Chapter 5: The Pearls and Den-O!

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Last time Damien and the Taros met Blue Diamond, Blue, Yellow, Pink Pearl, and Spinel! Now Blue and Yellow Pearl have stayed behind to gather data on Den-O's fighting abilities! What awaits Damien this time?

Damien has just gotten off of work and was heading back to the beach house to turn in for the day. Ever since Blue Diamond's visit two days ago, things had been rather quiet in Beach City. So far there have been no Imagin sightings or rumors of monsters lurking around. "I feel kinda bad for Blue and Yellow Pearl, they leave their home to get data on Den-O and no Imagins show up." Damien thought as he parked the Denbird at the bottom of the Beach House stairs before entering the house.
"Welcome home Damien. How was work?" Pearl said as she greeted the young man. "Hello Pearl, work was fine, but where are Blue and Yellow Pearl?" Damien asked as he looked around the beach house. "Blue and Yellow went for a walk on the beach, you they should be back soon." Pearl said as Damien took a seat on the couch next to Urataros, who was reading. "Where are the others?" Damien asked as he looked around for Momotaros, Kintaros, and Ryutaros. "They went back to the Den-Liner in order to help out the Stewardess with cleaning the dining car." Urataros explained before turning to the next page of his book and continued to read.
"Stewardess? That time traveling train has a Stewardess?" Pearl asked in disbelief as she gave both Damien and Urataros a curious look. "Oh yeah! I should introduce you to her sometime! Her name is" Damien was cut off by the door to the Beach house slamming open as they all turned to look at Yellow Pearl, who looked somewhat disheveled and slightly panicked. "Yellow? What's wrong and where's Blue?" Pearl asked as she tried to calm the other Pearl down. "B-Blue and I were attacked on our walk! It was some kind of dog thing! Blue told me to come get help while she held it off!" Yellow states as the others began to understand why she was so panicked when she entered the house.
              Urataros and Damien got off the couch and looked at each other before nodding. "Well Damien it appears it's time for us to go to work." Urataros said as Damien nodded his head in agreement. "Let's go Urataros! Blue Pearl is going to need our help!" Damien said as Urataros turned translucent blue before entering Damien's body. Damien's hair was slicked back with a blue streak through it and his eyes turned blue. U-Damien pulled a pair of glasses out of his pocket before placing them on his face. "Now then, Yellow Pearl lets be on our way." U-Damien said as he and Yellow Pearl exited the house.

(AN: This is what Damien Looks like when possessed by Urataros.)

             Blue Pearl held her Rapier in front of her as she looked at the monster that stood across from her. The monster had a sword of his own as he waited for her to make a move.

"Strange, your not a human, yet you seem to live alongside them. What exactly are you?" The Wolf Imagin said as he looked Blue Pearl over. "I'm a Gem, my home planet is allied with the earth. You must be one of those Imagins that Damien and Momotaros mentioned." Blue Pearl said in her usual calm tone as she lunges forward and attempted to stab the Wolf Imagin. The Wolf Imagin simply swatted away Blue Pearl's rapier with his sword before slashing her on the arm.
              Blue Pearl hissed in pain as she back-stepped before circling the Wolf Imagin. "Your weapon won't be much use against me girly, unfortunately I can do quite a bit of damage to you!" The Wolf Imagin lunges towards Blue Pearl ready to strike. However before the attack could land, the Wolf Imagin was hit by the Denbird. Blue Pearl looked to see Damien with a motorcycle helmet on and Yellow Pearl riding on the bike with him. U-Damien dismounted the bike and took his helmet off before looking at the Wolf Imagin. "It appears we have another attack on our hands." U-Damien said as he looked at the Imagin that recovered from being hit.
              "So you've sided with a human? Your a disgrace to Imagins!" The Wolf Imagin growled as U-Damien smiled at the monster before putting on the Den-O Belt. "Really? You and most of our kind violate the flow of time and cause chaos, I think it's time we get rid of you!" U-Damien said as he pressed the blue button on the Den-O Belt as a jingle began to play. "Henshin!" U-Damien said as he scanned the pass on the Den-O Belt. "Rod Form." The Den-O Belt announces as blue armor formed onto U-Damien's body.

              Den-O then assembled the Dengasher into its rod configuration before looking at the Wolf Imagin. "Mind if I reel you in?" Den-O said as the Wolf Imagin charged towards Den-O with his sword ready to strike. "Urataros, it looks like he's going for an overhead swing." Damien said in Den-O's head as the Wolf Imagin was closing in on the Kamen Rider. Den-O slid under the sword swing before knocking the Imagin off it's feet with the Dengasher. "My, how pigheaded of you, it looks like you don't use your brain much." Den-O said in a slightly taunting tone as he looked down at the downed Imagin with a bored body posture.
             The Wolf Imagin attempted to swipe at Den-O's legs, but the Rider jumped over the attack before backing up to put some distance between them. The Wolf Imagin rushes towards Den-O once again, but the Kamen Rider stabbed the monster in the chest before lifting him off the ground. Den-O then flung the Wolf Imagin into a nearby rock. The Wolf Imagin quickly recovered before charging towards Den-O once again. The Wolf Imagin caught the Rod this time before delivering two slashes to Den-O's chest. The Wolf Imagin then kicked Den-O while he was still on the ground trying to recover.
"It appears that Den-O is having some trouble with the Imagin." Blue Pearl said as she and Yellow Pearl were recording the fight occurring in front of them. "Maybe Den-O isn't as powerful as we initially thought." Yellow Pearl said as she continued to watch the battle unfold. Den-O then kicked the Wolf Imagin in the chest, causing the monster to stumble backwards. Den-O got back on his feet before going on the attack himself. Den-O hit the Wolf Imagin in the side with the Dengasher before following it up with a stab to the chest. Den-O then quickly spun around before hitting the Imagin in the side of the head with Dengasher once again.
The Wolf Imagin was shakily standing after the onslaught of attacks he was just on the receiving end of. "What's the matter? Tired out already?" Den-O taunted as he leaned against the Dengasher. "I will kill you!" The Wolf Imagin howled before running at Den-O once again. "Urataros jump and throw the Dengasher at him! He's running blindly at us, he won't see it coming!" Damien said in Den-O's head as the Kamen Rider nodded in understanding. Den-O jumped into the air before throwing the Dengasher at the Wolf Imagin's chest. The Dengasher was impaled by the Dengasher as Den-O gently landed on the end of the weapon sticking out of the Imagin's chest as he looked down.
"Now then are you ready to finish this little fight?" Den-O asked before backflip kicking the Wolf Imagin in the head before quickly grabbing the Dengasher and yanking it out of the monster's chest and landing on his feet. The Wolf Imagin was barely standing as Den-O pulled out the pass once again. "Now then, the finisher!" Den-O said before scanning the pass on the Den-O Belt. "Full Charge." The Den-O Belt announces as blue energy flowed out of the Den-O Belt and into the Dengasher. Den-O threw the Dengasher at the Wolf Imagin as the weapon was stabbed into the Imagin's chest once again.
The Dengasher sank into the Wolf Imagin's body as a blue energy field appeared in front of the monster's body. Den-O jumped into the air before kicking the blue energy field, which caused the Imagin to explode as Den-O landed on his feet.

Den-O then turned to look at Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl, who both were rather surprised at Den-O's performance. "Did you ladies enjoy the show? I do hope that will suffice for data." Den-O said as he walked up to them. "Yes Urataros, the Diamonds should be rather interested in this." Blue Pearl said as she and Yellow Pearl finished their recording. "Good! Now then I should give Damien his body back." Den-O said as he pulled the Den-O Belt off as Urataros exited Damien's body and the armor disappeared.
Damien then walked up to Blue Pearl before gently pulling her into a hug. "Are you okay Blue Pearl? You didn't get hurt did you?" Damien asked as Blue Pearl blushed at being held by the human. "I-I'm fine Damien, thank you for the concern." Blue Pearl said as Damien let her go as he smiled at her. "That's good, we should head back to the Beach House. It is getting late." Damien said as he smiled at the two Pearls. Blue and Yellow Pearl nodded as they all started making their way back towards the Beach house. Although Blue Pearl kept her eyes on Damien the entire way back as she was deep in thought.

If you can't tell, Blue Pearl is my favorite Pearl. Anyway, so now Blue and Yellow Pearl have seen Den-O in action for the first time! Also I just wanted to let all of you know to go to KLigers98 profile and read Dark Wars! Damien and the Taros are in it and that crossover is actually a prequel to the events of this story! Also if you wanna sneak peek at who the Stewardess of the Den-Liner is, then you should really check out Dark Wars. I think you'll figure it out! Also future events in this story will have relation to things that happened in Dark Wars. Anyway what threat will attack Beach City next? What other antics will Damien and the Taros get into with the Gems? Find out in the next chapter of Steven Universe: Climax Jump!

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