Chapter 1

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No matter how many times I've seen my face and body all bruised and scraped up, I've never gotten used to it. Even though it's been just over a week since Aiden and I were in the car accident, I feel like the bruise on my cheek is taking way too long to go away; like it's stubbornly remaining just to mock me, to remind me of what I've been through. My nose has healed from the accidental elbow to the face Mason dealt me at the beach house, but the rest of my bruises are taking their sweet time. Aiden's injuries were worse than mine—I didn't need stitches, at least—but every glance in the mirror reminds me of Harvey, of Andrew, and of how they're still out there, getting away with their crimes, with their attempt to kill us.

A few days after school started, while I was stubbornly refusing to attend until my friends could join me, Makayla Thomas, Kaitlyn's best friend, saw me at the grocery store, still banged up and bruised from the accident. She told everyone that my face is fucked up from botched plastic surgery, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Charlotte told me about that rumor going around the school. This means everyone's going to try to get a look at me when I return today with Aiden, but that's nothing in comparison to what he's going to face when he steps in the building.

He doesn't normally open up—it was a miracle when I got him to tell me even the most insignificant detail about himself, and he liked me. Having a bunch of stupid teenagers knowing your business and openly staring at you and stage-whispering as you walk by isn't something he'll especially enjoy. I haven't seen him since the accident because he and Mason just got back last night, but I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd decided to skip the next few days. But he's not; he's going to meet me at school, and while I missed him and am so excited to finally see him properly after a week apart, I'm also dreading it, because it'll start the countdown to when I leave. Technically, the countdown started last week when school started, but I can't bring myself to think about that, about how I wasted a week of my life here in King City before I'm relocated without Aiden, without my friend group. I don't know how much time I have left before I'm forced to leave and become someone new, but I know I don't want to throw away another single second. I'm going to make the most of it, even if it means going back to school and facing the gossip mongers who have nothing better to do than gawk and stare at us.

As I walk into the school for the first time since the break, I already feel the stares on me. I fidget with the necklace that Aiden got me for Christmas, feeling calmed by its weight. The necklace with a secret button to release a hidden blade has been around my neck since we left the beach house. Obviously, I know I shouldn't be wearing it to school, but I can't bear to take it off now. Besides the fact that Aiden got it for me and that its presence is comforting, I didn't wear it the night Aiden and I went to meet with Vivienne Henfrey, and we were run off the road and almost killed. I could've really used it then against Harvey, so I'd much rather have it on me now, just in case. Besides, it doesn't look like a switchblade, so I'm sure I won't get in any trouble since no one will know. Either way, I keep it tucked under the collar of my shirt when I'm not fidgeting with it.

I meet Annalisa in the front hall, and she holds her head high as we walk, a scowl on her face as she stares down the people who gawk at us without shame until they bow their heads in submission. If I wasn't her friend, I'd be terrified of her. We round the corner to get to my locker and I stop short. Leaning on my locker with his arms crossed, looking perfectly at home but still managing to appear menacing, is Aiden. Talking on the phone and FaceTiming this last week hasn't done him justice; it's nothing in comparison to him in person. A sense of peace washes over me at seeing him standing there, waiting for me, looking at me with hunger and impatience. Everything fades away as I walk over to him. Aiden pushes himself off of my locker and studies me as we approach him.

"How's your face?" is the first thing he says to me once we're close enough.

Wow. He's so romantic. The corner of my lip turns up. "Not as bad as yours."

He smiles at me as he shakes his head and immediately pulls me in for a hug. I melt as he rests his chin on the top of my head.

Yes, FaceTime cannot compare to being in his arms, to feeling the tight muscles in his back. It cannot compete with the feeling of my head tucked into his chest, with hearing his steady heart beating in time with mine beneath my ear, with the feeling of safety and assurance that comes with being in his arms. I can say with absolute certainty that nothing can substitute for the feeling of actually being with him in person.

"Are you okay?" he whispers.

There's something about sharing a traumatic, life-threatening experience with someone that brings you immediately closer to them. When you think about it, Aiden and I kind of saved each other's lives. Actually, not kind of. We did. After the car crash, when Harvey's gun was pointed at me and he pulled the trigger, the shot went wide because of Aiden's quick thinking. And when Harvey started slicing Aiden's throat, he only stopped when I shot him. I'm so grateful my aim was good that day. Being with Aiden now, I instinctively know that no matter what happens in my life, he'll always be close to my heart.

"Yes. Are you?"

He pushes a piece of hair behind my ear and pulls back to meet my eyes. "I'm better now."

My heart flutters, and I remember when he said something similar to me after we got separated at the Tracks when the cops busted the races, which seems like forever ago, even though it's only been about a month.

Annalisa clears her throat. "I wanted to know how you were, too, in case you were wondering."

I laugh and separate myself from Aiden so Annalisa can have her turn with him.

"I'm glad you're okay," she says when they stop hugging.

Noah and Julian come around the corner and grab Aiden into one of those bro hugs.

"I knew we'd find you here," Julian says to Aiden with a quick glance in my direction.

"But would it kill you to answer a text message every once in a while?" Noah complains as he gives Aiden a shove.

Aiden steps aside so I can open my locker.

"Hey, how are the twins handling all of this?" Annalisa asks. "Have you explained everything to them yet?"

Aiden runs his hand through his hair, which is getting kind of long. "Just like with the whole finding Greg dead outside our house thing, I didn't exactly tell them everything. But they know who Andrew Kessler is now, and they don't really care for him. So since we're staying at Mason's for a bit, Brian and Natalia have been really good with keeping them occupied and getting them ready for back to school."

Ever since Aiden's arrest, Mason's dad has had legal custody over him and his brothers, Jason and Jackson. Once Aiden turns eighteen this week, he'll file for custody. I'm guessing the current situation's working out pretty well for now—since Aiden's been dealing with a media frenzy, it's helpful to have actual adults you can depend on around.

The warning bell rings so we all start moving toward class. As we walk, Aiden grabs my hand in his bigger one.

"Hey, just a heads-up, don't make plans this Friday." Noah grins, not so innocently.

Aiden sighs, apparently already knowing what Noah's talking about. "I told you, I don't want a birthday party."

"You're turning eighteen in two days! You're getting a birthday party! My. House. This. Friday. Be. There," Noah says.

"Noah, the last time you threw a party, you ended up in the hospital," I point out, and I know none of us wants a repeat of that. Especially right now.

"You can't just stop trying to live because something bad happened," Noah says thoughtfully. "We're just gonna pull up our big-boy and -girl pants and throw the best damn party that Aiden deserves. And no one is going to talk me out of it."

It's Aiden's party, so really, he gets the final say. He mumbles something that sounds like "Fine, whatever," under his breath, making Noah cheer triumphantly.

Bad things happen in life—especially mine lately—and we can't let that stop us from living. I am going to get through senior year and have a normal life if it kills me, which it honestly just might. With my new resolution coursing through my veins, I feel more determined than ever to not let the bad things bring me down; to make the most of my time here in King City with my friends.

"What classes do you have after lunch, again? History, spare, then math with me?" Aiden asks me as we walk up the stairs.

"English, spare, then math. Why?"

"We have a sub for math." His eyes light up mischievously. "What do you say we get out of here after English and go do something?"

"Like what?" I ask. Alone time with Aiden? Don't have to ask me twice! We haven't had any real alone time since before the accident.

"Your choice."

"So if I wanted to get pancakes . . . ?"

"Then you're getting pancakes," he replies, making my heart squeeze.

"Then how can I say no?" I'd never say no. Who knows how much time I have left with him?

"Good. I'll meet you at your locker after fourth period." He kisses my forehead quickly, an act that for some reason feels so much more intimate and sweet than a kiss on the lips, and leaves in the opposite direction with Julian.

Noah and I have the same subject, and we'll drop Annalisa off along the way, continuing along to room 341, the class that started all of this, these friendships that mean so much to me.

"Well, damn. I've never felt more like a fifth wheel in my life," Noah grumbles. "Anna and Julian were on one side of me making out, and Amelia and Aiden were on the other side of me making out. But no one's over here making out with me before first period."

"We were not making out." Annalisa and I defend ourselves at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah." He dismisses us. "Maybe it's time I find a nice girl and settle down. Any suggestions?"

"Kaitlyn," Annalisa says flatly.

We both swing our heads over to look at her.

"That's not even funny," I deadpan.

"No, I'm not talking about Noah," she explains, tilting her head in the direction she was looking. "I meant Kaitlyn is coming."

Sure enough, the she-devil herself is marching right in our direction.

I can practically feel the excitement coursing through Kaitlyn's veins at getting to pick a fight with me. She must have gone stir crazy over the break without having me to annoy the shit out of. She and Makayla stop in front of me and cross their arms over their chests in what seems like practiced synchronicity, barely even noticing Annalisa and Noah at my side.

Kaitlyn has the same icy, blue eyes and permanent scowl etched on her face as always, but she looks different somehow.

"I'm glad you tried to fix your face over the break, it needed a lot of work done." Kaitlyn sneers at me. "But I thought people get plastic surgery to make themselves look better, not worse. You should consider suing your doctor."

Back at it again. Is it bad that I'm almost excited to trade insults with her? This feels somewhat normal, innocent even—at least in comparison to what we've just been through. "You must've sued the shit out of your doctor, then, Kaitlyn. I mean, I'd be pissed if my face came out like that."

"Kaitlyn's face came out great!" Makayla jumps to her defense, earning her a glare from her friend and an amused eyebrow raise from Annalisa, Noah, and me.

"I didn't get plastic surgery, dumbass," Kaitlyn hisses at her second-in-command before turning back to me. "Either way, that monstrosity you call a face is distracting everyone here. I could get you a paper bag to wear if you'd like?"

I narrow my eyes at her. "My face was good enough to steal your man."

Ohhhh shit.


Mic drop.

I didn't actually steal Aiden from her, he's made that abundantly clear. But damn, that felt good. I swear her eye twitches and a vein in her forehead pops, but she does a good job trying to remain calm and unfazed. Wow, maybe her New Year's resolution is to try not reacting explosively. Annalisa's laughing beside me, and Noah is practically glowing with pride.

"Ryan is twice the man Aiden is."

Doubt it. "Not that I don't thoroughly enjoy our time together, Kaitlyn, but is there a reason I'm spending my morning talking to you?"

Her blue eyes laser focus on me. "I hate you. I more than hate you, I despise you. You've had a good first semester, running around thinking you're the queen of the school. But that ends now. This is my school. I'm running the show."

She takes a step closer to me, and I force myself to square my shoulders and stay where I am, to not back down. The shadows under her eyes that she's concealed with makeup are more prominent this close, and she seems different. Older, maybe. But still the same, entitled attitude.

"Ryan thinks there's something off about you, more than in the sense of you being a stupid little bitch, and I agree. Andrew Kessler is going to ruin Aiden's life, and we're going to ruin yours." She gets even closer to me, if possible, and this time I do step back. "Secrets don't stay secrets forever. Stay out of my way."

I open my mouth to lob back one of my patented snarky comebacks, but my mind draws a blank. Honestly, I'm a bit rattled. All the time she's spent hanging out with Ryan has clearly changed her. She seems more focused and calculating, less likely to explode. She's always been kind of scary, but now she seems more threatening, if possible.

Something on my face must give away how much her words affect me, because Noah steps in and gently pushes her away from me. "Lay off, Kaitlyn."

She gives him a calculated look. "Don't act like I killed someone. I'm not the one who has a murderer for a brother, am I, Annalisa?"

Oh. No. She. Didn't.

Annalisa's head snaps over to Kaitlyn so fast I get whiplash. "What?" she asks lowly, almost as a warning.

"Ryan said the Luke Montley who's going to rot in prison for killing his dad comes from your white-trash family," she basically sings, loud enough for the whole hallway to hear.

Annalisa and Luke have different last names, so when his came out in the news, no one harassed her since they didn't know he was her brother. Even though Annalisa doesn't have the greatest relationship with her brother, we all know how much this is affecting her, and how bothered she is by her brother being in this kind of trouble. I put a hand on Annalisa's arm, warning her not to react the way Kaitlyn wants her to.

"Does your brother get his jollies from killing innocent old men? Is that what you do in your spare time, too, Anna?"

Suddenly, whatever was holding me back before disappears from my mind since it's no longer me Kaitlyn's threatening, it's my friend. Brushing past Noah, I get so close to Kaitlyn that I can count each eyelash.

"Tread very carefully here, Kaitlyn," I warn, my voice low, making sure she understands every word I'm saying. "I know your mom's the principal and you think you're untouchable, but I promise you, push the wrong buttons and nothing's stopping us from pushing back."

"I'm just stating facts," Kaitlyn says confidently, no fear in her eyes at all.

Annalisa moves around Noah, assuring him she won't do something stupid, and I step back so that she can stand in front of Kaitlyn. It takes Annalisa a great deal of strength to stand so near Kaitlyn and be somewhat calm. I can tell she's fighting every instinct in her body that tells her to destroy Kaitlyn.

"Talk about me or my family again, and I will find you, and I will make sure that no amount of reconstructive surgery will be able to fix your face."

The tone that Annalisa uses sends shivers down my spine, and she's not even talking to me. To Kaitlyn's credit, she looks completely unfazed by Annalisa's promise. It's probably something she's heard plenty of times before from Annalisa. Kaitlyn actually smiles, as if she just won some game that Annalisa and I weren't even aware we were playing.

"Just stay on your shitty side of town and we won't have a problem."

Satisfied, she turns around and struts off, shoving a freshman out of her way and into a locker without a thought as she continues down the hall, Makayla at her side.

"Whoa, someone took an extra dose of their evil psychopath pill this morning," Noah says as Kaitlyn disappears around the corner.

I don't hear what Annalisa replies, my brain focusing on what was just said. Secrets don't stay secrets forever.

Here I was, excited to trade insults with Kaitlyn like the good old days and feel back to normal in our routine, our simple, safe routine in comparison to murder attempts and political scandals, but obviously Kaitlyn's stepping up her game. Does she know something? Is she close to exposing me? If she doesn't already know and digs deep enough, she's going to stumble onto a secret that's much bigger than she, or anyone, could've ever imagined.

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