Chapter Four

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The first chapter of Pawns In His Game is now out! Go check it out if you haven't already!

Adrien's PoV

Adrien rubbed soft circles on Marinette's thighs as she sidled on his lap, resting her head on his chest. "Tell me more about your adventures with Ladybug." She mumbled sleepily into his collar as she tilted her head up into an awkward position before moving it back into her more comfortable one.

"More about Ladybug and I, huh? You her biggest fan or something? I'm hurt princess, severely wounded." He teased her as he adjusted and repositioned her torso with his arm wrapped around her waist to hold her against him.

"Nah, you'll always be my favorite cat."

"Well, there was the first time I met you," technically I had met you before, but this was the first time Chat Noir met you. "During the Evillustrator case. Ladybug had went off on a secret mission while I had to go protect you..."

Sometime during the story Marinette had fallen asleep against him. Adrien could tell by the soft snores escaping her, and her had at some point had tilted back into a position that he just knew would leave a pain in the morning.

Carefully untangling himself from her, he pulled back her covers before laying her on the mattress, pulling the blankets up to her chin after he had crawled in himself.

Bitter memories became prominent as he stared at her peaceful face. His hand had to rest against her stomach as it rose and fell along with her chest. He had to do this to reassure himself that she was alive, safe, and real.

He barely heard himself mutter the words that canceled his transformation as a green light flashed in the room, the skin tight leather suit peeling away from him. Marinette flinched a little, but she just curled even closer to Adrien. His now bare finger traveled up her torso, through the crevice between her breasts and up to her neck where he felt the warmth of blood pulsing beneath her. Tracing her jaw before he laid the back of his hand against her hot cheek as she took even shallow breaths.

He had to convince himself that everything was going to be okay. He destroyed Sandman's necklace, he knew he did. It took Ladybug yelling at him to snap him out of his deranged state, where he nearly caught and destroyed the akuma. And that was why he needed to convince himself that everything was alright.

If Marinette ever saw what he was in the state of mind, he would scare her. Ladybug would be scared, and she was one of the bravest people he knows! She didn't even see a fraction of what he did, she just saw the end.

He was terrified of this new personality, like a monster or demon that's been awakened inside of him. Feeding him all of these psychotic thoughts, making him feel like he was going insane. It didn't stop unless he was with Marinette.

With feather-like touches his knuckles brushed against her cheek, careful as to not disturb her from her sleep.

He needed to grow stronger, for her sake. He wanted to stay with her forever, but he can't do that if he stays like this forever. These thoughts, these terrible thoughts that we're eating him alive, could ruin everything he and Marinette had built and worked so hard to obtain and keep.

He noticed Plagg look at him solemnly, as if he knew what was going on through the terrifying jumble of a mess that Adrien called his mind before he darted off, assumingly to get any cheese his little paws could get ahold of.

His hand slid to the crook of her neck, fingers splayed in her tangled blue hair as he tucked her head under his chin, wrapping his free arm around her waist and clutching her tightly against him.

He couldn't let go of her. She was his anchor, and if his hand slipped and she dropped.

Well, Adrien was quite sure that it would end in a catastrophe. Pun intended. And now, he wasn't just thinking of it being bad for the two of them, no. It would end badly for this entire city, as their famed Chat Noir, turned into a psychotic and unstoppable monster as he unleashed what was in.

This is why, he will protect her with every fiber of his being. His love for her was stronger than anything he had ever felt before, same goes for his admiration of her. He could only wish to be as kind and caring as her.

Feeling her stir in his arms, he nestled his head into her hair, planting a kiss on the side of her head before calling Plagg's name quietly.

Sneaking out of her bed, he silently walked to her bathroom where he transformed back into Chat Noir. Placing a final kiss on her forehead he leapt out of her room, heading straight for the Eiffel Tower.

He had a few questions that he needed answers to, and Plagg was the only one who had them.

Short one today! Has anyone read Pawns In His Game yet? If so, what do you think of it?

What questions do you think Adrien has for Plagg? And what does he mean by monster inside of him? Was it always there, or did it just recently appear?

Until next time, peace!

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