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I'm eager to finish this book now so I can work on my other books. So I'll update more often on this one.


Unknown - you'll never find me no matter how hard you try.


Marinette read the text again. The thing, that one letter that caught her eyes, was the letter C.

Marinette gulped and looked up. There, not very far away from her, was Chloe, on her phone.

Chloe looked up at her, put her phone away and walked off as if nothing had happened.

Is it really Chloe?

Marinette took a big breath, let it out, and put her phone away as well. She then walked forward, following Chloe.

She came to a stop when Chloe stopped. She started walking when it was safe to. Suddenly a boy wearing a hoodie walked up to her.

He lifted the hoodie, and there standing before Chloe, was Nino.

"Have you got anything?" Chloe asked.

Nino shook his head. "This is getting harder and harder. Why would Lila exclaim that it was you that attacked her?"

"I don't know," Chloe shrugged. "She probably did it so everyone else can think it's me." She groaned.

"Don't worry," Nino assured her. "We're going to find out why."

If they say there going to find out why, does that mean Chloe isn't the one that attacked Lila?

Or maybe Chloe might be hanging around Nino as well just to take Lila down. She's gotten Nino on her side, somehow.

If Chloe is really using Nino to take Lila down, then I have to stop her. She can't get away with attacking someone and then lying about it.

But then again I may be wrong...

Then suddenly Chloe turned around. "Marinette, I know you're there!" She exclaimed.

Marinette sighed and got out to let them see her. "How did you know?"

"When you gave me that look, I knew there was no way you were going to let it pass," Chloe shrugged, but then she frowned. "So if you were following me, does that mean you were trying to find out if I was really the one that attacked Lila?"

"Chloe it's not like that," Marinette quickly said. "I mean, kinda. When I got a message, you were also on your phone, so that means... "

"That I could be the unknown?" Chloe folded her arms. "I got a message too, and I thought it was you!"

Marinette gulped. "What did your message say?"

Chloe unfolded her arms, having a frown on her face. Then she released the frown and stepped back. "I can't show you."

"Why not?" Nino looked at her weird.

"It has to be a secret." Chloe clutched on her phone. "Sorry, bye!" She turned around and took off.

Marinette would have followed her, but she was tired. She turned to Nino, who looked as confused as her.

"Any chance you think she's... " He began.

"Don't even think about it," Marinette cut him off and started walking away.


Chloe's P. O. V

I stopped when I was sure I was far, far away from them. They couldn't know, the unknown told me not to tell anyone.

But I wasn't glad to be doing what the unknown told me to do. I didn't want to get accused from something I didn't do. What was it with Lila saying it was me who attacked her? It wasn't!!

I slouched down against the wall to the ground. It was cold, but I don't care as the tears sprang out of my eyes.

How could I get in the middle of this?!

I checked my phone again. No new messages, which was kinda great because I didn't want to see what the unknown would tell me this time. But it left me upset because I wanted the unknown to tell me I didn't have to do what I had to do anymore.

Then it came. I read the message.

Unknown - awe, is Chloe, the daughter of the Mayor, dying over some stupid thing I told her to do? Haha, very funny!

Unknown - now, you know what I told you to do! I want you to get started on it. Like, right now. You have to make them all believe you.

I sniffed at her harmful words. Before I used to bully others, was this how they felt... Broken, torn in pieces, hurt?

I couldn't bear to think of how others were going to treat me once I did this. I was sure going to lose my friends. It was fun while it lasted, right?

I stood up and started walking back to the hospital. Lila's mom had gone home to get Lila some lunch, because Lila exclaimed she hated the food at the hospital. Adrien was still there with Marinette and Nino. Nathalie was gone though.

They were all sitting, neither of them talking as they kept their eyes shut.

Unknown - you know what you have to do. Make them believe you. I want you to feel alone like I felt when you decided to hurt me!

I gulped again at her words. If this person knew I was already at the hospital, then did that mean that she was right here?

I whirled around, but nobody was behind me. Then I walked up to the rest of my soon to be ex friends.

"Hey guys?" I squeaked. Adrien looked up, then he woke the others up.  "I got something to tell you."

Nino rubbed his eyes. "Chloe you're back. What is it?"

"I-" I took a deep breath. "I was the one who almost killed Lila!... "

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