Oneshot_Stolen cotton candies

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The stolen cotton candies

"It's raining"

Sea of clouds gathered, pouring their hearts and souls out onto the heart of the city. Gazing from the 19th floor of my office, tiny moving umbrellas seemed to be the only thing that is not monotoned.

"I forgot my umbrella again... But no rush, it's not like anyone is waiting at home"

Yes, hello. Hopefully, a 29 years old office worker that still lives with their parents, essentially a failure of society, won't surprise you. Paycheck, excel, paperwork and coffee are all my life is about.

Wandering through the flashy signs and billboards of the pavement stores, the neon beams couldn't help but blind my eyes. The sky imbued itself with a stone slate tint, shedding its tears on the frigid breeze, soaking wet. Even the refreshing petrichor was nowhere to be seen but rather buried under a blanket of smokey fog and petrol scent. Concrete blocks and bricks and mortar. There was nowhere to hide, from such sombering fate. My legs lead on their own, while my mind was occupied with the rumbling rap hit. Until I stopped, in front of an empty lodge on the side of a park. The rain doesn't seem to be going away soon anyway. I'll just rest my eyes for a bit...

"Miss? Miss! Wake up!"

A voice echoed. A kid?

An enlarged dark pupil was scrutinizing me while I fell asleep. How long had it been?

"Miss, you finally woke up. Were you sleeping here all night? Are you homeless?"

"Homeless...? No, I'm not very rich but it's not that-"

Not a single word escaped my mouth as I faced the voice. It can't be. What happened? Why am I here?

"Come on let's play together" She was nagging and pulling my arms with laughter while I'm still lost in thoughts and full of questions unanswered.

Aureate beams shoot straight into my eyes. I never remember the sun being this bright, and warm. The chilly gust was washed off my clothes the instant I left the shadowy lodge.

"Where are we going kid?"

"I'm not a kid! We're going somewhere you will like"

"We've just met, how do you know what I like? And aren't you scared of being kidnapped?"

"Kidnapped? No way! You looked very lonely and sad, you will never kidnap me" A smile spread across her small face.


"Yes, you've never smiled once since we met"

Smile? Oh yes, smiling. I smiled quite often with my colleagues though.

"We're here" We stopped at a serene picturesque spot on a hill behind the urban areas. The girl takes out her canvas and paint trays. Having a second look, she is probably around six years old. Her eyes sparkle like crystalized dews deposited on petals, the purest ones in an early spring morning. She picked up White, then Periwinkle, then Peony, then Starfish orange, and a tiny bit of Plum. Tiny soft hands wiggling a few lines here and there, and a sunset appeared, with two shadows holding hands from afar.

"For you! Cheer up please!"

Again, I failed to find the words concealed deep in my heart.

"I- thank you.." I took the picture with hesitation.

"Is that your friend and you?"

"No, I don't have friends, like you. I would be very happy if you can be my first friend!" Her voice shakes as her glassy eyes stare at the clouds

My heart sank. Pathetic. My first friend at twenty-nine being myself at six years old. It used to be like that. All innocence and Pastel and Pink hued, until all left, was Azure and Anchor. Yet I can't go back to either of the worlds anymore.

"Hey, um.." I took a deep breath, suppressing the aggressive tears trying to escape.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. But I'm actually who you will grow up to be. An outcasted office worker. Spending her day travelling from work to her bedroom forty hours a week, repeatedly for years and years on end. I'm sorry I couldn't, I couldn't be an inspiring artist living her dreams happily with her loved ones. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.." In the end, I couldn't stop it. I'm sobbing in front of a six years old child.


Tightened chest made it hard to breathe. Puffy eyelids made everything blurry. Those eyes, full of hope became my nightmare. I was never this nervous when confronting my parents, college entrance exam, or job interviews. Trembling legs and heavy breaths, heart-pounding its way out of my chest, and my soul refusing to continue this agonizing moment.

Suddenly, two petite noodle arms squeeze my shoulders. The little palms awkwardly pat on my hair.

"You must be very sad to cry so hard. There there, it's going to be alright. Mommy told me to draw clouds whenever I feel sad. They are everywhere, they even cry with you, and send you rainbows after you cry together."


On a stormy day where even the sky wants a hug, clouds cry as much as they like. Yet on a clear and bright sunny day where wind races through branches and leaves, they enjoy the most pleasant breeze that they can. I murmured to myself, not realizing that my quivering arms are becoming translucent.

"Oh no, you're-, no, I'm disappearing!" She panicked.

"It seems like I've learnt what I needed here. Thank you, me. Continue to draw for me, promise?"

"Promise... Will you come back and play with me sometime?"

"I'm not sure. But I'm certain you will find much better friends than me. Smile!"

The sight of a young girl slowly faded into the lodge's ceiling. Her watery eyes linger in my head, and those pink and purple clouds of her. I gripped the canvas tightly as I looked up to the sky. The rain had ceased. Shades of vibrant colours glaze the once black and grey skyscrapers with life. Slightly paler than her Periwinkle clouds, yet still fluffy and soft as ever - those cotton candies.

_ The idea started from the contrast of childhood and adulthood. Added some colours, the passion for art and my habit of looking at clouds symbolize something, here we are. Hope you enjoy it. 

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