Chapter 1: The bad guy

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Before we start with the chapter, I want to point out that Ragnar0kTitan made me do this. You are the worst/best and kawaii!

(My dog :V)


(no ones POV)

The space travel to the earth was going as expected. Being a long and boring trip. While you and your soldiers had the job of escorting Blue Diamond to earth, you could not deny that the boredom of having to organize troops through long distance communication was killing you. You honestly preferred to be there and fight in the enemy lines. But there was not much you could do about it. Thank God that Pearl was with you and she help you make your work less tedious. Now you were in the command center seated in the captain's chair while Pearl was standing by your side holding a screen with information about your armies. The advances of your soldiers were turning out as planned and they were defeating the enemy forces. And again, you curse having to be in this chair, missing the fun.

Onyx: *Sigh*

Pearl: Is something wrong, master Onyx?

Onyx: How long until we arrive to the planet Earth, Pearl?

Pearl: There are still two days left to reach the planet earth, master Onyx.

Onyx: Ughhh!!!

You pinched your forehead in frustration and let out a big sigh. But something was bothering you about Pearl. In Yellow Diamond's words, Pearl is a gem made from the remains of the planet in which you were born. That means that Pearl is a unique gem, just like you.

Onyx: Pearl?

Pearl: Yes, master Onyx?

Onyx: You are a unique gem, right?

Pearl: Oh my stars no! Well... Technically speaking, I'm a unique version compared to the other pearls. 

Onyx: Would you like me to give you a different name? After all, you are different from the others. Just like me!

Pearl: I would feel honored, master Onyx!

Onyx: Hmmmm...

(Special thanks to pisces0302 for the idea)

You put a hand on your chin while thinking of a good name for Pearl. You knew that Pearl was born from the remains of the world in which you were born. Which means that she was born from the remains of what fire consumes... The ashes.

Onyx: How about Ash?

Pearl: Ash? Why Ash?

Onyx: Because the ashes is the only thing that the fire leaves behind. 

Ash: I... kinda like it.

Onyx: I'm glad to hear that.

Suddenly, the computer began to receive a communication signal that came from another place of the ship. You gave the order to transmit the communication and saw that it was an emerald.

Onyx: What do you want?

Emerald: I need to discuss a couple of things with you, general.

Onyx: I'm sorry to inform that I have to organize the movements of our armed forces in more than twenty different colonies. If you want to discuss something with me, come and takl to me in person and don't waste my time.

Emerald: But sir-

You finished the transmission and let out a sigh of frustration.

Ash: Wasn't that a bit rude, Master Onyx?

Onyx: I'm sure that... Do you hear that?

Even though it was heard in the distance, you could hear the sound of high heels stepping on the floor quickly and each time the sound became louder and louder.

Onyx: Is... Is that the Emerald?

Ash: Do you want me to tell the Emerald not to bother you during your work, master Onyx?

Onyx: No. I told her that if she wanted me to listen to her, she has to come and tell me what she wants in person. I respect the fact that she has the courage to come and talk to me face to face.

The door of the control room opened and Emerald came in quickly. She was furious and the guards didn't know whether to try to stop her or not. 

Emerald: General Onyx!

Onyx: Yes?

Emerald: I came here to discuss with you about a problem we have with the rebellious movement of crystal gems!

Onyx: I'm listening.

Emerald: I know that the objective of our mission is to escort Blue Diamond to the earth and try to resolve this conflict diplomatically. But I don't trust those crystal gems! That's why I want to organize a mission in which we organize a secure perimeter with some guards and I would like you to participate in the security.

Onyx: Excuse me?

Emerald: Did I said something wrong?

Onyx: Did you just asked me to be a guard?

Emerald: Wha- No! I'm asking you-

Onyx: Hahahahaha!

You were laughing without being able to stop of Emerald's idea. The idea of working as a guard seemed so stupid to you that you could not help but laugh. She really thinks that a warrior like you would like to work as a simple sentinel?

Ash: Master Onyx?

Onyx: W-What? I-I can't breath!

Ash: I think with you among the soldiers, the crystal gems would not have a chance to set foot near Blue Diamond.

Onyx: Ash you too? HAHAHAHA!

You were laughing so much that in fact you were kicking the air and holding your stomach.

Emerald: Stop laughing!

Ash: Master Onyx, I-

Suddenly, you punched the armrest of your seat, causing a loud metallic sound throughout the whole captain's room that alerted all the gems that piloted the ship and the guards. Emerald and Ash were nervous while they thought they made you angry. 

Onyx: Let me put this a way you idiots will understand!

(I was stuck a couple of hours in this part)(I don't own the song. Only the small changes that I did)

You got up from your seat and walked until you were in the middle of the room. Out of nowhere a piano started playing while you were stomping the floor a couple of times to create a rhythm. Emerald and Ash shared the same look of confusion. Then, You turned around and started walking slowly towards Ash and Emerald.

Onyx: I'm not like those wimpy soldiers♪

You jumped in the air and landed in the middle of Ash and Emerald.

Onyx: I'm not a Ruby or a fragile Sapphire♪

You pushed Emerald, causing her to fall to the ground. Then, you started walking back to your seat while holding your waist with both hands.

Onyx: I'm not a little bird who needs your help to fly♪ NOPE!♪

Suddenly, you disappeared from sight and reappeared behind Ash. She quickly turned around and tripped over the shock to see how close you were to her.

Onyx: I'm the bad guy

You pressed a couple of buttons from one of the control cabins and a hologram appeared that revealed many warriors that you defeated and captured on other planets.

Onyx: All these former warriors that you see♪ Each of them, with shaking knees has knelt before me♪ So I'm not your teammate or your partner in crime♪ WHAT AM I GEMS?♪

Crew: He's the bad guy♪ 

Youquickly went back to the control panel, pressing more buttons. Only this time, the hologram showed a random planet with gems constructions on it.

Onyx: Oh it's magic♪ To watch a planet♪ 

The planet of the hologram began to become a complete functional colony of gems. A hollowed and lifeless planet...

Onyx: Shrivel up and die♪  

Suddenly, you held Ash by her waist and started dancing with her.

Onyx: Oh, it's thrilling♪ To be a villain♪ 

You tilted Ash's body while holding her back with your arms and you were closing the distance between your faces.

Onyx: I destroy their hopes and then I watch them cry♪  

Before Ash's lips and yours came in contact, you released her and she fell to the floor. Then, you transformed yourself into your fire form and put your foot on Ash's chest to prevent her from getting up from the ground.

Onyx: Cause I'm the Bad Guy!

You removed your foot from Ash's chest and went to the center of the room once again. Then, you continued dancing with the rhythmic noise of the music.

Onyx: Oh, ain't it fantastic?I see something, I blast it!♪  

You fired a fire blast that was about to hit Emerald. But she dodged it in the last second.

Onyx: And let me tell you why!

You went back to your original form and walked back to where Emerald and Ash were.

Onyx: I always had a weakness for barenness and bleakness♪

Suddenly, you snatched Emerald's coat from her.

(I forgot to add the pic with Emerald with her coat. Sorry!)

Onyx: I crush all your hopes and then I watch you cry♪  

You completely incinerated Emealrd's coat with your fire powers. Emerald looked sadly at the ashes of her coat. Suddenly, you put each arm around the necks of Ash and Emerald, keeping them both close to you.

Onyx: See, I find this business rather fun!♪

You moved your gaze towards Emerald.

Onyx: I don't want your assistance-

You moved your gaze from Emerald to Ash.

Onyx: Or your adulation!♪ 

You pushed Ash and Emerald and you sat back on your seat

Onyx: I'll vaporize this galaxy and bid you bye-bye!♪ Why?!♪  

You transformed into your fire form and then you punched with all your might the armresters of your seat, breaking them completely


Ash/Emerald: Cause... You're the bad guy?

Onyx: Right guess!

The camera zoomed away, focusing on the spaceship from its exterior.


The flames of destruction are getting closer and closer to the earth along with an excellent musical number... Why is it that all the villains have a musical number? 


The only thing I'm going to say now is that I had a lot of fun writing this xD

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