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A knock was heard. And it echoed through the silent classic colonnade corridor.

The large brown modern oaken doors open to reveal a plump mid-20's aged man with a dark-beige beard surrounding his mouth, with a dark brown hair with a large bald spot on the top of his head. He was wearing a pair of pants and sweaters, and in his arms carries about a five-six months old infant, crying. In a hurry, once noticing the man shivering against the cold weather, the person ushers him inside. Another person came and handed him a blanket to warm up. The man sighs in relief once he's felt the heat, and immediately turns to his son.

Greg Universe, he is a man not necessarily knowledgeable about many of the situations he faces, he often tries to give the best advice he can that is based on his own experiences, which can have much value in their simplicity and his pragmatic view on things. Despite the boundaries on their species, he fell in love with a pink gem alien named Rose Quartz. She was the love of his life, until she got pregnant that they learned she and their child cannot exist together. One must sacrifice for the other to live. And so, Rose "gave up her physical form" to created their son, Steven, leaving behind only her pink pentagonal-faceted gem, now embedded on the child's navel.

Greg didn't have the time grieve, not when his son needed him the most. Since, Rose's friends left him to handle it alone, and to grieve on their own. He was left with no choice, and decided to come and ask someone he knows for help.


"My lady," A lady maid approached her Mistress at her office room. "Master Greg has come to visit and is now waiting in the visitor's drawing room."

The Mistress that's mentioned looked up from her computer to address her lady maid with a kind yet confused smile. "Gregory?" She put her things away and stood up. "Did he mention why he's here?"

"Nothing at all, my lady. But. . . he is with a child. Probably his." The maid replied.

"What?" She turned sharply to her maid at what she had said. As far as she knew, Greg never told her anything about having girlfriend or a wife. But then again, it was a year since they last seen each other or even talked; with her working as a company CEO and a US government asset at Empire city, and him living at Beach city.

"It is true, my lady." A tall, lean aging man with silver combed hair, came bursting in the room. He was dressed in a business suit, a light-colored shirt with white pairs of hand gloves and a tie. "But not to worry, I've done the initiative to call a private pediatrician for the child. Chef Martin is on his way to make Master Greg his lunch to eat and I've had Celine and Monique to buy some baby clothes and a few essentials."

The Mistress couldn't help but grin at her aging butler. "You really are the best, Harold!" She chuckled in amusement.

"I do try, my lady." The butler, Harold, replied back with a small twitch of his lips.


"Gregory?" The man in called, turned his sharply behind him and stood up. And not once has he let his son leave his arms. His eyes spotted his older sister (by a year), Avyanna DeMayo, standing in front of him along with the maid earlier and a butler.

"Hey, Avy," Greg greets, lamely. Actually, ashamed or just hesitant to face the woman he looked up to since he was young. "Um, sorry to butt in like this, but uh- oh, geez! What am I even doing?" While mumbling the last part to himself, Avyanna and her helpers exchange concern looks.

"Sorry to disturb you, I probably should go-" Greg was prepared to make a run for it at the door, ready to leave but was stopped by his sister's call.

"Gregory, Stay." Greg knew it wasn't a request but a command. Something he couldn't disobey when her voice sounds so stern, authoritative. A voice that makes you want to listen and obey. Avyanna just had that effect on him and on everyone else she meets.

Greg went back to his seat and once again rocked his arms when his son began to whimper. Avyanna approached her younger brother with a kind look, her gaze occasionally moving back and forth to Greg and his adorable son. A simple caress of her finger to his cheek made Greg look up and bravely faced his sister in the eyes. Avyanna's kind smile turn to concern once again. They say the eyes are the window through your soul, and right now Avyanna can see something that she's never seen in Greg's eyes before.

"I can see sorrow in your eyes, Greg." She said softly, taking a seat beside her brother and putting a hand on his shoulder in comfort. Somehow, she got the gist of what might have happened. She did notice that the mother of his child isn't with them. "You're allowed to mourn, Greg. Don't keep it in."

Greg didn't expect for tears to blind him completely in the eyes, nor did he expect to let out a pitiful sob of pain and sorrow. It only occurred to him again that he just lost his wife in exchange for that of Steven, their son.

Avyanna took the child carefully from her brother's arms and let the man cry his pain for losing his wife.


Greg woke up with a start, sweating profusely and heart beating faster than the average normal. He was startle to feel warm comforter pooling around his waist, large pillows are also laid on his back and side. Greg noticed he was in a spacious room with walls painted in pewter gray color and carpeted floor. The fireplace at the foot of his bed was lit subtly and was enough to bring warmth throughout the room. In front of it were a set of elegant couches and table to look like a mini sitting room inside the bedroom. There were also tables and shelves on the sides, two modern paintings hanging on the walls, along with about three smoked-gray vase plants that brought livelier vibe to the room. White curtains were drawn to the side, letting the cloudy night sky to reflect from the window and show the cold weather beginning to grow harsher as the minute goes by.

For a moment, Greg was perplexed on where he was and when he got here. Until he remembered what he did earlier ago: having a fight with the Gems, staying at Vidalia's for a few days, leaving Vidalia's and Beach City with Steven, going to his older sister's house-!

Steven! Greg panicked when he just noticed that his son isn't with him or in this room, he's in.

"Where the heck is my son?" Greg immediately got off to bed and ran to the door. "Steven!" He stumbles the doors through the bathroom and walk-in closet before finally getting out of the room and ran around the walk way like a headless chicken. "Steven!"

"Greg? Is that you?" He heard Avyanna's voice when he reached the sitting room that he was in before. "Steven's here with me."

His panic began to settle in, and sigh in relief. There on the couch was his older sister sitting beside a white and gray baby cot (a bedside crib) with Steven sucking on a pacifier and playing baby toys. He can see his son looking at it in curiosity, a bit in awe, and sometimes squeezing it in delight, with a loud giggle.

"Oh, Steven." Greg said, grasping baby Steven's other hand, letting the kid squeeze his finger. "You almost scared me there, buddy."

"You needed the rest, Greg." His sister simply said, shifting his attention to her. "I could see how exhausted you were earlier. But I see the sleep also helped a bit." She smiled softly.

"Thanks, Avy, for looking after Steven." Greg gave a boyish grin while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"You are my baby brother, Greg." Avyanna grinned back with a small tilt of her head. "Now, I think some explanations are in order. Tell me everything, and I mean everything."

Greg loses his grin and began to sweat nervously. "Oh, geez! Um, I didn't actually expect I'd get this far." He said. "Well, the thing is..." Without looking, he closed his eyes and spoke faster."StevenIsMySonButHe'sHalfHuman,HalfGemAlien."

Astonishing, Avyanna nodded her head as if she truly understands what her brother was talking about, and she did. "Is that why Steven has this pink gem on his navel?" She raised an eyebrow at her brother.

Greg turned a bit pale at the question, and Avyanna was kind enough to address this with reassurance. "Don't worry. I was the only one who saw it when I was giving Steven a bubble bath earlier." At that, Greg let out a small sigh of relief and chuckled lightly.

"Uh, yes... the gem once belonged to his mother." Greg replied, a small sad smile etching on his face.

"Tell me about his mother." She softly said.

Greg sigh and took a seat beside his son's crib. With a deep breath, he then proceeds to explain everything as much as he can to his sister. About how he met Rose and her friends, what they are and where are from before coming Earth, their body structures (including fusion, since Avyanna got curious about both), The ballad of Rose and Greg, and finally how Rose wanted a child with him but in exchange, she gives up her physical form to have Steven.

"You know, I don't know what a magical lady like her ever saw in a plain old dope like me..." Greg mumbled while scratching the back of his neck with an awkward smile.

"Greg, you are not a plain old dope." Avyanna frowned at her brother's lack of self-confidence. "Rose saw you and fell in love with you because you are kind and genuine, and you have an honest attitude concerning your feelings. You made her happy and you probably showed her a new way of life. Of course, she'd want you." She smiles widely, showing her big support for his brother. Greg couldn't help but blush deep red at his sister but looked away and turn back at his son who was now sleeping peacefully.

"Thanks, Avy." Greg smiled. "So, what now?" He couldn't help but ask nervously.

Avyanna hummed; standing up to face her brother and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Now, you and Steven can live here with me. I mean, the house is big enough for us, and I'm the only one living here aside from Harold and a few maids to keep the house clean." Her excitement and joy were reflected through her eyes, which mysteriously turns into stars (which was supposed to be impossible). "And you don't have to worry about Mom and Dad, they don't know that I've been living here all along."

"Well, if it's okay with you." Greg replied. "I mean, I have a van and I can always sleep in there, but I don't think that safe for Steven to live in." Avyanna paused to stare at Greg blankly before doing a disgruntled face that clearly disagree for Steven to live in a van. Greg definitely saw this. "I know. I know. Steven and I will stay here for now on."

Avyanna smiled at the prospect of having her brother and his child stay with her. "Now, let's go to my office. A private pediatrician is already waiting for us. I figured Steven need the check-up since I knew you couldn't do it yourself." She gave Greg a look at that after saying the last part.

"Wait, but that would expose Steven!" Greg panics once again, but Avyanna was quick to ease his worry, knowing how imaginative he can be because of watching those old science government films back in the days.

"Greg, Greg. That will not happen. She's a private pediatrician, and I had Harold prepare the NDAs for her to sign. That way, she cannot expose what she's seen with Steven unless she wants to get sued."

"Okay. Let's go."

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