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Y/n's POV.

Same routine over again. Wake up at 6am. Drop my bastard brother to school. And then leave for college. I'm bored of this. Why isn't there anything new to do?!

So yeah.. Now I'm sitting in my almost empty class. Hoseok hasn't arrived yet so I have no one to gossip with. But usually he would come early. What happened today?

Y/n: Hey can you pass me a pen refill. I ran out of it.

I said to the girl in front of me, Somi. She had been one of my friends since the very beginning like Hoseok. She is one of the best friends I ever had but Hoseok would always hold a soft spot in my heart.

She gave me a refill as I started scribbling a random picture at the back of my copy again. For the ten minutes, I kept on scribbling random shapes and lines and I don't know what I wanna exactly draw. I'm bored.

I put my palm against my cheek and rested my hand in the desk. From the corner of my eyes, I felt someone sitting beside me.

I smiled widely as I looked at the person.

Y/n: Hi Hoseok!! Good morning!

I greeted cheerfully. He showed me his sunshine smile, but a weaker version of it and greeted in a very low voice, almost like a whisper.

Hoseok: Morning Y/nie..

My smile disappeared. He looks upset. And he is way to quiet to be himself. He's also wearing a hooding that is covering most of his eyes. But I can still see the sadness through them.

I pulled my chair towards his desk and bend down to look at his face but he turned away.

Y/n: What's wrong??

He didn't say anything and looked down.

Y/n: Hoseokie's I-

I couldn't complete my sentence before one of my classmates ran inside the class and shouted at the top on his lungs, saying that the teacher is coming.

I sighed and glanced at him for a while before pulling my chair back to my desk. By the time the teacher arrived, the class was already full and almost quiet.

He started with his boring lecture as soon as he entered. I mean-the bell hasn't even rung yet! Ughhhh.. I hate this teacher so much.
Y/n's POV

Hoseok was very quiet today at college. He didn't answer much. Ate his lunch alone. Didn't talk to me much either.

Jungkook: What's up Y/n? You look upset.

Yes. I'm at Jungkook's house right now. He came to me with his coffee and handed me one too. I sighed and made a pout, leaning against his chest which made him giggle as he wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me closer.

Y/n: Hoseokie's is sad. He ain't talking to me.

I faked a sob.

Jungkook: Is it? Did you ask why he's upset??

He asked, casually sipping from his coffee. I let out an annoyed groan and removed his hand from my waist.

Y/n: What did I say?? He isn't talking to me. How am I suppose to know what's wrong with him..

I said angrily.

Jungkook: Aren't you his best friend? Why won't he tell you then?

He said in a mocking tone. I looked down, thinking deeply. He's been like this since yesterday, right after I confessed about dating Jungkook. Is there anything going on between Jungkook and Hobi?

Jungkook: What are you thinking?

He asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts by his voice. I shook my head an sighed. What if something's seriously wrong with him??

Jungkook: Come on don't be sad. He'll be fine. Maybe he just had a bad day that's why he's upset. Don't worry he'll be just fine. He's a naturally happy and cheerful guy after all.

He said, giggled as he ended his sentence and pulled me back towards himself by my shoulder.

If there was really something wrong between Jungkook and Hoseok, he wouldn't be so nice towards Hoseok.

I smiled and nodded. Maybe I'm one who is overthinking. Maybe Jungkook is right.

Y/n: Hmm... You're right.. I shouldn't worry much. Hoseokie will be good.

I said, hugged him back as he chuckled.

Jungkook: If you say, he'll be fine for sure.

I rolled my eyes and hit him in the chest. He dramatically let out a groan and caressed his chest.

Jungkook: That hurted!!

I rolled my eyes again and spoke.

Y/n: Maybe you shouldn't be so cheesy.

I saw him make a playful smirk but I just clicked my tongue and snuggled more into his chest.

Y/n: I'm tired...

I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh.

Jungkook: You can take a nap for some time.

At first, I thought to follow him but then, something struck my head, making me shake it immediately.

Y/n: I can't. I have to prepare for a history test tomorrow.

I sighed and he chuckled.

Jungkook: Someone is finally serious about her studies Huh?

I rolled my eyes and whined. He chuckled again again.

"Enjoying me suffer, right?"

I thought.

Jungkook: That's fine. You can take some rest. That stupid test is not more important than your health.

He said making me giggle. He really is precious. I smiled lightly and looked at him with my eyes almost closed from exhaustion and said.

Y/n: Thank you..

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