When he asks you out.

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You got dressed and  sat on the couch for about an hour. When it hit 12:30, you got up off your lazy butt and  told your mum and dad you were going to a friends house. "Don't forget a coat, (Y/n) honey," your mum called to you. You sighed in aggravation. "But Mawwwwwwwwmm" you whine "its hot outside." She peeped her head out of the kitchen, and raised an eyebrow. "At least bring a sweater. " she said  firmly. Rolling your eyes, you huffed and puffed your way up the steps. Grabbed your (F/c) hoodie and tied it around your waist. Then ran back down the steps called to your parents goodbye and zipped out the door before they could say anything else about  what you were wearing. Slowly you walk down the street being greeted by everyone you meet. Being around Steven made you insanely popular . he was known mostly because he was a crystal gem.  Well , you have your own secrets your self.   But no one  knew that yet. (ill go into that later in the story :3)    you walked up the long set of steps and gently tapped on the door of the home of Steven universe.  He opens the door smiling excitedly "hey (Y/n) come on in " he said warmly. "Thank you" you say humbly excepting his  ticket for entrance.  You look around to see such a huge house , but only one person in the house. "Do.....do you live alone? " you couldn't help asking  Steven looked back from pouring iced tea in two cups "what? No! I live with the gems . " he replied   you were still rather stifled by this reply. "Who.....are the .....gems? "  just then three magical women  appeared  from a magical pad  just to the left of the couch. Steven smiled and pointed to them "thats  the gems "  pearl looked over to you and steven and walked towards you. You looked down shy and unable to say anything. "Who's this steven?"  Pearl asked curiously.  Steven walked  over with the cups of iced tea and one to you. "Garnet, amethyst, pearl, meet (Y/n) ....(Y/n) , meet, garnet Amethyst, and pearl. " pearl smiled and said hello. Amethyst saluted and walked toward the fridge, and garnet just waved.  You were slightly still afraid  so you look up slightly and wave back.   After a few hours of getting to know the gems a little more. You began  come out of your shell with them.  Stevens phone rang so he ran upstairs and closed the door. Amethyst   sat next to you on the couch and asked you the most randomest question. "Hey! (Y/n), do you like steven?you blushed wildly  not knowing  what to say she began to smile slyly, because you werent saying any thing "don't deny it ,"  she says again. You sigh deeply not trying to hide it anymore "yes......I do like steven, please don't tell him"  you beg but when you look back up she was already up the steps closing the door. You tried to catch up to her , but it was to late. She locked the door too. All you could do now was continuously bang on the door until it was opens again. "STEVWN DOBT LISTEN TO HER WHATEVEN SHE IS SAYING ISN'T - " you were cut off by the sound of the door open. Inside of the room Amethyst was lying up against the door frame , Steven was as red as a rose.  "I like you too." Is all he could say. You could barely believe it.  "You, wha?" He repeated what he said the first time "yeah (Y/n) I am totally into you. Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? "   your heart was racing. Then you squeal . then you Wrapped your arms around his neck "Yes ! A thousand times Yes!!!!!!". In the background you could hear   amethyst going 'AWWWWW!!!' and when you did turn around  you saw  garnet smiling awfully hard.  And pearl  tearing up at the eyes.  Her baby was growing up. It was  Official. You and Steven were an item  

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