Chapter 1

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"hey, y/n," your best friend, jamie says and hugs you.

"hi," you reply and lean into her arms. "how've you been?"

"ugh, school is killing me," she begins. "mr. lee has been so tough he told me I couldn't use the restroom today and I about pissed myself."

"oh, damn," you say and laugh. "no one likes Mr. Lee, he's an ass."

"yeah, he really is, I hate him,"

"bruh, same,"

"hey, y/n," someone says behind you. you turn around to see jungkook, he's one of the popular yet shy kids at your school.

"um, hi, " you say shyly. "what do you need?"

"i just wanted to ask if you to go to the party I'm hosting this Friday." he says and rubs the back of his neck.

"oh, maybe. i'll have to see what my parents say," You say playing with the helm of your shirt. Your parents are very strict, they don't like you going out anywhere without their consent. You didn't get a phone until your freshman year of high school. You're now a Junior.

"Okay, great. Just let me know if you can make it!"

You nod and look at Jamie. She looks like she's about to explode from excitement.

"Dude! Jeon Jungkook just asked you to his party!" She says once Jungkook was out of earshot.

"I know! How does he even know I exist?" You say and laugh.

"Bro, I have no idea, you're one lucky bitch."

"If my parents say yes, you'll be my plus one," You say and shove her.


You get off the bus and walk down the sidewalk. You kick at a rock and watch it skit a few feet. You then kick it again, and again, and again. You soon arrive at your house and dig for your keys in your backpack. Once you grab them, you unlock the door.

Your cat, Bob, walks over to you. You bend down and pet him. He leans into your touch and you coo.

"You're so freaking cute!"

He just purrs in response. You laugh and walk inside. You take off your jacket and place it on the hanger. You slip off your shoes and place them on the rack. You toss your bag on the couch and walk into the kitchen.

"Mama," You call "I'm home!"

You hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You look over your shoulder and see your mother. She's wearing casual clothing, a shirt, pants, and shoes?

"Are you going somewhere?" You ask confused.

"Hey honey," Your mom says. "Yes, your father and I are going somewhere. My father is really sick and I want to be there just in case."

"Oh no, what's the matter?"

"We don't know exactly. All we were told is that he's really sick." Your mother sniffs and you walk up and hug her.

"It's going to be okay," She says and hugs you back.

"I know."

"Will you be okay on your own," She asks and pulls back.

"Don't worry, just make sure you're safe, dad's safe, grandma and granddad are okay," You say and smile.

"Okay honey," She says and smiles sadly.

You look behind her and see your dad. He smiles and waves at you. You step away from your mom and walk over to him. He opens his arms and you snuggle up into his chest.

"How was school," He asks. You can feel the vibrations in his chest.

"It was okay," Your words were muffled by his chest.

He pats your head and places his hands on your shoulder. He gently pushes you back and looks you in the eyes.

"Be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you," He says seriously.

What. You were taken back, what does he mean?

"Hon stop," Your mom says and glares at him.

Your dad laughs nervously. "I just want her to be careful, thats all."

You look between them, very confused. Okay...

"Well, we have to go, or else we'll miss our flight," Your dad says.

"Okay, please be careful! When will you be back?" You ask.

"In 3 weeks- Oh here," Your dad says and digs in his pocket for a second. He pulls out a debit card and gives it to you. "It's tied to your mom's and I account, use it for food and transportation only."

"Okay," You say, and take the card. "Thank you."

He just smiles.

Your parents grab their luggage and walk to the door. You follow like a lost puppy who sees food. They hug you one last time, and you sigh. Being alone for 3 weeks. you let that sink in.

Once your parents leave, you walk to the kitchen. You open the fridge and grab applesauce. You close the fridge door and walk over to the silverware drawer. You grab a spoon and use your hip to shut the drawer.

You grab your bag and walk to the kitchen table.

"Yay, homework time."


You're sitting on the couch, browsing youtube on the T.V. Nothing entertaining. You sigh and place the remote on the couch. You lean back and rub your face. Reaching for your phone so you can call the Pizza place. You grab it and dial their number (Yes you have it memorized).

"Hey," You say when they pick up. "Can I order a large half cheese half pepperoni pizza? Yup, that'll be all... Card, please. Thanks!"

You hang up and toss your phone on the couch. It bounces off the couch and onto the floor, face first. You wince and grab it. phew, no cracks. This time you gently place it on the coffee table.

The pizza place said it would be $10.50. You plop back onto the couch and sigh. You place your hand on your stomach as it growls. You grab your phone and open Instagram. You like some pictures, laugh at some memes, and make fun of Jamie in the comments.

Someone knocks and you jump up. You walk over to the door and look out the peephole. You see a young man, about your age holding a pizza. You grab your card and unlock the door.

"Hello," You say and hand him the card.

You read his name tag, Jimin. You take the pizza and your card.

"Thanks, have a goodnight!"

"You too," He smiles.

You shut the door and lock it. You walk to the kitchen and grab a plate. You place the pizza on the table and it down. You open the box and grab a piece of pepperoni. You bight into the gooey cheese and pepperoni and groan. Yeah, this is what you wanted.

You quickly finish that piece and grab another.

Once you're full, you put the rest into the fridge, and walk upstairs to your room. You plug in your phone and walk over to your dresser. You grab some PJs and walk to your bathroom. You quickly change, wash your face, and brush your teeth.

You place your dirty clothes into the hamper and walk into your room. You plop face down into the bed and pass out.


You wake up to the sound of the front door opening. Your tired brain takes a minute to process everything. It then hit you, someone was breaking in. But how? You locked the door after you go the pizza.

You get out of bed and frantically look around. The only place you see is your closet. You walk over and open the door. You crouch inside and close the door. You shuffle back until your back hits the wall. Hopefully, the clothes will hide you enough.


been two whole years ik. i feel out of bts and rlly haven't listened to them in forever. please excuse my writing and stuff.

quick life update; i originally wrote this in 7th grade and i am now going into 12th grade. the whole entire story line is changing and i can't promise that I'll finish the story. but yea. also its hard to write about men when your a lesbian lol.

but yeah. here ya go

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