The truth - part two

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Vicky's pov
"Before we start searching, everyone put on these gloves,"the police lady said.
"Okay ".
We split,so we could do things faster and get out of the house.i went in mom and dad's room,I saw albums,I just couldn't look at them I felt guilty, no matter where I went in this house,I just felt guilty and horrible.But then I remembered something,dad showed me a secret keeper ,where he used to keep things only he knew,not even mom knew about it .
It was under there bed , under the wooden floor, it's looked Normal,but if you look close enough,the shapes of the wooden floor were different,but I knew just the one we're the little things were hidden.

I opened it and found money,but not only money could fit there, but also like memory cards and flashes ,yes flashes that right.i got it and everything that was there ,I went to met the rest.
" Guys,I think I found something".
" A flash ,how come?"the police man asked.
" Family secrets".I said and put the flash on the tv ,I sat between my friend's who were holding my hands on each side.Then it began to play.

( Flash) - The past
" Mr Evans,has a friend am always here to help ,but you can't even pay my money ,back it has been a year now , don't they pay you at work".
" They do it's just".
" You spent on girls,don't you ,when you have a wife ".
" No , it's not like that,you won't tell my wife would you".

" No ,it can't be dad loved mama , it's just can't be ",I held my mouth and a tear dropped and more followed.

The past
" It's the only way ,I could find money, with the rich ladies,I started investing in them".
" Okay and where is the money".
" My dad showed his friend , what's in his account,but they saw nothing".
" Is this a joke Evans".
" No ,my money was in there just this morning".
" But now it's looks like ,the also eat your money that was there's".
" But I never gave anyone my account number".
" Am running out of patience, Evans or do you want my men  to ,do something to your loving family".
" No please".
" Then give me something worth the money you own".
" Okay,I will give your son my daughter,and they will get married in the future, look here is a picture doesn't she look lovely."
"Matthew , what do you think,she looks promise able".
" Yes,I like her alot already,just  by looking at her ".
" Okay, it's a deal,sign the contract Mr Evans and the your daughter belongs to my son".
My father hesitated a bit.
" What's talking you so long, don't start thinking of changing your mind".
" No am sorry I won't".
" It's done".
" Promise me Mr Evans promise me your daughter will be mine", Matthew said.
My father new who he was messing with,he swallowed his saliva and said it ' I promise'.
Then the kid smiled ,the smile that terrifies me ,and the video stopped.
No ,no ,no , it can't be ,so that's why mom and bro are dead , because he couldn't fullfil his promise .no,no I keep on saying no , it's can't be I was sold off has if am a slave, how can you do this to me dad,you monter I screamed and Stormed out of the house crying, feeling dizzy , heavy, crazy, this can't be happening to me ,I shouted,then started laughing, it's can't be more tears fell , how can you do this to me I don't deserve such a life ,why dad ! Why!
" Vicky, come back ! Deborah shouted".

Mi-lan pov
We tried to get to Vicky,but before we could,a car almost bushed her , it's a miracle it missed her ,but after that she suddenly fainted .
We rushed to the hospital,the doctor said she had shock ,a headache, slight pains in her body,but if she rests and gets medication she would be okay.we were relieved nothing bad happened to her.we immediately called Nate and told him everything,so the rushed to get a plane , that was going to America in less than an hour.
After hours passed,he got here.
" How is she doing".
" She's kinda doing okay,but I think she has been having nightmares and fevers", Milan said.
" Can I see her ,yes but she's still hasn't waken up yet".
" Okay I see ".
I got in the hospital room and looked at her so peel and sickly looking,I felt to bad and sad.i went to sit next to her lifted her a bit and put her head on my chest and began to pray for her ,she suddenly started moving her body has if she was shaking,I chase those demons that were disturbing her away ,then she stopped shaking out of fear and she opened her eyes.

Vicky's pov
I saw Matthew,in my dreams wanting to catch me and had a knife in his hands,I started shaking in fear ,all kinds of bad memories started flowing in my head ,but suddenly I heard a calm voice praying,then it started becoming clear ,the dark clouds left ,the sun appeared and all  darkness left me including Matthew,I felt warm and safe .
Has I was opening my eyes,I thought I saw a bright figure hugging me,but when I looked close I saw.
" Nate".

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