Mufasa? Nah, too old." Isla muttered, deep in thought. She sighed and got up from her sitting position on the floor, walking over to Toriel. "Miss Toriel? What should I name my lion?" Isla asked. Toriel looked up from her book, and frowned a little. "I'm not sure, child. Is it a girl?" She asked. "No, he is a boy." Isla said, shaking her head no. "Oh... Hm. What about... Tom?" Toriel asked. "Noooooo..." Isla said with a pout. "Well... How about... Ari?" She asked. Isla liked the ring of the name. "Ok. Ari!" Isla cheered. She hugged Toriel as thanks and went back to play. 

   After a few minutes, Isla paused in her playing, sighing shakily. "Miss Toriel? When can I see my dad again?" She asked quietly, her face hidden by her hair. Toriel sighed sadly, getting up from her chair to kneel beside Isla and hug her. holding her head to her chest. "I don't know, child. I know you miss him." She cooed as Isla started crying silently into Toriel's clothes. "I miss them, I miss them a lot..." Isla mumbled. "I want see Papy... I want to see Dad... I want to go home, miss Toriel..."

   Toriel pet Isla's head soothingly, until the girl stopped crying. "It's going to be alright, Isla. I'm sure that Sans is going to be ok, He's a responsible adult, I'm sure that he is missing you right now too..."


   Sans was drunk. Very drunk. "Hey Grillbz, get me another shot!" Sans slurred. Grillby sighed, and shook his head. "Sans, I know that Isla left but-" Grillby's crackling voice is cut off by Sans's hollers. "This has nothin' to do with Isla! I was just thirsty is all!" 

   Grillby sighed, putting a hand on his forehead and sighing. "Sans, calm down." Sans started to cry. "Grillby... I miss her..." The skeleton admitted tearfully. Yep. He was very, very drunk. "I know, Sans. But Isla wouldn't want you to be like this." 

   Sans sniffled and nodded. "She would be so disappointed in me... She'd call me silly and take me home and make me go to bed, I bet..." Sans laughed weakly. "Couldn't you somehow talk to her? Visit her, even?" Grillby asked. Sans looked up with a grunt. "I dunno."

   "It's worth a try, if you stop getting drunk like this..." Grillby said. For the past week, Sans had been moping around since Isla left. This is the third time in that week that Sans had gotten this drunk.

   "Should I call your brother?" The 'fireman' asked. "Nahhhh... I'll just walk... See ya Grillbz." Sans said, walking out the door. Sans then started for his house, huffing in sadness. "Goddammit, Undyne... If only I hadn't left her at home all alone... Oh god, I'm a horrible parent." Sans muttered to himself, his voice breaking on the last word as tears started to spill again.

   "Brother? Are you ok?" Papyrus asked when Sans walked in. "N-No..." Sans croaked, looking up at Papyrus. Papyrus stood from his perch on the couch and walked over to Sans, and hugged him. "I miss her, Paps. I miss her so much..." "I do too." "I know..." "Sans, you're drunk again." "I know."


Isla was sitting just outside of Toriel's house, leaning on Napstablook as they listened tomusic with earbuds. When Isla asked how exactly she was leaning on the ghost, Napstablook shrugged. Isla decided not to ask about it anymore. She continued to lean on the ghost while listening. "This is good, Napsta. Who was it made by?" Isla asked him. Napstablook blushed a little. "I did..." "Really! Wow, that's amazing!" Isla gushed. "Are you famous?" Isla asked. he blushed a little more and shook his head. "Really? But this music is really good." Isla said. "Really...? I don't think so..." He said, "But whatever you say..." 

  Isla stood up from her perch and put her hands on her hips. "Napsta! I am determined to show you how good your music is!" Isla yelled, throwing her fists into the air. "I'll play this throughout the ruins, and every monster here can know how good your music is!" Isla said loudly, snatching the phone that was playing music. Napstablook started to sweat a little. "But... It isn't that good..." 

   In the end Isla had unplugged the earbuds and ran through the ruins, happily playing his music, which the Whimsums and Froggits all seemed to enjoy. They probably haven't heard music in a long time anyways. 

   Finally she gave Naptsablook back his phone, and hugged him since he was on the verge of crying. "Sorry, Napsta, But hey, they seemed to like it!" Isla said with a smile. He smiled back with a shy smile, and his tears disappeared. It was as if the girl had some power to make everyone around her happy.

   Maybe it was her smile, maybe her childlike innocence, or maybe it really was a power. But somehow... She could make the saddest of people happy.

*Your happiness drives you on.

Whelp. I got this on out! I have no more pre-typed chapters... But yanno.


Been planning that since the start. Y'all proud of me? Only thing is... I need a soul color. Mr. Fox used up all of the good ones. Better start now, Timeskip coming soon!

(Edit: Color has been chosen btw)




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