Chapter 7: Incoming danger

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(Before we start, Azulpite... Congratulations for finding the reference!)

(UnusualSamurai... Hi)

(No ones POV)

It's been a couple of days since you turned down Rose's offer. Since then, things have not gone very well. First, the attacks by the crystal gems have been increasing considerably and their troops have increased in number. It is for this reason that you had to break the promise you made to Rose. You were forced to make your troops march to the front of the war to protect the innocent gems from the rage of the crystal gems. But of course, this only brought a weight of guilt that lay on your shoulders. Ash noticed that your way of acting was a stranger than normal. This only made her concern for you grew bigger. On the other hand, Lapis always thought that someone's life in your position would be simpler. But she realized the constant pressure you are in that was keeping you working twenty-four hours every day. Things were getting too complicated and out of hand because of the war. But what nobody knew... It was that things would become even more complicated...

In these moments you were in your temple planning a defensive line around the kindergarten to prevent the crystal gems for getting more reinforcements. Ash and Lapis were at your side behind your throne. Ash was helping you organize the troops out of the border while Lapis helped you with the information that she had of the land since previously she had to work there removing water. But suddenly, a topaz soldier entered the throne room screaming like crazy.

Topaz: Generaly Onyx! General Onyx!

You stood up quickly and saw that the topaz was crying while trying to recompose her composure.

Onyx: For the love of stars soldier, what happened?

Topaz: T-The gems! Diamond! Pink!

Ash: Slow donw soldier. If you have information please share it with us.

The topaz soldier nodded and took a deep breath while wiping the tears from her face.

Topaz: G-General Onyx... P-Pink D-Diamond was shattered!

The topaz soldier started crying again while you were having a attack of rage. You were so furious that you punched the table with the digital maps, splitting it into two halves. Both Ash and Lapis took a couple of steps back away from you.


Topaz: R-Rose Quartz! 

It took a while to process the information but you finally realized what was really happening. Pink faked her own death... Honestly, you did not understand the reason why she made this strange move. You know Yellow Diamond very closely. This will not cause her to leave the earth in terror, this will only unleash her fury...

You fell on your throne while covering your face with one hand.

Onyx: Thanks Topaz... Please leave.

Topaz: Y-Yez general Onyx!

The soldier topaz made a diamond with her hands and left quickly while she was still crying. Lapiz realized that something was wrong with you and she got a little closer to you.

Lapis: Are you okay, Onyx?

Onyx: I'm not... 

Ash: Master Onyx... I know this is horrible but you need to stay strong for everyone else. They need a leader, the need you, I need you...

Ash was blushing a bit while she was covering her lips. She couldn't believe what she just said. Fortunately for her, this seemed to have a positive effect on you and got to make a smile appear on your face.

Onyx: Thanks Ash... I'm lucky to have you as my pearl.

Ash: *Blushing* T-That's why I exist! To help you in everything I can! 

Suddenly, a small diamond that was on the armrest of your throne started to shine. You knew what this was about and you felt how your gem was freezing... Not literally...

Onyx: Lapis! Quick! Hide behind the throne and don't move!

Lapis nodded and she did what you told her. Lapis hid behind the throne and made sure that her figure did not come into view. You removed the little diamond from your throne and suddenly a hologram of Yellow Diamond appeared in front of you and Ash. Yellow was visually hurt while some tears were falling from her eyes. 

YellowDiamond: Onyx... I want you to know that what happened to Pink wasn't your fault. You did everything you could to get rid of the crystal gems.

Yellow was not making eye contact with you, which was a very rare attitude in the Diamonds. Apparently the loss of Pink affected her more than what you expected.

Onyx: I'm very sorry about what happened with Pink, my diamond... This is a very dark day for our history.

Yellow: Yes it is... But we'll get our revenge against those despicable crystal gems!

There was some electricity around Yellow's body. You knew that that always meant bad news for whoever was close to her at that moment. 

Yellow: *Sigh* Anyway, I want you to use the portals to return to homeworld immediately.

Both you and Ash were surprised to hear this.

Onyx: But my diamond, we are still at war against crystal gems!

Yellow: Don't worry about that for now. I want to discuss a new strategy with you about the war.

You knew there was no point in trying to argue with Yellow. That would only cause suspicions about your loyalty.

Onyx: I will be there, my diamond.

The transmission with Yellow ended and you put the little diamond back on the throne while Lapis came out of hiding.

Lapis: You are leaving?

Onyx: I have orders. But there is something that is worrying me here...

You didn't know why, but you could feel that something was wrong about this meeting with Yellow. You took Lapis's hands and look at her right in the eyes.

Onyx: Lapis, until I come back, I need you to stay away from my temple.

Lapis: What?

Onyx: When the crystal gems find out that I am no longer in this temple, they will try to attack this place. To keep you safe I will send you with a small group of soldiers away from the battlefield.

Lapis: Onyx... I don't want you to go. I feel like something bad will happen if you go.

Onyx: I know but... I have to stay stron for those wo need me.

It was a little strange. Despite being in a war, you didn't want to leave the earth. But if you didn't go to the meeting with Yellow, you would only make things more complicated for every gem on the planet.

(Time skip)

You were with Ash walking through the corridors of the castle of the diamonds. The feeling of fear only grew with each step you took towards the throne room. Never in your life did you feltso afraid. Even when your gem was about to be broken on multiple occasions on the battlefield. You were so distracted that you didn't realize Ash was talking to you. You woke up from your trance when she put a hand on your shoulder and stopped you.

Ash: Master Onyx!

Onyx: W-What?

Ash: Please tell me what's wrong! As your personal pearl, I can't continue to endure seeing you in this state! Please, just tell-HMPH!

You were covering Ash's lips with your hands to keep her from speaking in a higher tone than necessary. If there was something that you did not want at the moment, it was the leaking of information.

Onyx: Ash, calm down! After this meeting I promise I will tell you everything that is happening! Until then...

You slowly removed your hand from Ash's lips.

Onyx: I need you to trust in me.

Ash was blushing a little but even so, she nodded with a determined look. After a few minutes, you and Ash finally reached the diamonds throne room. The guards opened the doors, allowing you and Ash to enter. Inside the throne room were Yellow and Blue diamond.

But something that always seemed strange to you was never being able to see White diamond on her throne. In fact, a white pearl was standing in White's place.

After taking a couple of steps, both you and Ash started to cry because of the ability of Blue Diamond. Once again, the white pearl managed to get your attention by being the only one who was not affected by Blue's tears. Both you and Ash made a diamond with your hands to be in front of Blue and Yellow.

Yellow: Onyx... I'm glad you are here.

Onyx: I came here as soon as I was able to leave my temple, my diamond.

Yellow seemed to have a worried look on her face.

Yellow: Onyx... We have been discussing a lot about it and... We have come to a conclusion regarding the earth

Onyx: Conclusion?

Suddenly, the white pearl jumped from White's throne and landed in front of you in a perfect pose. Her movements seemed too mechanical... Even for a non-organic being. She had a creepy smile on her face while she was looking at you with that eye empty of any life. Part of white pearl's face was cracked. Which was weird and made you wonder if she was a defective pearl.

WhitePearl: The diamonds have decided the punishment for the crystal gems for their crimes of betrayal towards Homeworld and the diamonds.

Ash: Punishment?

WhitePearl: As punishment for their betrayal, the diamonds will obliterate each gem on the planet earth.

Everything stopped for you when you hear those words. All those innocent gems will be destroyed... For nothing... This was the time when Homeworld needed you most and you were willing to do whatever it takes to stop this injustice from happening.




Even if that meant having to commit treason!


UnusualSamurai I'm back baby! (Check his books! Good stuff!)

Slayer7Reading You knew I was going to be awesome! (Good books and a good friend)

Michaelelmore9 Good luck with your crossover! (Check it, is really worth it)

ChioTheMerc REEEEEEEEEH!!! (He is a dummy and a good friend xD)

Mitchanta I love your drawings! (Great artist)

MaskedMan02 He will rule the universe! (Awesome guy!)

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