Chapter 1: Beach City and the Crystal Gems!

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Let's begin this new Kamen Rider Adventure with Damien traveling to Beach City to meet Steven and Greg! Although will he meet a few other friendly faces along the way?

On an empty shoreside street, a lone motorcycle rider was seen riding down the long open road. This motorcyclist is none other than 21 year old Damien Universe, he was on his way to Beach City to see his Cousin and Uncle. Unfortunately the young man was having a slight problem at the moment, he was lost. "There should be somewhere to get directions." Damien thought time himself as he spotted a biker rest stop up ahead. Damien smiles behind his motorcycle helmet as he pulled the Denbird into the parking lot before setting the kickstand and getting off. Damien then enters the rest stop.
The bikers all turned to look at Damien as he slowly approached the bar. The lady behind the counter gave him an almost unnoticeable glance before going back to the glass she was cleaning. "Excuse me Miss, can you give me directions to Beach City please?" Damien said politely as the bartender just ignored him. "Excuse me?" Damien said once again a little louder, but got the same results as before. "Can't you see the lady doesn't want to talk to you shrimp?" A burly biker said from his place on the barstool. "Oh, I'm sorry! Could you maybe give me directions to Beach City?" Damien asked the large biker, who only glared at him before standing up.
              The biker then splashed his drink on Damien, soaking the young man's clothes. "Why don't you get outta this rest stop you little shit?!" The biker barked as he glared at Damien, who had his head down. Suddenly, Damien's hair spiked up as a red streak appeared in his hair. Damien looked up at the biker with his eyes glowing red. "You wanna say that again you fat prick?" Damien said with a smile on his face. The biker's eyes flared with rage as he reared back his fist and attempted to punch him. Damien caught the fist before slamming his elbow down on the biker's arm, breaking it in the process.
            Biker collapses to the floor as he whimpered in pain as Damien turned to look at everyone in the rest stop. "Anyone else wanna test me?!" Damien shouted as everyone averted their gaze from the young man. Damien then turned his attention back towards the now scared bartender. "So Miss, ya wanna tell me where Beach City is?!" Damien said as he slammed his fist down on the counter. "It's 20 miles down the street! You can't miss it!" The bartender whimpered as she cowered behind the counter. With that Damien exited the rest stop as his hair went back to normal and his eyes stopped glowing red.
"Momotaros was that really necessary?" Damien asked as a red monster stepped out from behind the side of the rest stop. "Hey that bartender didn't give you the time of day! And that fat prick dumped his drink o you!" Momotaros fired back as he crosses his arm over his chest. "Alright, thank you for helping me. Now get back to the Denliner." Damien said as he placed his helmet back on his head before climbing onto the Denbird. Damien revved the engine of the Denbird before he once again took off down the street towards Beach City.
                16 year old Steven Universe was quickly getting dressed before heading downstairs. "Steven, why are you in such a hurry?" Pearl asked as she, Garnet, and Amethyst all looked at him in surprise and confusion. "I completely forgot to tell you guys didn't I?" Steven said as the gems only seemed more confused. "Tell us what dude?" Amethyst said as she tilted her head to the side. "Dad's sister, my Aunt Samantha gave him a call last week. My Cousin Damien is coming to Beach City! He's arriving today!" Steven said as he smiled happily.
"We'll go with you to welcome him if you want." Garnet said as she stood up from her seat. "For real? Of course I want you guys to come with me!" Steven said happily as he and the Gems made their way out of the beach house. "So Steven, what's your Cousin like?" Amethyst asked as she gave Steven a curious look. "I couldn't tell you this'll be the first time I'll be meeting him! Kinda hard to have family get togethers with everything we've been up to." Steven said as he let out a small chuckle. The group walked in silence for the rest of the trip until they reached the town entrance and heard an approaching engine.
             Damien could see Beach City in the distance as accelerated the Denbird to get to the small beach town quicker. As Damien pulled into town, he noticed a boy that looked to be about 16 years old. He was standing with three woman, who were unique to say the least.

Damien hit the breaks on the Denbird as he stopped next to the group before taking off his helmet. "Hello there, are you Steven Universe?" Damien asked as Steven's eyes lit up at his words. "Yes I am! Are you my cousin Damien?" Steven asked as his smile grew because gel felt like he knew the answer. "The one and only!" Damien said as he got off the Denbird only to be tackled into a hug by Steven. "It's so great to finally meet you!" Steven said as Damien chuckled as he hugged Steven back.
                After Steven and Damien separated from their hug the young man then turned to look at the three women that accompanied Steven. The first one that approached him was the skinny girl with the body of a dancer and a gemstone in her forehead. "It's a pleasure to meet you Damien, I'm Pearl one of Steven's caretakers." Pearl said as she offered her hand to Damien as he shook her hand. "The pleasure is all mine Pearl, I hope we can get along." Damien said as he gave Pearl a gentle smile. A light pink dusted Pearl's cheeks before she stepped back.
                Next was the short purple skinned girl who had a gemstone in her chest. "Sup dude! I'm Amethyst! So your Steven's Cousin huh? I kinda see the family resemblance." Amethyst said with a chuckle as she slapped Damien on the back. "I appreciate the warm welcome Amethyst." Damien said with a small chuckle as he smiled at the short Gem. Finally the woman with the square shaped Afro and shades approached him next. "I'm Garnet, how was your trip?" Garnet said as she introduces herself to Damien. "It was pretty boring, but I was nice to ride down all the open roads without having to worry about cars!" Damien said as he smiled at Garnet.
After they stopped by Greg's Car Wash to park the Denbird, the group made their way back to the beach house. On the way, Steven and the Gems recounted their adventures against the Diamonds and Homeworld and Spinel's attack from a few months ago. "That's some Adventure you've guy's had!" Damien said as they entered the Beach House. "Yeah, well things have been pretty quiet the past few months." Steven said as Damien set his bag down on the couch as he began to get settled in. "Are you sure your okay with sleeping on the couch?" Steven asked as he gave his cousin a worried look. "It's fine Steven, I'll make do." Damien said as he tried to put his Cousin's mind at ease.
It was now late at night and Damien was just getting a drink before heading to bed for the night. As he closed the fridge door with a carton of milk in his hand, Pearl was standing there looking at him. "Oh! Good evening Pearl! What can I do for you?" Damien asked as he poured himself a glass of milk before putting it back in the fridge. "I just wanted to thank you for coming to visit Steven. After the war with Homeworld and Spinel's attack a few months ago, he could use the break." Pearl said as she smiled at Damien. "It's no problem Pearl! Although I'll probably have to get a job though." Damien said before saying goodnight to Pearl before heading to the couch and laying down to sleep for the night.

So Damien has arrived in Beach City! Although how long with things stay peaceful for him? One thing is for sure though, Damien's in for one crazy ride with Steven and the Crystal Gems! What adventures await Damien? What new threats will come to attack Beach City? What other strange things will happen? Find out in the next chapter of Steven Universe: Climax Jump!

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