Chapter One Hundred and Two - They bickered and caused a situation

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"I really did let down my guard too soon." These mumbled words were followed by a hefty sigh and all of those in the vicinity paused mid-discussion.

"Headmaster," the snowy-silver haired Teacher Volun, who was well aware of the other man's idiosyncrasies, attempted to soothe the situation they had found themselves in.  "This matter may not have been planned, but it is difficult to say that there will be harm caused by it."

"Indeed," a colleague was quick to follow up, "this may even be beneficial to our students.  Knowing that there are Kings above Nobles, Emperors above Kings and facing such are too different things."  He hesitated, realising his words fell in favour of the other party in this matter and tried quickly to reiterate in better terms.  However, he barely said more than two more words when the Headmaster waved him to silence.

"It is not that I don't know what you are saying," the Headmaster said, a hint of sulkiness in his tone, "however this matter, isn't it just too troublesome?!"

The men and women seated around the carved, oval table discussion the situation which was being lead by the Headmaster could say nothing more to refute this opinion. Considering that they had not long finished one large school event and were looking forward to settling into their usual routines for a while, it really was troublesome and disruptive. Numerous eyes couldn't help but turn in the direction of the slightly unrefined looking man with a chin shadowed in stubble and hair that hadn't met a comb for a few days, sitting beside the much burlier figure that happened to be blood related to him. He chuckled lightly, while scratching the nest of hair upon his head. His older brother decided to smack him in that same location in reprimand.

"Ow! Was that really necessary?" Corvus complained.

"Yes," Corne responded without hesitation.

The reason for this meeting was linked to Corvus, but not due to the matter regarding the Headmistress of Azure Heights Finishing School little sister. They wouldn't have such a meeting regarding Corvus' personal matters of indiscretion. However, it was to do with their visitors. Corvus had inadvertently challenged Headmaster Phichus' claim that his students, all of noble and direct bloodlines, were superior to the students of the Ascending Mountain Institute.

Frankly, pretty much each and every Teacher present had been subject to Phichus' unproven boasts, but at the same time they had ignored them and hoped the annoying pest would fly away sooner that they might continue teaching their students. However, Corvus, who had not yet returned for two whole terms, produced words of ridicule along the lines of; "So you say, but wait, weren't you trying to have this Miss transfer? Could it be you're attempting to poach our students to improve the overall level of your own, because your own really aren't as great as ours?"

"I have no need to improve the quality of our students nor Teachers," Phichus had snapped back through gritted teeth. "I simply am generous enough to give a little time to consider the situation of the students here at the Institute. Otherwise, who knows just how much potential your Institute might stunt due to not having the best resources available to them. And I see right at this moment, that I came at the right time." He sneered openly at Corvus with disdain.

Corvus had been cultivating in the wild woodlands located in a mountain basin for a period of time having found a spiritual plant there and after fending off numerous beasts, chose to bask in its aura. This was his excuse for looking somewhat like the vagabond that Sun had first met. He really had no excuse in the present, he'd just been too lazy to shave and trim his hair.

At that time, he'd returned to the martial arts inner school having received enlightenment and wishing to share it with his young student immediately. Only Sun, who was used to his impulsive manner, had disappeared to get his sword and not returned again, leading him to searching for him and running into Phichus.

The situation went down hill from that point with much bickering back and forth with just which school's situation was better, which physical resources were better, which system of learning was better. There was no sense of debate and even the refined Phichus began to resemble a rapid dire wombat by the end of it. The student audience would have rushed to order roasted pumpkin seeds or pine nuts were they wishing not to miss a thing... well with one exception, who was just becoming irritated that the length of time he was not alone with his small alchemist was lengthening out of his control.

Finally, the matter ended with Corvus stating that they should just see which students were better using challenges or sparring matches with Phichus agreeing without hesitation before storming away. Corvus had turned to look at his young student with eyes saying 'praise me', but all Sun had said in return was; "Oh, so does this mean that our students will get to fight his students? Where? Who'll be on our school's team? What challenges will they have to face?"

Corvus had somewhat realised his mistakes and had had to confess to his older brother (he daren't go to anyone else). Corne had hit him then as well and then had taken him to seek out the Headmaster.

Hence the present.

"I'll just leave it to you," the Headmaster declared, indicating Volun should take charge, before leaving without another word.

Volun sighed inwardly, but could only do as instructed. He began to vocalise things that needed to be planned such as where the guest students should stay and whether other schools ought also be invited to downplay the matter from a grudge match to an exchange of strengths and skills amongst students. His colleague was right that there were students who only overstepped themselves once graduating, as if only those having attended the Institute could be considered great. That sought of thinking, plus the thinking that one's alumni would favour and protect oneself over others was too flawed and was a one way ticket to the grave.

In the meantime, Headmistress Siren entered the large arena located in the centre of the expansive inner martial arts school having heard that Corvus had returned to the Institute from wherever he'd been hiding and had last been seen here by the student she asked. Unfortunately, that had been a good couple of hours ago, he'd slipped her grasp unknowingly once more. She frowned but knew it would only be a matter of time before she caught him now.

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