Author's note

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In case you didn't read the blurb, this story is a Manxboy. Read at your own discretion.


It's me again!

I'm back!

Act like you are excited to see me!

Do it goddammit!

I'm just kidding.

Hey guys.

So...I don't normally do Author's notes. Hell, I went over why the hell I'm doing one (repetition on purpose, 'hell' happens to be one of my favorite words. Not surprisingly most of them are cuss words) .Everyone else is writing author's notes, so here goes:

Imagine me looking at you smiling while you are reading my book. Not in a creepy way. Like in a nice way. Pretend there is a way it doesn't look creepy.

Anyway, by reading my book you put a smile on my face. I'm no Dan Brown but I love writing and it's really nice when someone else other than my different personalities reads it. Pretend you didn't see the last part. As far as I'm concerned, you are imagining things right now.

If you are still questioning your sanity (or not by any stretch mine), you might wanna stop talking to yourself and read this next important bit.

Copyright ©2016 Dante Cullen
No animals were harmed in the production of this book.
Contents may have settled during shipping.
No part of this book may be read aloud and recorded on audio tape or disk. Seriously!
Wasted time will not be reimbursed and I am not to be held accountable for any tears, laughter or random acts of violence against smartphones or tablets. And animals, definitely animals.
All rights reserved.

That's just about it. You guys don't steal, do you? Cause you might want to steal something that is actually worth stealing.

BTW, that wasn't the important bit.

Here's the important bit: Read, vote, comment :D

And here's the message that allows you to crucify me: Updates may be slow. I'll try my best to update frequently (your frequent and my frequent are entirely different lol). Is two updates in a week frequent in your language?

Honestly, if you've read this far, you are a boss! What can I say? I'm a writer. I write, sometimes I can't even stop.

Little bit of info on the book: Stockholm syndrome? is supposed to be a short story, but it can be long depending on how I feel about the planned ending and readers response. So if you like it, don't be afraid to raise your voice. Please don't do it literally, you might just find yourself in the room next to me. No it's not in a psych ward!

Now go >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Read!


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