When he takes you on mission

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"STEVEN!!!!!!" you call from up the steps. Steven rushed to the end of the steps to see what was wrong. "Yes (Y/n)? ". You put your hands on your hips and hold up your favorite lip gloss. "What were you doing g with my lip gloss???" You asked rather aggressively. "Uh - I- uh, like......the smell......? " he shrugged his shoulders and gave a dorky smile that read 'Oops! My bad!'

Utterly annoyed , you walk away and sit on the bed. Giving an exasperated sigh, you stare at the lip gloss in your hand and start twirling it in your fingers. You had been looking for it everywhere and he had it the entire time . (Boys , am I right? XD) you hear footsteps coming up the stairs . turning around to see steven. "Hey (y/n) I'm so sorry for taking you lipgloss, it just reminded me so much of you.". You turned around still with an " Bitch do it look like I care'. Expression written on your face like an email from a author of a children's book. Steven put his hands up to surrender. "Don't give me that look (Y/n), it hurts....." You finally unscramble your face . " and since I can't tell you this enough, I'd like to take you with me , and the gems on your First mission.". Your eyes brighten "wait are you serious???!?! " you say excitedly . hlsteven nodded and smiled . you squeal then gently press your lips onto his cheek. "Oh Thank you thank you thank you !!!" You say excitedly. Steven took your wrist and pulled you Down Tue steps and into the warp pad where garnet amethyst and pearl stood waiting . once the warp pad atcivated , you began to float. Giggling all the way there. Place destination, you fall on you backside. Steven asked you if you were OK , being rather concerned . you smiled then nodded vigorously. Your smiles were contagious causing steven to smile as well. He help you back on your feet,, and you all step off the warp pad. "So what are doing steven?" You ask your favorite gen of all. "We are here to return the heaven beetle " steven told you "we had to take them a while back to keep the away from dangers . but now we can return them now that the danger is gone " he explained richly. On the way there steven talked about the first time he saw pearl and amethyst fuse. "......and then , she shot an arrow and all the little bird thingies exploded - BOOM!" Your eyes widen "cooooool",you say in amazement . finally you reach the little beetle temple and place the beetle inside. You look inside "Awwe , its got a little beetle bed, and little beetle bongos, and a little beetle baby book " steven chuckled " I said the same thing the first time I came here." . he smiled you hug steven greatly "thanksfor taking me with you steven" you say warmly . steven chuckled nervously "thanks for not murdering me for having your lip gloss "


A/n thankyou. Who ever suggested this one I found it the most fun out of all of them :3 so thank you .



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