Chapter 13: There is no plan

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(No ones POV)

It was night time and the atmosphere inside Steven's house was a bit distressing. However, the reason behind this was understandable after everything that happened.
In a single night the Crystal Gems got attacked by Homeworld, got captured and almost died in a crash landing against the beach. Not to mention that they were now giving shelter to one of their oldest enemies and his personal Pearl.
The only two members of the team that were relatively calm about this whole situation were Amethyst and Steven. Amethyst had the luck to not experience the gem war, unlike Garnet or Pearl. So she only knew the "infernal gem" through stories told to her by the other gems. Steven, in the other hand, barely knew anything about you. The other gems warned him about how dangerous you were. But you gaved Steven a bit of a mixed reception with your actions so far. It was hard for the little guy to understand your true nature.

Steven: Soooo...

Steven was trying to think of some way to make the mood a bit less tense but nothing came to mind. 

Ash: ...

The gems were watching Ash from the kitchen, who was sitting on the couch while holding your gem between her hands. She was hugging your gem tightly against her chest in silence, mentally praying that you will be able to recover soon. 

Steven: How long does it take him to come back...?

Steven asked while rubbing the back of his head. 

Ash: I... I don't know...

Ash answered while not even looking up. 

Steven: You don't know?

Ash: Master Onyx was never forced to give up his physical form because of damage in the past...

Ash said while taking a good look at your gem. She was searching for any sign of a crack or even a single scratch. She knew that you were fine since your gem didn't took any damage. But she wanted to make sure many times to convince herself that you'll be okay after that backstab move that Jasper pulled off on you.
Meanwhile, the other gems looked at each other in concern. They already lost in a fight against you and it wasn't very motivational to
 hear that the only time you got poofed back into your gem was because of a cheap shot. 

Pearl: Garnet, I don't like this...

Pearl said to Garnet while glaring at Ash.

Pearl: We should at least bubble them now that we can.

Pearl said while turning to Garnet. But to her surprise, Garnet did not said a single thing. She was standing there with her arms crossed.

Pearl: Garnet...? What's on your mind?

Garnet let out a sigh before taking off ger glasses. She turned to Pearl and placed both of her hands on top of Pearl's shoulders.

Garnet: Pearl... He helped Steven back at the ship... And Ash helped us too. 

Pearl: After they tried to kill us! Right, Amethyst?

Pearl turned to Amethyst in hopes of getting some backup. However, the answer Pearl got was not what she wanted to hear.

Amethyst: I don't know P... We would still be trapped in that prison if it wasn't because of Ash. And I don't like to admit it but I still remember how Onyx lied to Peridot about us when we saw him on the portals.

Pearl: Amethyst... 

Pearl couldn't believe that both Garnet and Amethyst were siding against her in this situation. This made Pearl very upset to the point where she abruptly shoved Garnet's arms off from her.

Pearl: I can't believe you are just going to forget everything he did!

Pearl shouted at Garnet. This was hard to take for the fusion made of love. 

Garnet: I know what he did in the war and I'm not going to forgive him. But... Something is different about him.

Garnet said to Pearl while trying to keep her cool.

Pearl: What could have changed about him? He is the same monster he always was!

Ash: Master Onyx is not a monster!

Ash shouted at Pearl while still holding your gem between her hands. She was tired of listening to Pearl talk about how much of a horrible gem you were when she didn't even knew the true you.

Ash: He was the gem I respected the most because of his loyalty, bravery, kindness and code of honor! 

Pearl: Oh, please. He was a monster who only cared about fighting.

Pearl said with a haughty tone. Steven was about to speak to stop the fight but he saw Garnet shaking her head. Garnet knew that both of them needed to get a few things out of their system. It was better to let it out now than let it stack up and explode worst later.

Ash: He cared so much about other gems that it caused his downfall...

Suddenly, the anger that built up inside Ash from listening to Pearl talk bad stuff about you disappeared and it was quickly replaced with a feeling of depression. Ash was now staring at the floor while remembering how both you and her ended in this situation.

Ash: And all I could do was just watch how everything just fell appart... A Pearl that can't help her master and make them happy is just a useless rock.

Ash sat down on the couch once again. She was trying to clean off the tears that were forming on her face with one of her hands while holding your gem with her free hand. For a long time, Ash was forced to lock all the frustration and sadness that grew inside of her with the passing of time. It was hard for her to keep holding all of that negativity while feeling like an useless gem that failed in her only task, her one reason to exist. 
Pearl looked at Ash and she could not help but to relate to how Ash was feeling right now. Pearl would be lying to herself if she were to said that she never felt like that when she was the pearl that was always next to Rose's side. 
This made a feeling of guilt grow inside Pearl. She didn't wanted to apologize for what she said since she still remembers the horrible things that you did in the war. But she decided to just stay quiet about it... At least for the moment.

Steven: Hey... Um, Ash?

Steven asked while sitting next to Ash. She rubbed her forearm in front of her eyes to clear off the tears.

Ash: **SNIFF** What...?

Ash asked while looking at Steven. She now had small bags under her eyes after crying.

Steven: There is something that confuses me a bit. If Onyx is a general... Why was Jasper giving him orders? Is she like an Admiral?

Garnet: Those are from the navy force. But now that you mention it...

Ash thought about it for a moment. Was she really going to tell them what you did in the past? Maybe you would not want them to know about it but in the other hand... It might convince them to not do anything to you.

Ash: Master Onyx was the General of Homeworld's forces... Until one day...

Ash said before taking an small pause. Then, she turned to the Crystal Gems and raised the tone of her voice so they could hear the next part better.

Ash: Until one day he disobeyed a direct order from the diamonds and then started a fight against his own creator... Yellow Diamond.

The room went completely silent after Ash said that. That had to be a joke... Right? Ash had to be lying... Right? The Crystal Gems couldn't believe what they just heard. Onyx, the gem that had a burning sense of loyalty for Homeworld, not only disobeyed the diamonds but he also fought against one of them.
They thought that Rose Quartz was the only gem who ever dared to stood up against a diamond. Garnet and Pearl didn't expected to hear that Rose's most dangerous enemy did the exact same as her.

Garnet: I can't believe it...

Pearl: I don't understand... After the diamonds, he had the highest position in the hierarchy of gems. Why would he suddenly disobey them and start fighting them?

Steven: Maybe they didn't gave him any vacations?

Amethyst: I doubt they even know what "vacations" means.

Ash: I didn't understand it at first either...

Ash looked at your gem and a small smile grew on her face.

Ash: But now I like to believe he did all of that because he was loyal to Homeworld itslef... Not to the diamonds.

Ash said while rubbing your gem with her thumb. But then... A small faint of light appeared on your gem. That small light was quickly growing and growing more. Ash quickly dropped your gem on the couch and took some steps back. Steven also got away from your gem and went with the others, who quickly summoned their weapons. They were looking at your gem floating and they were expecting the worst to happen.
After a few seconds, the light around your gem took a humanoid shape, only to quickly vanish. You dropped on the floor and landed on your feet. The others were staring at you and... There wasn't any difference from before. You looked exactly the same as you were before.
But suddenly, you pulled out your sword from your gem and started to look around with a very pissed off expression in your face.
Ash let out a sigh of relief. You were back and acting as your usual self... With smoke already coming out of your head from the anger and flames slowly growing on your shoulders.

Onyx: Where is that orange backstabbing brute?! I want to use Jasper's gem as a chisel to carve very offensive drawings of her on the walls of this stupid planet!

You yelled while looking for Jasper, only to realize that you were not at the beach anymore. You were about to jump and break through the ceiling of the house to learn about your new location. However, you stopped yourself when you spotted Ash. When you saw her, you quickly calmed down. 

Onyx: Wait... Where am I? Ash, what happened?

You asked in confusion.

Steven: Um... Hi?

You turned towards Steven, who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the Crystal Gems while waving a hand at you. However, you couldn't help but to notice how all the Crystal Gems had their weapons out.

Steven: You are at my house.

Onyx: Uh... Okay?

You were still very confused about what was going on. 

Ash: Master Onyx, allow me to explain what happened.

Steven: WAIT!

Steven interrupted Ash before she could tell the events that occurred while you were gone.

Steven: Before you tell him, how about we all put the weapons down and we don't burn the house?

The Crystal Gems quickly hid their weapons behind them. Meanwhile, you were giving yourself quick pats in the shoulder to kill the small flames. 

Onyx: I won't burn anything if they don't use those weapons.

Amethyst: Hehehe... Whoopsy!

Amethyst said before just tossing her whip away. 

Pearl: Don't just throw it around like a pair of shoes!

Pearl yelled at Amethyst, who then yelled back at Pearl. It didn't took too long for them to start arguing against each other. 

Onyx: Uh...

Steven: Don't mind them. This happens a lot...

Steven said while remembering many sleepless nights thanks to those two arguing with each other.

Onyx: Okay, can someone please tell me what is going on? And where is Lapis?

The room went completely silent once again. No one wanted to give you the news related to Lapis's current situation with Jasper. Ash knew that it was going to hurt you a lot while the Crystal Gems... They just were afraid that once you find out about it, you would end up burning the whole place down.

Ash: Master Onyx... After Jasper stabbed you from behind-

(Small Time Skip)

Ash told you everything. After Jasper took you down, she fused with Lapis in an attempt to gain power and crush all her enemies in one good sweep. However, her whole plan backfired and Lapis took control of the fusion. Now both Jasper and Lapis were gone and trapped somewhere in the ocean of this planet.

Ash: And that's what happened...

You were standing still with your arms crossed. It was hard for everyone to take a reading of what you were feeling right now. Your face showed no emotion and it was kinda creeping everyone out, even Ash.

Amethyst: Uh... You okay dude?

Onyx: Yeah...

You answered with not even a single hint of emotions in your voice. But then, you clapped your hands together while taking a deep breath, before finally exhaling. There was a very relaxed expression on your face that made everyone feel a little weird... It was a bit creepy.

Onyx: Do you mind if I go to the beach for a moment?

Steven: Uh... Why?

Onyx: I need to let something out.

Steven: Ok...?

Steven said while opening the door for you to walk out.  

Onyx: Thanks.

You said before heading out. Once you were outside, Steven closed the door behind him and looked at the others.

Steven: Huh... I think he is dealing with the news pretty well.

Suddenly, there was an small explosion outside that made the entire house tremble. That explosion was followed with screams of anger of a very upset infernal gem. 
Steven had a nervous smile on his face. He didn't even turned around to see the pile of smoke slowly making it towards his home.

Amethyst: Jeez... That has to be the most explosive fart I have ever seen.

Pearl: Amethyst! That is not funny!

While Amethyst and Pearl were arguing with each other again, Ash decided to walk to where Steven was standing. She stopped a few steps away from him before speaking.

Ash: Do you mind if I go outside?

Steven: You are... Not going to explode like Onyx, are you?

Steven asked while rubbing his chin. Ash was a pearl but he was pretty much expecting the unexpected at this point.

Ash: I won't. I was created from what was left of the materials that were used to make master Onyx. But I never got to inherit Master Onyx's pyromancy powers. 

Ash answered with complete honesty. However, she noticed that Steven was looking at her wierdly. 

Steven: Wait... If you were created from the leftovers of the materials that were used to make Onyx... Wouldn't that mean that you are his little sister?

Ash: Little... Sister?

Steven: Yeah! That means Onyx would be like your big brother! You know? A person that is always there to give you a hand, someone who always protects you when you are in tough situation, the person who is always kind with you-

Steven continued talking about what siblings were and with each word, Ash remembered many situations where you acted exactly like that. You protected her, you made her feel special and more. It was a completely new concept for Ash but... It was making her feel a warm feeling inside her. 

Ash: That... That sounds pretty nice.

Ash said to Steven. She had a warm smile on her face and her cheeks were blushing a little. However, she remembered what she wanted to actually do when there was another explosion outside. 

Steven: You better go talk to him before there is no beach outside.

Ash: R-Right.

Ash quickly went to the door. But before leaving, she turned around and looked at Steven.

Ash: And Steven.

Steven: Yes?

Ash: I know Master Onyx did things that you and your friends dislike... But please understand that from our point of view, the Crystal Gems were the real monsters. We didn't fought against them just for the pleasure of destruction.

Steven stopped for a moment to think about those words. He knew that in a war there are multiple sides. But he never really knew what the other side thought about his friends. He still had a lot to learn about what happened in the war and how it affected both sides, not just the Crystal Gems.

Ash: And one more thing.

Steven: Yes?

Ash: Thank you for helping us... I mean it.

And with those last words, Ash finally left the house. Steven stood there and smiled. Even if they didn't interacted for too long, Steven already saw Ash as a good friend.

Garnet: She is the mature sibling.

Steven: Gah! Garnet!

Steven quickly turned around.

Steven: How long have you been standing there?

Garnet: I have been here the whole time. I was just quiet... Very quiet.

Steven: Oh... 

That was awkward.


Ash was looking for you around the beach. It wasn't too hard since All he she had to do was just follow the source of the smoke and the loud yelling. Once she spotted you, Ash noticed some areas of the sand that were completely crystallized. 

Ash: Oh dear...

You were walking in circles in your fire form while insulting Jasper in different languages, even with a few extraterrestrial ones.

Ash: Master Onyx!

Ash shouted to catch your attention. You heard Ash's calling and abruptly turned around. 

Onyx: WHAT?!

Ash: You need to calm down!

Onyx: Calm down? CALM DOWN?! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!?!

You screamed out with anger.

Onyx: How can I calm down?! Homeworld was not going to let any of us go! Lapis is trapped with Jasper inside the sea of this stupid planet! We don't even have any means to leave this rock! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Ash: W-We'll think of something.

Ash said in an attempt to reassure you. Sadly, it was not working.

Onyx: Oh, really?! In case you didn't notice, is not going to take Homeworld too long to notice that something went wrong with the mission! They will eventually send scouts to check what happend. We are trapped, with no options and we will be captured again if we don't lea-


You felt a stinging pain on your face. You saw Ash, who had her hand raised, with smoke around it. She was taking deep breaths and now it was her the one with a very furious expression on her face.

Ash: Would you shut up for a moment?!

Ash shouted at you. This completely surprised you... This Face of Ash was one that you never saw before.

Onyx: Um...

Ash: I know we are in a terrible situation! There is no plan, you want to save Lapis and get as far away from Homeworld's reach as possible... BUT THE WAY YOU ARE ACTING RIGHT NOW IS NOT HELPING!

Ash was now walking towards you while pointing at your face with her finger. You were taking some steps back and with each step, the flames around your body were disappearing until you reverted back to your normal form.

Ash: The Master Onyx I knew would stand up against the odds no matter the outcome! 

Onyx: I-

Ash: Right now we need that Onyx!

You tripped with a rock that was behind you and ended up laying on your back. Ash stopped a few steps away from you and looked down.

Ash: So what are you going to do? Just get frustrated and complain? Or are you going to stand up and fight?

Ash offered you a hand to get up from the sand. You took a moment to reflect about Ash's words... She was completely right. You could not allow yourself to be bringed down. Not when you could still make it, even if the chance was almost null.
You looked up and grabbed Ash's hand.

Onyx: You are right... Stand around and just complain about everything is not going to solve anything.

Ash smiled and pulled you up to help you to get up from the sand.

Onyx: We have to first find Lapis. We'll figure what to do next.

Ash: Right!

Ash was happy to see that you were back to your more determined self. But that happyness didn't lasted too much once she remembered what she just did.

Ash: OH MY STARS! I-I'm so sorry for hitting you! I-I don't know what came over me!

Onyx: No... I kinda deserved for yelling at you and I also needed that.

You moved your gaze at the hand that Ash used to slapped you. A few seconds ago it was covered in smoke. But to your surprise, Ash didn't had a single burn mark on her. Could that mean...?

Ash: Is something wrong?

Ash asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

Onyx: Huh? Oh! No, everything is fine... Let's just go.

You were about to head into the ocean to look for Lapis. But Ash stopped you by placing a hand over your shoulder.

Ash: But what about the Crystal Gems?

You crossed your arms and looked away in annoyance.

Ash: I know you don't like them. But they could help us find Lapis and right now, the enemy of our enemy is our ally. 

Onyx: Ugh... Fine.

You gave in to Ash's idea.

Onyx: But you have to do something for me.

Ash: Anything you wish, Master Onyx.

Onyx: I want you to stop calling me that.

You said while turning around. Now both you and Ash were walking back towards Steven's house while talking.

Ash: But-

Onyx: I'm no longer the mighty General Onyx. Now I'm just a rogue gem so... We might as well say "screw titles!" and focus on what we have to do now. Once we find Lapis, we must find a way to leave this planet.

Ash: That is going to be tricky...

Ash said while placing a hand under her chin. 

Onyx: We'll figure it out later. 

After a few minutes of walking, both you and Ash made it back to Steven's house. But to your surprise, you two were welcomed back by Amethyst. 

Amethyst: Sup Ghost Rider! Ash, good to see you buddy!

Ash/Onyx: Excuse me?

Both you and Ash asked at the same time. Both were equally confused.

Amethyst: Garnet told me you were coming back.

Ash: How did she-

Onyx: She is part Sapphire.

Ash: Oh...

Amethyst: Anyway, since you'll be staying with us for a while, you two can crash at my place!

Onyx: I see... That is... Very generous of you.

You were trying to be polite. But all you erned was a good chuckle from Amethyst.

Amethyst: Nah, it's okay. I always wondered what it would be like to have roommates. Just two rules, no burning anything and don't touch my stuff.

Onyx: Ugh... I promise I won't burn anything in the house.

Ash: Can you show us your chambers? 

(Small Time Skip)

Onyx: This is awful!

You yelled while looking how much of a mess this place was. Meanwhile, Ash was trying to convince Amethyst to let her at least clean one area of this room. Ash was literally physically in pain just by being in the middle of this mess.
You kicked an small box in frustration. Once that small box landed on the floor, it opened and a bunch of comic books fell out from it. One of them particularly got your attention.

Onyx: Ghost Rider... Maybe this will explain why she calls me that.

Meanwhile, Amethyst finally gave in to Ash's petition. Mostly because she was getting tired of listening to Ash begging her to have a "clean zone". 

Amethyst: Jeez... I'm already regretting.

But then, Amethyst spotted you sitting on the floor with a pile of comic books next to you. Amethyst walked towards you in curiosity.

Amethyst: Hey! You found my old comic book collection! Anything good in there?


Amethyst: And I have the answers you seek... THANKS TO THE POWER OF THE INTERNET!


Pearl was somehow able to listen to all the shouting coming from Amethyst's room.

Pearl: Ugh...

Pearl hated everything about this. But despite not liking this whole idea, deep down she was curious. What made you change from a monster to a kind gem? Why did you betrayed the diamonds? Did you knew the truth about Rose...? Pearl had too many questions inside her head. But right now, it wasn't the time to get some answers. Everyone was tired and there was still a lot to get done. Not to mention the search for Lapis...
One thing was clear. Pearl was going to be able to keep a good eye on you for the moment. And if she saw you trying to do anything that could cause harm to her friends or Steven... This time, she was not going to hesitate to shatter your gem.





Pearl yelled to the direction of Amethyst's room, clearly tired of all the noises.


Pearl: Ugh... I'm going to wash everything.

Pearl said while leaving her room to escape from the torment.
This next few days will be quite painful... For Pearl.



Well, I hope you liked the chapter. 

Now that Onyx is a Marvel Fan, should I give him a bike? Idk in what situation would he actually use it. But it could be just for the memes of him actually loving Ghost Rider xD

Also, a friend is working on a design for a future fusion for Onyx in this book. I'm not going to post the sketch until it's finished to not ruin the surprise. But I just wanted to give a huge thanks to Night_Light_Lotus for their help.

Please check their (I can't put links on the chapter):

Instagram: Night_Light_Lotus LittleBlossom97

Once again, an special thanks for what you are doing for me. I'll make sure to repost both your Toyhou and Instagram when that fusion makes its debut :3

And with that moment of gratitude over... I will now take my leave! 

But remember... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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