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 when  you all arrived on home world , and it had been extremely different ,according to the expression garnet gave , as to the tears that formed into pearls eyes. 

" homeworld ?" Amethyst asked "this is nothing how i imagined it " All 10 children stood in awe , and watched as Quartz' ,rubies , pearls,and all types of  beryls shuffle past them in a hurry to get  to their diamond and assist their every need  "its worse than i had imagined " pearl gasped under her breath garnet stood in denial " this.......this isnt how its suppose to be....." peri took their hands " you guys "she said soothingly "its alright ,  just calm down and everything will be okay. but in order for that to happen we need to blend in. Garnet , you have to unfuse. do you think you could do that for Me?" garnet nodded and gave  a slight Grunt. and with that she separated into the two beings known as ruby and sapphire she turned to pearl " pearl if you will, i need you to remove that star off of your outfit, can you please?"  pearl looked down at her shirt " how the heck am i supposed to do that?!?"   she turned back to the ten children that stood infront of her , you all should be fine , the suits we gave you should be camoflauge enough. each is custom made to fit each of your personalities, therefore blending you in with your ideal gem." kayna raised her hand " so what am I?" she asked  peri looked over at her " oh thats easy , based on whoever im looking at  they are a ruby, which means they are tempermentle , and are really courageous warriors , in their own special way.  and like most rubies, You, in which case, whomever i may be speaking with  is one of the lowest quality gems but , are fairly one of the strongest Kayna smiled  and put her hair up in a pony tail, obviously happy that she understood what gem she was and how it fit her perfectly. she walked over to amethyst " amethyst, since you dont look like most amethyst, we gave you a suit as well, which allows you to look like your originally planned form." Amethyst nodded   "but theres one small flaw in this plan" peri stopped in the center  of the crowd infront of her " i dont blend in at all because of what you all did to my limb inhancers , " all four gems avoided glances. peri rolled her eyes " so i need to get to P.H.Q to get a new set " she finished  "How do we do that? " you ask  "someone has it called? " she pondered for a moment "ah yes! poof me! that what you all call it?"

A/N: HEY! its been a while since i updated , but here is the next part, i havent given up on this book quite yet,  but i just hope you all like it ! i really do enjoy writing this book, ( when i have the time of course , ) so if and when you all have some kind of idea for another chapter , dont be afraid to request, (Dming me your request is optional as well) ill always be online , and with that , tell me what you guys think of this new chapter! i love to hear your feedback! 

Enjoy my broken pieces! 


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