chapter 4 - Will He Tell Me

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Vicky's pov
  It was time for the tests to begin,then our professor,and the other professor decided,to jumble,class A and class B,so that's means I might be with Nate oh no.
Deborah was transferred to class B and Nate was sitted next to me in my class,mi- lan was sitted next to Nate's friend,the tests began,I felt so awkward and awful sitted next to nate , for what I said to him,but I had to focus or else I would fail.
The tests were done ,and papers were being collected .
" Okay class,you may be dismissed".
" Wait,Nate can we talk".
" Ha ,he signed deep and then breathed out,sure let's go".
" Mi-lan,tell Deborah I will meet you guys later".
" Sure".
We went to the sports ground,and set on the benches and Nate opened a coke and gave it to me .
" Listen Nate am sorry,for what I said earlier, I shouldn't have asked you that question,I saw you were upset".
"I wasn't upset ".
" You were ,I could see it in your eyes ".
"Well can you see it now"he said and looked into my eyes,this is my first time I looked straight into his eyes.They were beautiful deep gold, so enchanting.
But I looked away in embarrassment .
"Am sorry for being upset, with you , it's just I don't like talking about it".
"That's why I came to say ,you don't have too tell me ."
"It's good sometimes to talk to people about, what's bothering you ,I would love to tell you".
" Are you sure".
" I am ".
" My mother died of an illness,she  was so healthy before,so alive and free,by then my dad was already a pastor so everything went smoothly.But it didn't last ,my mother began to get sick , problems began to rise.i just couldn't understand. my dad was a pastor ,why is this happening to us then I wondered ,God can bless him,and take his problems away.
But nothing happened,my mom got even more sick ,and my faith began to reduce,I started quarreling with my father from time to time, because I thought he was a pastor.
I began to drink and disobey my father,I hanged out with the wrong group.i couldn't do anything to help my sick mother.until one day  I was with my friends,I got a call from my father saying.
"Son,mom's gone", he said while crying.
I couldn't believe it ,I just couldn't.
"Stop lying, father" I said and tears began to fall.
" Son please come back please,I could feel my dad's pain through the phone."
"Okay am coming ".
I rushed to the hospital ,my sister came to me I thought she was going to hug me but she slapped me.
" Where were you when mom needed you 'ha' she asked for you ,but guess what. you were slacking off when she's dieing".
" I didn't know".
" Wow you didn't know, because you never payed attention Nate ,you never had .all you did was argue with dad, because of mom begin sick ,you blamed dad ,not knowing how much painful it was for him begin a pastor,a husband and a father,he prayed and cried,he took care of mom until he watched her die Nate ,but look at him his still standing for both of us but his broken inside Nate.
" Enough the two of you ,this is a hospital"my dad shouted.
" Then tell me this where is God now ,you prayed so that mama can be saved but where is she".
" God gives and takes away he does it for a reason,dad said ".
" Stop begin a pastor for once,this is my mother we are talking about ".
" And this is my wife Nate my wife ,whom i have been with her since I met her so don't talk like you know everything son, your mom told me to promise to take care of the two of you ".
"And am not breaking that promise."
  " I hate you Nate," my sister said.
" And ever since then ,my sister never talked to me ,and I can't blame her am the one at fault".
" And where is she right now?".
"She reminded behind in the USA to finish high school ".
" Dad and I came here because he had a vision that this is where our home will be and Dad's chruch Will grow, all of our problems vanished ."
" Am sorry about your mother".
" Thanks ".
" And I hope you soon get along with your sister, because it's good at times like these to be close with family,I envy you guys".
" Why?".
" It's nothing ".
" Oh my God ".
"I didn't know it was this late am sure the girls are worried".
" Vicky ,Nate said has he held my hand thank you for listening ".
" Sure thing 😊".
We stood there just looking at each other,it beautiful I wanted this moment to last but not until my phone rang.
" Sorry let me take this ,hello".
" Miss where are you ,it becoming late ,why is he taking so long to bring you back,ha I hope his not trying funny things! "Mi-lan shouted.
" Mi-lan am okay, don't worry am no my way right now, okay bye".
"Is she mad ".
" Kinda we better head back ".
We walked and talk about others things until we reached the place where we had to separate.
" So good night".
" Wait Vicky,I would love to be friends with you , if that's okay with you" .
" Sure ,here is my number ".
And we exchange numbers.
"Alright good night".
" Alright good night sweet dreams".
"Thanks ".
Oh my gosh he said sweet dreams aww 🥰 I thought that's cute  .
I'm still looking for you ,I then  stopped in my tracks no it can't be .breath Vicky do not be afraid.
"Vicky don't look back".
"Father ".

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