chapter 15

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"Tajurba kehta h
Mohabbat se kinara karloon,
Aur Dil kehta h
Ki ye tajurba dobara kar loon!"


Hoor kept looking at the divorce papers in her hand holding it tightly and cried her heart out. Yes, she was responsible for the loss of her husband. She did a mistake. She never paid any heeds to his words. How much Daniyal assured that he loves her, she didn't believe it and got dragged into the words of society who spoiled her mind. She wanted to impress society.

She sold her husband like a pet to other woman despite him claiming that he didn't want to marry. In her greed, she spoiled her own life. She murdered his soul. She shouldn't have listened to her mother-in-law and those aunt's words which made her take such a cruel decision of her life. She was driven by their imaginations and she wanted to impress his mom. She wanted to be a good daughter-in-law to his mother and forgot her husband and his love for her.

She was blinded. The day when she heard the news she can't be a mother. It broke her heart into million pieces like a glass which can't be fixed. Daniyal was with her every second, every minute and made her feel precious. He never for once raised his voice on her and he even started looking for adoption just to keep her happy. He was successful in fixing her broken heart with his love.

"At first, He will be supportive then, later on, he will change and have extramarital affairs. It's better for you to get married him to some other girl legally and this way he won't lose his interest in you and you can have the kids too." She heard her aunt's advice which imprinted in her brain like a strong signal which should get complete to achieve the target. The deadline. Even her mother-in-law too agreed with her aunt which made her accomplish the task. She shouldn't have listened to her.

Whenever she attended party gatherings or functions, she felt like people are pointing their hands at her and laughing vigorously on her flaw. She felt like their eyes are making fun of her. Daniyal never lost his interest in her. She wasn't a sexual object for him to satisfy his needs. He needed her like oxygen and cherished her always.

They were one soul. He was angry at her ridiculous decision, that's why he ignored her. She understood his actions now, alas it was too late. She couldn't bring him back to her. She can see the same amount of love, his craving for her in his eyes but his eyes didn't twinkle. She knew she lost her respect in his eyes.

She wished that she has some time machine as shown in movies so that she can go back and erase her wrong decision and make everything right. Her breath hitched remembering how she kept forcing Kinza to do his every work despite her refusals. She pushed that girl forcedly in his life. Carefully she opened the diary of Kinza to dwell on regret.


Daniyal opened the penthouse door with spare keys and went inside. Everything was pitch black and he could smell alcohol everywhere. He switched on the lights, making the hall lighten. He observed the furniture was upside down as a tornado hit them. A few vases were broken. What caught his attention was the dried blood.

He followed the red dried liquid to stumble on one of the bedrooms. He knocked on the door praying his brother should be okay. He kept knocking the door ferociously, but none opened. He stopped the knocking to hear something, at least some voice but he didn't get any. He broke the door applying all his force injuring his shoulder in the process.

He saw his brother's body lying lifeless. Few bottles shattered all around the room, his right hand and left leg turned into purple. Few houseflies resting and dancing on his injured hand. An awful smell mixed with blood and alcohol made him nauseous. He blocked his nose with his hand and rushed to open the windows to allow some fresh air to wash away the dirty pungent smell in the room.

He leaned next to his brother examining him, he was breathing which made him relax. He picked him carefully with the help of the servants whom he called for help and shifted him to another room. He dialled his family doctor giving him a quick brief about Imran's condition. He sprayed the room conditioner and other perfumes to make the smell vanish. His brother became a Devdas with the beard and with the stinking smell radiating from him.

"The cut was left untreated and exposed to air, he got infected. He is reeking of alcohol. Seems like he didn't eat anything, surviving only on alcohol. I am inserting a drug which will lead him to vomit the content of his stomach. After that, we will see how he will progress." Doctor replied looking at Daniyal. He controlled his anger on his brother foolish act and nodded his head implying him to carry on his duty. He went outside to have some fresh air.


"Goodmorning Daniyal." He heard Kinza's voice which was sounding to be chirpy but failed miserably. Daniyal thought of informing about Imran's condition to her but something at the back of his mind stopped him to do so. He needs to solve the mess first and later he would tell everything to her in detail.

"Morning. Did you had your breakfast?" he questioned normally. Soon they became comfortable and she explained to him the happenings of the project and the developments in the company like a robot and he listened to it absent-minded.

"I am coming after a week. Just to look after you and the company." He informed her about his arrival which made her worried. He kept the call without listening to her in return.

"Bring me my breakfast, Linda. Daniyal is coming." Kinza replied looking at her secretary gulping the water. She knew she had to eat now. No matter what, she needed to look healthy in front of him. Otherwise, he would create hell and she had to bid bye to London forever. She promised him that she would look after herself and never skip her meals which she broke and now she had to comply it.

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