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Sitting in the corner of the balcony, you looked up at the sky and found the only star shinning with a dim light surrounding it.. Darkness everywhere around.. You smiled a bit as you spoke..

Y/n: Are you ok up there, baby?

Your dear boyfriend, Jane died in an accident 2 days ago.. It was your birthday and he wanted to surprise you with your favourite chocolates and white roses,after being away for two months for a business trip..You never thought that the most precious day of your life will turn out like this..

Y/n: Is it better up there? Are you happier?

You asked as tears welled up in your eyes again... You sniffed once more before you spoke..

Y/n: Why? Why did you have to go away so early? Didn't you say you want to make a family with me? Why would you break that promise?

Your kept talking like that.. . You didn't even notice your younger brother, Jimin was already in your room... Seeing you like that, he sighed as he put the plate of food on the nightstand and spoke..

Jimin: Noona?

He called out but didn't receive a response, so he went towards you and tapped your shoulder, making you flinch a bit... You looked at him as you groaned in annoyance..

Y/n: Chim, can't you please leave me alone for once?!

Jimin: "For once" Huh? Noona, you've been sitting in this room for 2 days!! You haven't even taken a bath in these 2 days and you stink!! I mean come on Noona, go outside and get some fresh air. Even if you don't wanna go outside, atleast get out of this freaking room!! Try to forget him Noona..

He huffed angrily. You rolled your eyes...

Y/n: You think forgetting the one whom you are crazily in love with is easy? You've never been in a relationship.. You won't understand!

Your statement kinda hurt his single ass but for now, what matter to him the most was to save you from putting yourself into severe depression..

Jimin: Whatever.. I brought this food. Eat it.

He said, pointing at the plate he kept on the nightstand, but you shook your head..

Y/n: I don't have any appetite..

He sighed. He brought the plate to you and sat down beside you..

Jimin: You still have to eat.. You haven't eaten yesterday..

He said in a soft voice.

Y/n: I did eat yesterday. It was you who gave me the food.. Don't tell me you forgot..

Your voice remained cold, emotionless. He pouted, but you couldn't see that as you were not looking at him.

Jimin: No you didn't. I saw you throwing the food away.. Now I won't go before you finish the whole plate in front of my eyes.

He kept on trying to console you and get you to eat, which was making you more annoyed than you already were.

Y/n: Chim stop annoying me! I don't wanna eat!!

Jimin: Noona stop being stubborn and eat it!

He raised his voice unconsciously. You looked at him blankly.

Jimin: Atleast take a few bites please.. Look, mom made your favorite banana pancakes.

He said with his eyes glowing with hope, which forced you to give in.. I mean who can resist that cute face of his?

Y/n: Fine.... I'll eat it.. You can go.

You sighed, realizing how he can melt your cold attitude away is a few seconds.

Jimin: No! Eat it in front of me!

You sighed again, not wanting to drag the argument further... He gave you the plate from the nightstand as you started eating the delicious pancakes... Small bites at once.. It tasted so good as you haven't eaten them in a while.. You didn't even realize how hungry you were.. After not eating for 2 days, you could've just shoved anything in your mouth...

After you finished the plate you gave it to Jimin.. He took it while showing you his adorable smile and said..

Jimin: Thank you Noona!

He gave you a tight hug and went away with the plate as you were still kinda perplexed by his behaviour. He had NEVER been this nice to you before.. You both would fight everyday for the silliest things and would keep yelling and hitting each other until your mom came and bumped your heads with each other and make you both apologize to each other..

You remember how he kept on trying to make you laugh... He even insulted himself for you, to see your smile atleast for once... To make you forget your pain four once...

You would be lying if you said you didn't like this cute and clingy side of his.. You never thought he would take care of you like this if needed.. And you loved it.. He was your little brother after all.. Your Chimmy...

"Siblings may be the first one to pick on you but they are also the first one to lend a shoulder for you to lean on"

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