Crazy Lace, Biggs, and Snowflake

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Well, as you may have guessed, Bismuth was referring to three gems by the names of Crazy Lace Agate, Biggs Jasper, and Snowflake Obsidian.

Crazy Lace Agate- Quartz, probably made in the Beta Kindergarten considering the gem type. Would probably be very happy and joyous, a lover of parties and good times. Would love jokes.

Biggs Jasper- Quartz. Jasper. Due to some spoilers of "Beta", I can confirm that she'll most likely not be as strong Jasper or as tall. She'd more or less act the same though.

Possibly this monster-

Snowflake Obsidian- not very powerful or rare. Just an average gem. Would be very fair and just. Would be comparable to Pearl in some ways.

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