Stolen Kisses

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                                                                                              Author: mjejridi

At twelve, he knew he was madly in love with her. 

          At eight, she promised he was the one she would mar ry. 

                 At nineteen, he only wanted to be worthy of her.  

                        At sixteen, she promised to wait for him. 

                       A stolen, kiss and a promise of forever… 

                                      But fate could be cruel… 

             Three years later, he was discharged from the army. 

                  Three years of waiting and he was finally back, 

                            But things had completely changed. 

                                He was bent on ignoring her… 

                       And she was bent on making him hers… 

                       But then there was another stolen kiss… 

A kiss that could ignite passion and maybe a promis e of forever… 

Stolen Kisses 1

The ball was already in full swing when Colonel Yul Kwon, second son to the Marquis of Byuntington, arrived. People parted ways and instantly greeted him, while some were murmuring, possibly gossiping about him. Yul was still as handsome as they remembered him to be, coupled with the fact that he was presented to the queen for his bravery during the Battle of Cetriolo, had only made him more appealing despite being discharged after injuring his leg. The ladies rather fancied him as a war hero and the limp in his step, along with the cane he used to support himself while his leg healed just added to his appeal. Yul returned the greetings with short-clipped answers or a nod of acknowledgement as he made his way towards his brother, who was next in line to be the Marquis. He found his brother, Kwon Jiyoung, conversing with his fiancée, Sandara Park. Yul could not help but smile as he saw his love struck expression; after all, it was rare to see his debonair and confident brother in such a state.

“Evening my dear brother, Lady Sandara,” Yul greeted his brother with a teasing smile.

“Evening to you too, Colonel.”

“No need for formalities my dear future sister-in-law,” Yul answered as he took Sandara’s hand and kissed it lightly.

“Evening to you too.” His brother glared at him. “Father has been looking for you. You are two hours late.”

“I had some important matters to attend to,” Yul simply answered as he shrugged his shoulder, enjoying angering his brother.

“Go on and find father. He’s at the parlor room, playing poker,” Jiyoung dismissed his brother.

“Eager to rid of me, I see,” Yul playfully joked.

“Yes. So now go away, as my fiancée and I will be dancing the next set.”

“Be at ease brother dear, I am here to congratulate you both on your impending marriage. About time for you to get leg shackled, you know.”

“Yul…” His brother growled as Lady Sandara giggled at his remark.

“Fine, you old chap! I’m off to find father.”

Yul strode off with much difficulty as he limped his way to find his father.


Lady Jessica was dancing with Lord Kibum when her eyes were drawn to the magnificent figure of the gentleman who just entered the ballroom, causing her to miss a step and accidentally tread on Lord Kibum’s foot. Lord Kibum slightly groaned in pain but seeing that Lady Jessica was distracted, he seized the opportunity to pull her a little closer to him, an action that Lady Jessica did not notice as she continued to watch the tall, dark and handsome figure stride purposely towards his brother. She nodded absent-mindedly at what Lord Kibum was saying, her eyes still trained on the tall figure known as Colonel Yul Kwon. It was the very same man that haunted her dreams this past three years. He was her childhood neighbour and the person she vowed to marry when she was eight years old. She could still remember clearly how Yul was the only one who would play with her when Yul’s brother and her own brothers would not let her.

Her eyes narrowed and her grip on Lord Kibum’s shoulder tightened. She was angry, very angry as she watched Yul lean down and kiss a Lady’s hand. In her fury, she did not notice that she was stepping too hard, to the point that she was stomping, causing another yelp from Lord Kibum as she yet again stepped on his foot. When the music ended, Lord Kibum and Jessica sighed in relief: Jessica for having an opportunity to talk to Yul and Lord Kibum for giving his foot a break, as the two parted and headed towards the refreshments table.

Though to say the least, Lady Jessica’s mood just turned sourer as the night went by. She expected Yul to find her like he always did before he left for the military. But he did not even show himself to her. Once Yul left the party, Lady Jessica cried out feeling faint, for all she wanted to do was to curl in bed and cry.


Yul tried to tame his growing anger. Seeing Lady Jessica, his sweet and innocent Jessica, dancing closely, too closely for what propriety suggested, with another guy made it hard for him to rationalize and dispel all the rumors he had heard about her. How could his sweet and darling Jessica become like this?

He could remember their childhood days clearly. Jessica followed him wherever he went, did everything he did and even called him her hero. Was he too naïve to believe and cling to this childhood adoration he had on her?

He had things planned out for them. He commissioned in the army, to prove to Jessica’s brothers that he could be right for her. After all, a second son of a Marquis was not worthy enough of a duke’s sister. Lady Jessica could marry anyone she wanted with her beauty, wealth and title. Things after all had changed since he got back from the army. And for once he thought, maybe Lady Jessica throwing her attention to another guy might be for the better. He was sure of that now as he saw her laugh and dance merrily with another man. He was after all, a pitiful cripple. If he was not worthy of her before, he was even more so now. But a part of him was still hurt. Nevertheless, did Lady Jessica not say she wanted to marry no one but him? Did she not promise to wait for him even proving it as she stole a kiss from him, giving away her first kiss to him?

Yul could not stay there. He needed to get out. He needed to be away from her so he could think clearly. So, he left just as soon as he got there, despite his brother’s warning of behaving himself and barking for him to stay.


This was not how she imagined their reunion to be. She waited three years for him. She fended off any potential suitors and proposals all because she was waiting for him. She wondered if he still thought of her as a child, but didn’t she show him that she was not anymore when she purposely gave her first kiss to him—stealing a kiss, right when he was about to leave for the army.

She was only sixteen then. She was such a fool to believe that a man like him would ever like her. She was foolish enough to believe that he understood what she meant when she boldly stole a kiss from him. Jessica clutched the now old and tattered scarf that Yul gave her for her sixteenth birthday. It was a simple scarf, but it was precious to her. More precious than any of the finer and more expensive gifts she got over the years, all because the most important man in her life gave it to her.

Jessica brushed her tears away as determination was set rigid in her eyes. If there was something about her trait that Yul admired, it was her stubbornness and impudence. And by God, she would use that to her advantage. If Yul would not go to her, then she would be the one to go to him.


Yul awoke with a wicked hangover. He went straight to his club after he left the party and drank to his heart’s content and now he was paying the price. He cursed the army, for making him wake up as soon as the sun rose despite only having a few hours of sleep. Try as he might, he could not go back to sleep. Pulling the bell, he called for his valet to help him dress for the day. It was no use to mope around in his room, when he could spend the day doing what he loved best—Riding.

Breathing in the fresh morning air, Yul personally saddled Midnight, his prized stallion, as he was eager to ride him after three years. Though it had been three years, Midnight could still recognize him as he neighed and nuzzled his head on his hand that was stroking him.

“Lady Jessica always visits him and feeds him every morning.”

Yul turned his attention to his stable boy.

“Lady Jessica?” he asked unsurely.

“Yes, Mi Lord. For three years now, since you left for the army.”

“I see…” Yul said absentmindedly as he pushed himself up with much difficulty and swung his impaired leg over Midnight’s back to mount him.

“Mi Lady ought to be here around eleven to check on Midnight like she always does.”

“When your Ladyship shows up, tell her that she needs not have to wait or come to tend to Midnight anymore. I can do that myself from now on,” Yul instructed before he galloped away from the stables.

If his impairment had dashed all his hopes of ever making Lady Jessica his, at least it didn’t take away the other thing he loved—he could still ride, though not without much difficulty.


Jessica awoke to the sound of galloping. Only Yul rode this early, she thought. Her brothers and Yul’s brother were probably still sleeping or nursing their hangovers. She smiled unconsciously after realizing that Yul still had the same habit. Pulling on her bell pull, Jessica hurriedly instructed her maid to help her dress in her riding habit so she could ride around their estate as well. She knew it was a lie, for she probably would cross to the neighboring estate so that she could see Yul and demand answers from him.

“My Lady, it’s only seven. You usually sleep till ten.”

“I am not that sleepy and the day is really nice, so I feel like riding,” Jessica lied. In truth, she was still very tired and sleepy, but she cannot let this chance of having Yul alone to talk things out go to waste.

As soon as she was dressed, she went straight to the stables to where her mare, Dawn, was saddled and ready for her. She did not waste any time as she galloped towards the Kwon’s estate, hoping to catch a glimpse of Yul. She knew Yul like the back of her hand and if he had not changed at all, then he would be heading towards the river at the eastern part of the Kwon’s estate. Yul rather enjoyed taking baths there.

She urged Dawn to gallop faster as she wanted to see Yul as soon as possible.

Stolen Kisses 2

Yul secured Midnight to a tree surrounded by a lush patch of grass near the river. He took off his shirt, leaving only his breeches on as he went into the water to take a morning swim, hoping that the cold water could dispel him of his hangover and any lingering thought of a certain blonde neighbour.

Taking a mouthful of air before diving into the cold water, Yul was unaware of the approaching presence of Lady Jessica as he let himself get lost in the water. That was why when he came out of the water, all he saw was Lady Jessica taking off her boots and her stockings.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Yul asked menacingly as he narrowed his eyes at the petite blonde who was busy pulling her stockings off. The chit had long rid of her gloves.

“What does it look like I’m doing Yul?”

“I would appreciate it if you answer my question.” Yul frowned at her impudence.

“I did answer your question.”

“Not when you answer it with another question.”

“Fine.” Jessica forced a smile. “Well, I’m taking off my stockings and getting undressed to swim,” Jessica continued cheekily as she went on pulling off her stockings, exposing her creamy and smooth calves.

“You are not swimming here, Jessica,” Yul answered with gritted teeth, not from anger but from the growing discomfort he had down there as forbidden images flooded his mind.

“Why not? I swim here all the time.”

“Jessica…” Yul dragged on the syllables longer, wanting to convey his displeasure.

“Yes, Yul?” the little minx answered sweetly as she took off her riding habit, giving Yul a view of her scantily made morning gown.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Yul completely lost it, seeing that the impudent girl was actually going to undress.

“No, but I think you are!” Jessica bellowed, completely dropping her act. “You’re ignoring me, aren’t you? That’s why you did not bother to greet me or visit me at my estate.”

Yul could hear the hurt in her voice, which totally caught him off guard. Wasn’t it her who did not want him anymore?

“I was just busy…” he tried to reason.

“Busy?! Yul, you’ve been back for a week and if you have not noticed, our estates border each other’s!” Jessica countered as she stood up and pointed a finger menacingly at Yul, who tried his best to cover his naked self. After all, Jessica was still a lady and he needed to preserve her innocence or whatever was left of it.

“I had important—”

“Far more important than me…I suppose?” Jessica asked softly as her confidence slowly slipped with Yul’s indifference.

“Jessica…” Yul’s voice softened considerately as he looked at Jessica’s forlorn face. He cursed himself as he could see that she was on the verge of crying.

“I understand now…I was just naïve to think that nothing would change…that you would still—” Jessica did not finish whatever she was about to say as she hurriedly wore her boots, not minding that she did not have her stockings or gloves on anymore. All she wanted was to get away from Yul. She did not want to show her tears and give him the satisfaction of knowing that he could still affect her this much.

“Sica wait!” Yul hurriedly got out of the water.

Hearing the familiar name, Jessica stopped on her tracks as she allowed Yul to pull her back. It had always been like that. Yul had always held this much power over her. He had always managed to pull her towards him like a magnet; she was always drawn towards him.


“Oh Yul! I waited… I waited for you!” Jessica could not hold in her tears anymore. She let her tears fall freely as she mercilessly poked Yul’s chest with her index finger.

“Shhhh… don’t cry.” Yul wiped her tears away as Jessica seized hitting him. “I… things have changed Jessica. You have changed. I have changed. It’s not possible for me to reach you anymore…” Yul ended his words as he tenderly caressed Jessica’s face.

Jessica frowned as she sniffed loudly upon hearing his statement. “You know that’s not true.”

“Yes, it is… we both know it. Look at you. You’ve grown to be beautiful. But…what have I become? A war hero? I am no hero. I was discharged. I was not of use for the army anymore.” Jessica noticed how distant Yul’s eyes have become as sadness enveloped his usually playful eyes.

“You’re a hero. The queen even acknowledges that,” Jessica softly said as she wiped the remaining remnants of her tears.

Yul scoffed at her statement. “She had given me a medal because she thought it was proper. After all, I have risked my life for our country. But it still doesn’t change the fact that I could never serve again. I even failed at the profession I chose.”

“Oh Yul!” Jessica enveloped the dispirited man in her arms. The man that was standing in front of her now was full of pain and suffering and she wanted her old Yul back.

“I have failed our country, I have failed myself but most of all…I have failed you and to me that is my biggest failure.”

Jessica could clearly hear the pain as he uttered each word. “You did not fail me.” Jessica tightened her hug around him, but that seemed to have jerked Yul awake from his trance as he muttered a curse.

“I’m sorry Jessica. I should have not taken advantage of you.”

Jessica frowned. What was Yul talking about?

Seeing her confusion, Yul continued, “It would not be good if someone sees us in such a compromising position. I don’t want to be the cause of ruining your good prospects for marriage. I’m sorry again, my Lady.”

Yul quickly pulled away and seized his shirt as he quickly mounted Midnight. “My Lady, you should go back now before your brothers start looking for you…” Yul said before he galloped away.

Yul’s voice quickly awoke Jessica as his words registered in her mind. She also mounted her mare and galloped after Yul. Jessica had always understood him and she was very aware of his intention for avoiding her and that only made her more determined to make the stubborn man hers.


“I see that old habits don’t die,” Jiyoung, who was eating his breakfast, greeted his younger brother, who just got back from his morning ride.

“Injuring my leg won’t stop me from riding… if that’s what you’re trying to imply,” Yul gnarled at his brother while he took a seat at the breakfast table.

“I was merely stating that you still like riding in the morning… I did not mean to imply anything,” Jiyoung explained, seeing his brother’s angry aura. He could not remember when the last time he saw his brother mad. Yul had always been a happy chap; never one to get angry easily.

“I’m sorry. I suppose this hangover of mine is killing me. I’m still adjusting… I suppose years in the army had made me forget how much of a devil the effects of carousing could be…” Yul reasoned as he slapped a hearty amount of butter and jelly on his biscuit.

“Indeed. You were away far too long and now that you’re back, father thinks it is about time you settle down.”

“To hell with what he thinks!”

“Yul…” He noticed the warning in his brother’s tone.

“I will settle when I feel like it. I won’t just marry the next chit who bats their eyelashes at me. God knows how much of a ninny they could be.” Yul looked terrified at the prospect of marrying.

“They’re not too bad,” Jiyoung countered.

“Maybe for you, since you’re a love stricken fool, you old chap!” Yul smirked seeing his brother frown.

“I am not love stricken.”


“I’m not…” Jiyoung scowled. “And just to remind you, we’re invited to attend this soiree the night after tomorrow. Father expects you to attend.”

“I’m busy that night.”

“Busy with what? Training those horses again? Yul, if you just give half the attention you give to your horses to some of those ladies who show interest in you, then you would be married by now.”

“The problem with that, old chap, is that I don’t give a damn for those ladies or marrying.”

“Yul, whether you like it or not, at least make an appearance…we can’t irate father, you know how weak his heart is.”

“Fine… but no longer than an hour.”

“Fair enough.”

“I’ll see you later then.” Yul finished his coffee before heading towards his bedchamber.

After all, the next few days would be very long.

Stolen Kisses 3

It had been two grueling days for Jessica. It had been two days since she last saw Yul during that time at the river. Since then, the stubborn man had never, not even once had called on her. But the wait was finally over. He could not possibly avoid her during the soiree tonight.

Jessica smiled widely, liking her reflection. She was happy with how her hair was done. Her long dirty blonde hair was curled up in a somewhat loose chignon. The tiny hint of rogue her maid put on her face was just enough to highlight her best features—her deep set, hazel colored, almond-shaped eyes and the telltale tint of rose color on her succulent lips.

“Mi Lady, let me help you dress now.” Her maid woke Jessica from her trance as her maid showed her a light blue gown to wear for the ball.

“No, not that one…I want the gold one,” Jessica told her maid.

“But Mi Lady, that gown is reserved for Lady Song’s ball. You had it ma—”

“I said I’ll wear the gold gown tonight,” Jessica glared at her maid.

She needed to look her best tonight. She was sure Yul would attend the soiree tonight. She knew Yul’s father enough to know that he would insist that Yul attended. If not to boast about his son being acknowledged by the queen as a hero, then it’s to insist that his son settled down soon and Jessica needed to make sure that if he settled down, it would be with her.

“Here it is Mi Lady.”

“Doesn’t this look lovely?” Jessica asked as she smoothed her palm at the material of the gown.

“It is Mi Ladyship; shall I help you get dressed now?”

Jessica just gave a nod as her maid helped her in her gown.

Dressed in her gown, she looked at her reflection and smiled approvingly. She liked what she was seeing; she liked how the gown hugged her body and emphasized her assets. She was positive that Yul would not be able to resist her.

For tonight just had to be perfect.

It had to be.

She swore to have Yul before the London season started. They wasted three years already. There was no way she would wait more or endure another season being paraded ball after ball for men she did not even intend to marry. So tonight, she will make sure that before the soiree was over, she and Yul would be betrothed.


Jessica nodded politely as she pretended to listen to what Lord Taecyeon was saying. He’s a very interesting fellow, though at the moment, Jessica was too busy scanning the room for a certain tall, dark and handsome fellow. The man in question, however, seemed to not be eager to attend the soiree. The soiree had been going on for the past hour and a half and Yul was still not in sight.

“Excuse me, but I think this set belongs to me,” a rather lanky tall fellow interrupted.

“Oh Lord Leetuk, is it the country dance now?”

“Yes, Lady Jessica and I’ve been waiting for this dance the whole night,” Lord Leetuk replied while extending his hand for Jessica to take.

“Have a good evening Lord Taecyeon,” Jessica politely bid her goodbye before taking Lord Leetuk’s hand.

Unknown to Jessica, Yul saw the whole exchange. He just got to the party and unconsciously his eyes swept the ballroom for a certain blonde. Like a magnetic force, he quickly found her having a conversation with Lord Taecyeon and then he saw how Lord Leetuk came and took Jessica’s hand.

“Evening Lord Yul.” He heard a soft and overly pleasant voice call from behind.

Yul was quickly pulled from his growing anger as he slackened his hold on his cane and loosened his stance, before he turned his back away from Jessica to greet a smiling Mrs. Lee Hyori.

“Mrs. Lee, I hope you’re having a pleasant night,” Yul greeted cheerfully as he offered his free hand for Mrs. Lee to take as he led her towards the refreshments table. The widowed woman gladly accepted the Colonel’s hand. She was fortunate that the man’s eyes were not on her at the moment; for if they were, he would have seen her flush from the contact.

“My evening had been well and I think it will just get better now that I have your company.”

“I do hope so Mrs. Lee.”

“Oh, trust me it will,” Mrs. Lee answered while giving Yul a playful smile.

“Sherry or lemonade?”

“Sherry sounds wonderful.”

“Evening Lord Yul and Mrs. Lee,” another woman’s voice greeted from near the refreshments table.

“Oh, Mrs. Son! What a pleasant surprise. Good evening,” Yul greeted as he took one of Mrs. Son Dambi’s hands and gave it a light kiss. At that moment, Mrs. Son simultaneously received two things: a kiss on her hand from the gentleman, and a fiery glare from the other widower.

“I trust you are having fun then?” Mrs. Son asked as she cocked her head in Mrs. Lee’s direction, ignoring the glare from the woman.

“Indeed, we were…before someone disturbed us because of her unwanted company,” Mrs. Lee scoffed.

“A Lady’s company and ladies such as the both of you are always a fun experience for me.” Yul answered playfully, trying to lighten up the atmosphere. “Sherry, Mrs. Son?”

“That’d be lovely. I’m rather parched,” Mrs. Son answered as she grabbed the drink from Yul, deliberately touching his hand in the process to the annoyance of Mrs. Lee.

Sensing the brewing tension between the two women, Yul excused himself, “It has been a splendid evening, and I’d like to spend more time with you ladies, but I am afraid my brother needs me right now, so I should come to his aide.”

Without waiting for an answer, he walked away from the continuously bickering pair.


“Pardon me,” Jessica excused herself as she bumped into Lord Daniel, but did not even give the courtesy to look at him as she apologized for she was too busy watching Yul.

The man was philandering about and she hated the fact that Mrs. Son and Mrs. Lee could dally back openly and wouldn't be called loose girls. After all, they were both widowers, who had fulfilled their duties of bearing a son for their deceased husbands. Jessica scowled more as she saw Yul bent down to kiss Mrs. Son’s hands and how Mrs. Lee seems to stand a little too close than proper to Yul, but what she hated more were the fact that both Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Son were still fairly young, barely nine and twenty, and she must admit both were still very beautiful.

“Are you okay Mi Lady?” Lord Leetuk asked worriedly as he twirled Lady Jessica. “You’re rather distracted tonight.”

“I’m fine, Mi Lord. Just a little parched.” Jessica forced a smile as she revert her gaze back to Lord Leetuk and tried to focus her mind on dancing.

She realized the stubborn man would do anything to avoid her presence tonight, but of course, she would not let that happen. Her eyes set with determination as she performed the last few steps on the country-dance. If Yul ignored her, then damn propriety—for Jessica swore by the end of the night she and Yul would be betrothed.


“Evening Lord Jiyoung.” Jessica politely curtsied.

“Pleasant evening to you too, Lady Jessica and I think there’s no need to introduce my younger brother to you.”

“Evening Colonel Yul.”

“Evening Lady Jessica.” Yul gave a curt nod.

“You’re looking lovelier as days pass by my Lady,” Jiyoung flattered Jessica. He treated the young woman as her younger sister, especially when he and Jessica’s older brothers Jungshin and Minhyuk, grew up together and were inseparable growing up and till now.

“You jest too much, my Lord.”

“I am merely stating facts, my Lady. We can even ask the Colonel for his opinion?” Jiyoung turned his attention to his brother who was sipping his port lazily. “Don’t you think Lady Jessica’s beauty is comparable to that of Venus?”

Yul cocked his eyebrows at his brother before turning his attention to Lady Jessica. “Indeed. I heard all about your success while I was in the army. I’d rather thought you’d be married by now, especially with so many men vying for your attention.” Yul smiled with malice.

“Well, you thought wrong, Colonel,” Jessica answered sharply.

“By the way, who are you dancing the next set with, my Lady?” Jiyoung interjected sensing the tension between the two. Until now, he was still confused as to why the two were acting like total strangers when they used to be inseparable growing up. He even used to tease his brother about marrying Lady Jessica in which his brother would always boldly answer, ‘just you wait and see.' So it baffled him that his brother was acting a little cold towards Lady Jessica.

“I’m afraid my dance card isn’t filled for that set.” Jessica returned her attention back to Lord Jiyoung as she forced a tight smile. She knew what Yul was implying with his statement.

“Did I hear it correctly; you, my Lady, have not yet filled your dance card?”

“I’m afraid not, my Lord…” Jessica forced another smile at Lord Jiyoung’s attempt to lighten up the mood.

“You know I’ll gladly dance with you but I’m afraid my next set is reserved for my fiancée.”

“And rightfully so, my Lord.” Jessica finally genuinely smiled at Jiyoung’s fondness towards his fiancée.

“I bet my brother here would be more than willing to dance with you,” Jiyoung suggested as he gave his younger brother a hearty pat on his back.


“Plus, if I remember clearly, he did promise to dance waltz with you once you debuted in society. Waltz is the next set I believe,” Jiyoung cut off whatever protests his younger brother was about to make.

“I believe he did so, my Lord.” Jessica seized the opportunity to get Yul close to her and after all, he did really owe her a waltz.

“But my le—”

“Your leg is fine, my dear brother. If I’m not mistaken you’ve been regularly riding in the morning. If you can ride then you can easily dance the waltz.”

Yul sighed, accepting the fact that he would not win against his brother and Jessica. “Will you dance the next set with me, my Lady?” He shoved his cane to his brother.

“I’d love to.” Jessica smiled triumphantly as her plans started to commence now.


“Lovely weather today, Colonel.”

“Indeed,” Yul answered as he led Jessica to their position. He stood in front of the blonde girl as he bowed lightly while she curtsied before he went forward to put his gloved hand along her back while the other held her other hand. “But I think I have known you long enough to know that the weather does not interest you.”

Jessica sighed, realizing her failed attempt to start the conversation more lightly. Despite sensing the discomfort Yul was feeling, she deliberately made the gap between the two of them closer than what was appropriate. “Yul, why are you avoiding me?”

“I’m doing no such thing, my Lady,” replied the Colonel while trying to evade Jessica’s accusing gaze, which was a difficult thing to do, considering the fact that they were dancing waltz, which requires constant eye contact.

The blonde flinched at Yul’s use of titles.

“Is that so, Colonel? Is that why you never did call on me?” Jessica squared her shoulders as she boldly asked while Yul and her twirled around the ballroom dance floor.

“I told you I’ve been busy.”

“I supposed you’re so busy that you can’t even spare me five minutes, Colonel?”

Yul hated dancing the waltz with Jessica. Not only was he so close to her, but it also required constant eye contact, which enabled him to see the hurt in her deep hazel almond-shaped eyes.

“I’m sorry.” He did not know why he said it. But the words just escaped his lips.

“If you’re truly sorry, Yul, you’ll drop this foolish notion of you avoiding me—”

“I told you I’m not avoiding you.”

“That’s pure poppycock!” Jessica indignantly said with a low tone, not wanting anyone else to hear her curse.

“Sica!” Yul hissed, appalled at Jessica’s crudeness.

“So that’s what it takes for you to address me with familiarity.” Jessica smirked as she briefly let her body touch Yul’s, pretending she did the wrong footwork by going forward instead of going backwards like she was supposed to.

“Bloody hell!” Yul cursed as he felt her petite body against him. “My Lady, you’ll be the death of me.”

“Not if you stop avoiding me.” Jessica created the appropriate space between the two of them as she got back to the rhythm of the dance.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I am not avoiding you?” He twirled them around.

“Really now, Colonel? If so, then how about you walk with me to the garden after this?” Jessica shamelessly suggested.

“Have you gone insane? People would be talking if they see us together right after our dance. You know that’s not appropriate.”

“That two childhood friends are having a lovely time spending time together after being separated for three years,” Jessica countered as she did the last twirl of the dance.

“Will you leave this foolish notion of scandalizing yourself just to get my attention?” Yul saw a flash of hurt in Jessica’s eyes but he ignored the rising pain in his chest. If he needed to be cruel to Jessica for her to realize that he was not the right man for her, then by God he would endure the pain.

“Call this whatever you want, Colonel, but the offer still stands… A walk in the garden to prove that you are indeed not avoiding me.” Jessica felt Yul let go of his hold on her as they separated to finish of the dance with a bow and a curtsy.

“Tell me Lady Jessica, why are you so bent on ruining any possible prospective marriages that could come your way?”

“You should know the answer to that, Colonel,” Jessica softly answered but Yul was still able to catch wind of what she said. “Just admit you’re avoiding me and we won’t have to discuss about this further. Plus, I believe there would be other gentlemen who would be willing to walk with me out in the garden.” Jessica coyly added the last part.

“The hell they would!” Yul cursed as he thought of different possibilities. A part of him knew that a man would not want to scandalize himself like that, but a part of him was doubtful; for he knew that others might see the opportunity to take advantage of a lady as attractive as Lady Jessica. He sighed in defeat, and offered his hand to lead Jessica away from the dance floor and towards the refreshments area. “I will go out first… and in ten minutes, meet me there,” Yul gritted out his proposition.

“I’ll see you then, Colonel Yul.”

The chit had the nerve to smile seductively at him. When did Jessica even learn to be seductive? She used to be his sweet, crybaby Jessica. Maybe three years had really changed them both, the Colonel thought as he made his way out to the garden.

Stolen Kisses 4

Jessica excused herself from her conversation with Lord Eunhyuk and Lady Hyoyeon, feigning the need to go to the ladies lounge. Then, when she was sure no one was really paying attention to her, she slipped through the side door and out in the garden. Heaving a deep breath to calm her nervous heart, she steeled herself for what she was about to do. By crook or by hook she wanted Yul to be hers. She knew that somewhere beneath that broken man was the same tall, tanned and handsome man she had loved since she was eight.

“Eeeek!” Jessica yelped as she felt someone pull her.

“It’s just me.”

Jessica could recognize that husky voice anytime. She sighed in relief.

“You gave me a fright,” Jessica said a little out of breath, her chest falling up and down as the pace of the beating of her heart was slowing down.

Yul silently cursed in his mind as his eyesight wandered down to the bodice of Jessica’s gown, which did little to hide the creamy expanse of skin wanting to spill out of her gown.

“Aren’t you cold?” Yul asked the petite blonde as he jerked his gaze away from her bodice and back up to her face.

As if on cue, Jessica shivered. If it was from the way Yul looked at her body or from the chilly weather of the night, she was not sure.

“A little.” Jessica sheepishly smiled.

Jessica watched as Yul shrugged off his coat to drape it around her.

“Does this prove that I am not avoiding you?”

“Not quite...” Jessica gave Yul a mischievous smile. A smile that Yul knew too well meant trouble.

Jessica walked ahead of Yul as the he followed her, struggling a bit. His ride this morning and then dancing the waltz had pushed his still healing leg more than it could take and he could feel the pain searing with his every step. He blindly followed Jessica as his focus was solely on making sure that the pain on his leg did not get any worse. It was not until he bumped into the blonde when she stopped walking did he realize that the chit had brought them farther into the garden.

“Bloody hell Sica! Are you trying to get yourself ruined?” Yul bit out the words harshly as he tried to knock some sense on her and contain the pain of his leg.

He saw Jessica’s eyes widen at his accusation but she did not say anything to counter him. He watched as she walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck before clumsily kissing him.

His lips were cold and damp and unresponsive. Jessica would have retreated then, but she remembered how Yul was the same when she first had stolen a kiss from him. To coax him more, Jessica tried to move her lips against his just like what they did before and as if that was some secret password, he responded. Like their first kiss, his lips started to move and mold against her. His hot breath on her mouth and his tongue darting at the seams of her lips coaxed her to open up and open up she did. They let their tongue dance together as the feelings of their first kiss gripped her whole body again.

With no volition at all, she let her body mold against his as she pressed her whole length on him, making his kisses more demanding, needy and urgent.

When they ran out of breath, Jessica unwillingly pulled her lips away from Yul, a soft smile splayed on her thin lips.

“Is that what you wanted from me, my Lady?” Yul’s harsh words broke away her euphoria from their heated kiss. “Did I satisfy your need enough?”

Feeling like she got burned, she pulled herself away from Yul, tears streaming down her face as she slapped the man she love and the man who broke her heart.

“You cruel and heartless jerk!” Jessica spat out in between her tears. “You stupid, stupid jerk!”

Yul blinked at Jessica’s outburst. Is this not what she wanted? He was, after all, just one of the many men she had been dallying around.

“You heartless jerk. I can’t believe I waited for you...I can’t believe I wanted to marry you…”


“Yes! You promised me you would marry me. I waited for you. I let you off to the cavalry, praying hard that no harm will come to you… I waited for you… I was stupid enough to think you would marry me. I was stupid enough to play the doxy so no respectable lord would consider marrying me.”

Yul watched as Jessica’s petite body racked as she sobbed. He stared at Jessica not knowing what to do or how to swallow this new information he found.

“Arghh! You stupid horrible Jerk! I despise you!” Jessica wiped her tears away and fled from Yul.

Sensing Jessica’s movement, Yul caught the girl by the waist and pulled her against him, before she could even run away.

“Let me go, you jerk!”

“No… no... I won’t.” Yul buried his face on her blonde locks.

“Just let me go…” There was resignation in Jessica’s voice and Yul was afraid that he had truly lost her. He was stupid. He knew that now—stupid enough to doubt his sweet little Jessica.

“Please Yul… just let me go…”

“I’m sorry but I can’t.” Yul tilted Jessica’s chin up so he could lean down and possessed her lips in a gentle kiss—a kiss full of sincerity and his first stolen kiss from a lady.

Jessica was frozen to her spot as she blinked rapidly, confused on what just transpired.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I was a jerk…” Yul showered her nape and shoulder with butterfly kisses. “I was dumb enough to think that you won’t accept me anymore.”

After hearing that, Jessica turned around to face Yul.

“You stupid ape!” She repeatedly pounded on his chest. “You promised to marry me but when I was old enough to do so, you left and join the cavalry. Then you got back and decided to ignore me!”

“Shhhh… my love,” cooed Yul as he caressed Jessica’s hair.

“I wanted to marry you. I was sincere about it. I even asked your brothers for your hand in marriage, but they were right. At that time, I had nothing to offer you. I had no stable income… title or estate… I was unfit to be your husband.”

“Oh Yul! You know I don’t give a hoot about any of those things…”

“I know… I know that now…but I still wanted to show your brothers that I am worthy of you.” Yul leaned down to kiss her temple.

“And they would know that they are wrong!” Jessica smiled sweetly at Yul. “Let’s get married.”

“I will go to your estate tomorrow morning to ask for your hand in marriage and also to acquire a special license so we could wed soon.”

“That’s not what I meant… What I meant was… let’s go to Gretna Green to elope and get married.”


“Hear me out first. Do you honestly think my brothers will let us wed that quickly? Knowing them, they would suggest something foolish again. I almost lost you Yul… I can’t have that happen again. Plus, don’t you think this is a sweet revenge for them ever turning you away.”

It was the desperation and the terror in Jessica’s tone as she conveyed her fears to him that made him realize that it was time to listen to Jessica. Years of listening to her brothers and deciding on his own had led them to nowhere but being separated. It was time to listen to Jessica now and to do the thing that would guarantee their happiness. He could not bear to see his precious Jessica hurt again.

“My dear Sica, remind me to never thwart you ever again.” Yul kissed Jessica squarely on her lips this time. “I’d love to see your brothers’ faces when they realized we have wed without them.”

Those were light and teasing words in contrast to his feelings and the decision he made.

“That serves them right for ever making you part with me! And that’s not the end of it. They will hear it from me!”

“Have I told you I love you and your maddening ways?” Yul kissed her once again and Jessica blinked at the surprising confession.

“And did you know I’ve loved you since the day you held out your hand to me and asked me if I wanted to play with you? You were the first boy to have ever asked me that. My brothers and your brother certainly did not.” Jessica sniffed in annoyance thinking about her brothers.

“Because my darling, even though I was only two and ten, I knew you were something else.”

Indeed it was true.

At two and ten, as Yul laid his eyes on the then eight years old Jessica reading alone underneath the tree that borders their estate, he knew she was someone meant to be a big part of his life. And as she smiled at him, her big brown eyes peering over him with sparkle when he asked her if she wanted to join him by the river, he knew then that it was the same eyes he would love to see every morning.

At twelve years old, he had fallen in love.

Stolen Kisses 5

“My Lady, you’re home rather early. Where are your brothers?”

“I was feeling tired so they brought me home, but after assuring them I’m okay they left in a hurry wanting to go to White’s. You know, men…” Jessica clucked her tongue in disgust. “I’m tired so I’ll head to bed now, please tell my maid I can take care of myself tonight. I’d like to be alone.”

“Of course, my Lady."


“Minhyuk, have you seen Jessica?” Jessica’s older brother Jungshin asked as he craned his neck towards the ballroom.

“She was just at the refreshments table,” Minhyuk answered as he continued to drink his port, while having his eyes trained on Lady Suzy.

“Well, she’s not there anymore!” Jungshin hissed. “Can you please put your priorities straight? Our little sister comes first before your own pursuits.”

Minhyuk frowned at his brother’s statements. “She was last seen dancing with Yul.”


“Yes, Yul. The guy she cried every night for since he left for the army. That very same Yul.” Minhyuk explained as he gulped down the rest of his port.

“But he’s avoiding her according to Jiyoung.” Jungshin grabbed a glass of port himself not liking what he’s hearing.

Minhyuk cocked one of his brows. “You seem to have forgotten that Jessica is as stubborn as a bull and she would possibly do anything to get what she wants.”

“Damnation! He better not do what I think he’ll do to Jessica,” Jungshin cursed as he looked around the ballroom to spot if he could find a trace of Yul or his brother.

“I’d rather think it’s our sister who would do something foolish to Yul,” Minhyuk drawled.

“We’re talking about our baby sister here.” Jungshin scowled at his younger brother.

“You know my stand in this matter. You drove the man away and made our baby sister miserable in the process. I didn’t really approve of your tactic.”

“This is neither the time nor the place to argue about that. We need to find her first before someone else caught wind of this.”

Minhyuk gave her brother a nod of understanding. “I think I spot Jiyoung over there.”

It was nearly quarter past two when they were able to leave Gorcheshire. As  soon as their carriage headed to Scotland, Jessica glanced over Yul, her soon- to-be husband. 

She  could  not  believe  that  Yul  would  finally  be  hers.  Though  she  worried  about her brothers and she could tell that Yul was worrying too.  

“Are you all right?” she asked.  

Yul  forced  a  smile.  “Yes,  of  course.  Just  a  bit  tired  with  all  that  transpired today.”  

“It is quite a lot, is it not?” Jessica smiled sweetly at him and his exhaustion seemed to have vanished. 

“Indeed. Especially, when dealing with a chit like you,” Yul said playfully

 “I needed to be to make you realize how much of a dolt you’ve been all these years,” Jessica retorted haughtily.  

 “And I’m thankful for that.” Yul took Jessica’s gloved hand and unpeeled it before kissing it.  

Jessica closed her eyes, reveling at the feel of Yu l’s lips on her bare hand. It sent shivers down her spine.  

“Yul…”  she  absentmindedly  murmured  but  to  her  disappointment,  he  did not do anything more than that.  

“Why’d you stop?” she asked with annoyance in her voice. 

“Pardon me?”

“Why’d you stop with just kissing my hand? I want a kiss like what we did in the garden.” Jessica pouted as she stated her demand with the authority that could rival the queen.  

“Because, my darling, I don’t think I can stop myself from taking you here in the carriage.” Yul let his gaze roam Jessica appreciatively.  

“Then  take  me  here  in the  carriage,”  Jessica  answered,  emboldened  by  the heat of his gaze.  

 “As much as the offer tempts me, I want you to be comfortable.”  

 “Why  bother?  I  heard  the  first  time  would  hurt  anyways.”  Jessica  crinkled her nose as if she was already anticipating the pain.  

 “Because some men are fools and don’t know how to pleasure their women,” Yul countered. 

“And  I  assume,  Colonel,  that  you  know  how  to  pleasure  your  woman?” Jessica cocked one of her eyebrows up.  This made Yul scowl.  

“I  take  that  as  a  ‘yes’.”  Jessica  smirked.  “Then  we  have  nothing  to  worry about,”  Jessica  said  as  she  carefully  stood  up  then  sat  on  Yul’s  lap  before circling her arms around his neck. “Right, Colonel?”  

“Minx!” He leaned down and captured her lips gruffly. When he pulled away he  stared  at  her  passion-filled  eyes  before  cupping  her  jaw  and  tilting  it  so  that  their  mouths  were  better  aligned  before  kissing  her  again—this  time with leisurely enjoyment as he tasted every crook and cranny of her mouth. 

When  they  pulled  away,  she  smiled  sweetly  at  him,  her  breathing  still sounding  breathless  from their  kiss.  “I  thought  you  did  not  want  my  first time in a carriage?”  

“And you won’t be having it here. But it doesn’t mean I can’t pleasure you. You minx!”   

 “Plea—oooh…” Whatever she was about to retort was forgotten as she felt  Yul dip his tongue in her ears, swirling it a couple of times before tugging on her earlobe, coursing a shiver of desire up Jessica’s spine.  


 “You never ever tempt a man who desires you for so long, 'cause darling, you never   know   when   he   would   lose   control,”  

Yul bit out as he slowly unbuttoned Jessica’s great coat before pushing the material off her shoulder.  Jessica’s breath hitched as she felt the cool sensa tion of the air on her now exposed shoulders. She watched with heavy-lidded eyes how Yul bent down to trace kisses from her neck down to her shoulders, before descending and leisurely  showering  the  top  of  her  breast  with  wet,  feathery  kisses. The blonde  mewled  softly  and  shifted  on  his  lap  at  the  sensation.  Yul  hissed  as her hips pressed against his growing arousal.    

Jessica heard Yul groan.  “Watch it, minx, or  I might not  be able to  control  myself.”  

Jessica could hear the strain in Yul’s voice and she  reveled at her newfound  discovery. “Do you mean to not do this?” Jessica ever so slowly shifted on his  lap again.  


“Yes?” She smiled coquettishly. 

“I  swear  you’ll  be  the  death  of  me,”  Yul  hissed  before  he  tugged  her  gown  down  freeing  her  breasts  from  their  confinements.  Jessica  took  a  sharp  intake as she felt Yul take in one of her breasts in his mouth.  

 “Oh my!” Jessica panted as her breath grew heavier. She felt Yul’s free hand,  the one that wasn’t supporting her back when she arched herself in her silent  plea  for  more,  lift  her  skirt  up  as  his  hands  spread  her  legs  apart  before  resting on the slit of her drawers.  

He could feel the warmth emitting from down there and he couldn’t restrain himself and touched her there.  

 “Oh…my  word…Yul…”  Jessica  choked  out  as  she  felt  his  finger  rubbing her.  She  felt  so  wanton,  so  scandalous  sitting  on  his  lap,  having  him  do  all these  unimaginable  things  to  her  and  she didn’t  want  him  to  stop.  Rather, she  wanted him  to  bring  her  into  the  new  world  of  passion  that  he  was  so willingly introducing her to.  

 “Yul, please…” 

 “Yes,  my     darling?”  Yul teased  as he  watched  her writhe under  his ministrations. 


“Do you want something, my lady?” Yul asked as he teased her by dipping  one of his fingers in. 

 “Oh my!”  


 “I  seem…to  want…more…of  that…”  Jessica  struggled  to  say  amidst  her  lust.  

 “More of this?” Yul inserted two of his fingers into her. 

 “Yes!” Jessica cried out. “Yul! Oh!” Jessica moaned out incoherently as Yul hastened  his  pace  wanting  to  bring  the  blonde  girl  to  her  pleasure.  With  a powerful thrust, Jessica cried out his name as she arched her back.  

“Oh  my…that  was…utterly  wicked…”  Jessica  smiled  contentedly  as  she snuggled  closer  to  Yul.  Righting  her  clothes  back  so  that  she  was  decently clothed  again,  he  brushed  the  stray  of  blonde  locks  that  fell  amidst  her passionate response.  

I know we the one to make you super crazy 

“Indeed it was.” Yul kissed her forehead tenderly and she shifted on his lap to find a more comfortable position, which had Yul groaning.  


“Please, minx…don’t…move…” Yul bit out as he tried to tame his growing  arousal. The  carriage  isn’t  the  right  place  for  any  of  this  in  the  first  place  and he already  lost  some  of  his  control  by  pleasuring her  here,  and  he  swore  with every ounce of control he had in his body that he would not take her here. His painful arousal be damned!  ”  

“Are you alright?” Jessica leaped off his lap as she sat across him and asked  worriedly. “Was I too heavy?”  

“No, no. It’s just…ah, well you had your release and I…” He looked down  at his breeches and smiled sheepishly at Jessica.  

Jessica’s eyes widened at the sight. “Oh!” 


 “Is there anything—” 

Images  instantly  flashed  in  Yul’s  head  but  he  quickly  shook  them  away.  “I  shall recite the multiplication table.”  

“Multiplication table?”

“Indeed.  It  will  help,  err—help  me  with  this,”  Yul  sheepishly  said  as he started reciting the multiplication table starting from one times one. 

Stolen Kisses 6

“Damn it!”

“I told you Jungshin, last I saw the two dancing the waltz and after that my brother disappeared probably to pursue other musings.” Jiyoung lazily drank his brandy as he met the accusing gaze of the Jung brothers.

Jungshin growled his impatience as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. Asking Jiyoung was going nowhere and he could not really blame the man if he did not know the wanderings of his brother. Yul was after all a man far past his youthful days.

Seeing his friend's desperation, Jiyoung heaved a sigh of resignation. “I will help you search for Jessica and if indeed she is with my brother, I can attest her safety.”

“And the ruination of my sister,” Jungshin bit out.

“Jungshin…” His younger brother stepped in with a warning tone. “It’s best we go home and see if she stopped by there,” Minhyuk suggested.

“And I’ll go home to see if Yul did stop by there as well. I’ll also send a footman to check the places he frequents. Then I’ll meet you at your home to discuss what we could do further.”

The brothers gave an understanding nod as the three left the ball. Jiyoung begrudgingly leaving his betrothed, he just hoped that his younger brother did not do anything foolish for even he could not match the wrath of the Jung brothers, especially when it had to do with their precious little sister.


Yul helped Jessica down the carriage before leading her towards the inn. It was the break of dawn and he knew that she must be famished by now.

“So the multiplication table does work,” Jessica said teasingly as she let her gaze linger down on the bulge between his legs.

“And Minx it won’t be the case for long if you keep giving me that look,” Yul retorted as he quickly ushered her inside.

A scrawny old man greeted them eagerly as they entered the inn, recognizing that they must be of means and title for the way his eyes glittered at the possibility of how much money they were willing to throw away in order to insure the best accommodation possible.

“My wife and I were looking to have a good meal before we continue our journey.”

Wife. Jessica blushed and smiled stupidly at the mention of the word. Soon she would truly be Mrs. Yul Kwon, married to the man she had been in love with since she was eight.

“Of course… I will have my wife serve you with only the best!” The man boasted as he signaled for his wife.

“Yul…” Jessica tugged at Yul’s sleeves to gain his attention. “I’m rather tired from our journey. You think we could stay for a while?” Jessica asked too sweetly.

Yul looked at the innkeeper and he quickly understood and excused himself, saying something about making sure the room was heated enough for them.

“Sica, you know we can’t linger for too long. Your brothers—”

“But I’m exhausted… I haven’t gotten any sleep at all and I—”

Yul knew better than to believe Jessica with her reasoning. He grew up with the girl for God's sakes! And everyone who did would know that Jessica could sleep anywhere and anytime she willed herself to sleep.

“Darling, I just don’t want your brothers to catch us before we even get to Gretna Green,” Yul reasoned as he whispered the last part.

“We both know we made it this far into the journey to know that either way, Gretna Green or not, I’d have to wed you or I would be ruined and there would be a scandal,” Jessica explained with annoyance, “So just please let me have my sleep comfortably.”

“‘Tis not that I’m worrying about… It’s the wrath of your brothers that would most likely be aimed towards me that I’m worried about.”

Jessica scoffed. “They would not dare lay a finger on you if they want to continue seeing their little sister.”

“Oh yes, I quite forgot… no one thwarts Lady Jessica Jung and don’t get hell for it.”

It was a remark that earned Yul a glare. “So you best obey then, if you don’t want my wrath,” Jessica said with annoyance.

Yul gave his scowling soon to be wife a sweet smile before turning his attention towards the far side of the reception area where the innkeeper was pretending to add more woods to the fire.

“My wife wishes to rest for a while. Please give us the best available room you have and also have our food served there,” Yul said as he fished out a gold coin to give the man.

“Please follow me.” The old man smiled widely at the two as he tucked the gold coin away on his pocket before scrambling to get the key and leading the way for the two to follow.

After settling down and eating their meal together, Yul excused himself to talk to their groom about their change of plans, also wisely removing himself to the room to give Jessica her privacy to bathe.

He lingered a while more at the reception drinking some brandy, wasting time so that the blonde girl would already be asleep when he goes back to their room. After all, he knew just how tempting his innocent, but eager and curious soon-to-be wife was.


Jessica walked back and forth, her irritation flaring, her stupid soon-to-be husband had been gone for more than half an hour and her patience was running thin. If she wasn’t just wearing her silk lingerie then she would have marched down to find him, but it was rather difficult to put on her gown without the assistance of her maid.

She scowled before determination filled her. If the damned man in question was not back in the room in ten minutes, she would just have to try her hardest to dress decently and search for him.

Looking around the room for something to distract her, she found a bottle of brandy. Curiosity and impatience had led her to trying the spirit men so loved to drink.

Jessica felt her throat burn and she stuttered coughing out loud as she found it hard to breathe.

“What the hell are you doing?” Yul asked as he saw Jessica coughing non-stop and turning red no doubt from not getting proper air, glass of amber liquid in her hands.

His eyes narrowed at the glass then at the bottle of brandy next to Jessica. In a matter of seconds, he was next to Jessica patting her back gently. “What were you thinking?”

Jessica flinched at the brash tone he used.

“I… You weren’t here so I—”

“Decided to get yourself killed?”

“Oh for goodness' sake, Yul! If spirits could kill you then all the men in England would be dead by now.” Jessica finally was able to retort as her breathing came back. “Besides I was just curious and I don’t see why you men like this!” Jessica shoved the glass at Yul. “It’s disgusting!”

“It is an acquired taste, darling.” Yul finished the rest of her brandy. “I think it's way past your bedtime so you better get on and get some sleep.”

Now that he was sure that the petite blonde girl was fine, Yul finally noticed what his little minx was wearing. He couldn’t help but suck in a deep breath as he felt the bulge between his legs harden.

“Only if you sleep with me.” Jessica traced her fingers from Yul’s chest down to his navel, a movement that stole Yul’s breath away.  

“Si…ca…”  Yul  did  not  miss  the  double  entendre  of  her  words.  My  God, where did Jessica learn to be this seductive?  

 “Yes?” She looked up at him and smiled sweetly

 “You, my darling, are trying my fortitude and if you continue this act I can’t promise you that I can hold myself back.”   

Jessica  wrapped  her  arms  around  Yul’s  neck  and  presse d  her  body  against the length of him. “But Colonel, I don’t want you to hold back.”  

Yul  cursed under  his  breath  before  he  cupped  Jessica’s  face  and  kissed  her hungrily. The kiss was rough and needy as both their tongues fought for dominance. They nipped, sucked and tugged on each other’s lips, drinking in slowly and savoring every crook and canny of each another’s mouth.   

 “You better be sure about this, minx!” Yul got out breathlessly with his eyes fiery with passion. He let his gaze sweep through her body, and when he saw  her nod, he crushed his lips against her again. He  then put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. When  Yul  had  enough  of  Jessica’s  sweet  mouth,  he  broke  the  kiss.  Jessica was  about  to  protest  but  moaned  instead  when  she  felt  his  mouth  suck  on the pulse on her neck.  


“Yes, Love?” Yul asked as he travelled lower, kissing and nipping the top of her exposed breast.    

“I…I want to touch you as well…” Copyright ©  2011 by mjejridi 

Her want was granted when he pulled down the bodice of her dress, freeing her  breast  from  its  confinements  and  cupped  one  of  her  beautiful  mound. He took in the other with his mouth through her thin chemise. 


“I love it when you say my name like that…” Yul switched his mouth’s lavish attention to her other mound. 

 “Yul, you distract me so…I…I… want to see you naked…”   

“Then  tell  me  darling…where  do  you  want  me  to  start?”  Yul  asked  in between his ministrations.   

“Take your shirt off…”  

 “As you wish, my lady.” 

  Yul  slightly  moved  away  from  Jessica  as  he  quickly  discarded  his  shirt, 

showing  his  toned  and  tanned  muscles,  definitely  from  his  years  in  the 

 continent during the war, making Jessica gasp at the beauty of what was in 

front of her. 

“Then  pray  tell,  my  lady,  what  do  you  intend  to  do  now?”  Yul  asked  with ragged breath as he watched Jessica’s slow attempts to unbutton her gown. It  was a futile attempt of course, for her eyes never left Yul’s body, and it made the task almost impossible. 

In a swift second, Yul was behind Jessica. “Let me help you, Love.”    

Jessica  shivered  at  the  whispered  words.  She  savore d  the  feeling  of  Yul’  s breath  tickling  the  nape  of  her  neck  and  the  way  he  kissed  every  newly  exposed skin as he undid each button of her gown . 

 “Love, you’re so sweet,” Yul murmured as he pulled down her gown, leaving the fabric to pool at her feet. Copyright ©  2011 by mjejridi 

 As  she  turned  around,  Yul’s eyes  darkened  with  desire  and  appreciation  as he let his eyes take in the sight of her in only her chemise and stockings. He pulled  her  against  the  hard  length  of  him  and  kissed  her  with  a  gentle manner of a lazy cat. He molded his lips against her, running his tongue on her lower lip, caressing and prying it open to let  him taste the sweetness of the recess of her mouth, a task she happily and eagerly complied. With her sweet   mewls   of   pleasure   encouraging   him   and   emboldening   him,   he  carefully and slowly led her to the giant bed in the middle of the room.   Jessica yelped as her back hit the bed none too gen tly. She scowled at Yul, but he only returned it with a boyish grin. It didn’t last long as his eyes took in the sight of Jessica sprawled in the bed, her blonde locks had managed to  tumble out of its coiffure and spill in a reckless abandon on the bed, her lips slightly parted and her breathing rugged from their intense kiss. She was a sight to behold. A mixture of innocence, spitfire, spirit, eagerness and seductiveness that she wasn’t aware she possessed. It was something he was  thankful  for,  knowing  that  his  little  minx  would  probably  use  it  to  her advantage.

“Oh God, Jessica…I…”    

Jessica never heard the rest of his sentence as she  was lost in his heady kiss again.; concentrating fully on the feel of his mouth against hers, the feel of his hard length and roaming hands against her. She was so lost in her passion that she did not even notice that Yul had already taken off her chemise and stockings, leaving her naked in front of him. She felt shy all of a sudden and she tried to cover her modesty—an act that earned an amused smile from Yul.   

“Love, let me see you.”   


“Come, my little minx.” 

She  saw  his  appreciative  glance  towards  her  and  that  emboldened  and bolstered her confidence more.  Her shyness was now gone and was instead replaced with a seductive smile. Now,  she  looked  more  fetching  and  if  Venus  and  Voluptas  would  see  her, she  could  easily  put  them  into  shame.  Using  a  seductive  tone,  she  uttered  meaningfully,

“Only if you let me see  you naked as  well,  Colonel.” As if to prove her point, she slightly tugged on his breeches.  A colorful curse left Yul’s mouth. “You…my little minx  would be the death 

of me…”  

Although  against  his  better  judgment  of  propriety,  he  did  nothing  to  stop Jessica’s  hands  from  discarding  him  of  his  breeches   or  from  letting  his  lips descend upon her succulent offered ones. 

The  kiss  started  off  tender  then  slowly  turned  to  be  more  demanding  and fierce,  eliciting  a  low  husky  moan  from  Jessica.  Using  this  chance,  Yul slipped  his  tongue  in  and  tasted  all  the  sweetness  Jessica’s  mouth  has  to offer. 

“Oh God! You’re so beautiful!” He managed to ruggedly spoke as he pulled away from their kiss, though he never gave Jessica a chance to reply when he devoured her mouth again.   His lips travelled downwards, slowly showering kisses   on   Jessica’s   throat,   then   sucking   on   the   pulse,   earning   a   long approving moan.  He then continued on his way south, showering her neck with feathery kisses before biting down on her collarbone. Jessica yelped at the sudden pain but it quickly turn ed into a moan as Yul’s tongue swirled on the spot he had just bitten. He continued his worship of her body as he turned his attention on her bosom. He remembered how his little  minx  meant  to  torture  him  as  she  displayed  the  swell of  her  breast  at the low square neckline of her gold dress at the soiree that night. He would let her pay. Jessica shivered in delight as Yul traced the swell  of her breast with his kisses, careful of not letting his lips touch the tip that was aching for his attention. She  writhed  in  delight  of  the  pleasure  he  was  bestowing  upon  her  but  her  frustration  was  mounting  as  well,  as  he  avoided  the  place  she  wanted  him badly.  

Jessica  could  not  take  it  anymore  as  she  raked  her  f ingers  on  his  hair  and guided his head to her peak. 

“Yul, please…”  

 Smirking at his success, Yul happily complied.  “Your wish is my command, my lady.”    

And with that, Jessica sighed in contentment as his lips captured one of her nipples.   

 “Oh God!” And  Yul  could  not  agree  more  as  he  felt  his  arousal  grew  even  more  at hearing her sweet moan of pleasure. His little minx was so passionate in bed, so eager to participate in their lovemaking.  

 “Yul, please…” 

“What  do  you  want,  Love?”  He  descended  lower  as  he  kissed  her  taut abdomen and swirled his tongue on her belly button.  


 “Tell me what you want, Love.” He went even lower as he gave attention to her inner thighs.

“Yul…”  He gave the blonde a trail of soft kisses towards her warmth.


“I want that wicked thing you did to me in the carriage…”  

“You mean this, my lady?”   

Jessica yelped before sighing in contentment as Yul  found the tiny nub that gave  Jessica  pleasure.  He  continued  to  roll  and  play  with  the  nub,  making Jessica  squirm  with  desire  and  anticipation  for  that   sweet  abandon  she  felt back in the carriage. Soon, his fingers traveled lower to find Jessica’s warmth already wet and ready to be pleasured and bring Jessica into ecstasy.  

He  started  caressing  her  warmth,  rubbing  it  gently  until  she  was  moaning beneath  him.  He  inserted  two  of  his  fingers  into  her.  He  started  out  slow, and  felt  her  squirm  underneath  him  before  quickening  his  pace,  bent  on bringing her to pure bliss.  Jessica kept moaning Yul’s name as he quickened his pa ce, she could feel the building pressure that she felt earlier getting stronger. This time, she wasn’t afraid of it, so she waited with bated breath until she reached the pinnacle of her pleasure and the building pressure burst, leaving her content, happy and very satisfied.  Yul  rolled  away  from  Jessica.  He  hoped  that  his  little  minx  was  satiated enough and would soon go to bed from exhaustion so that he could take care of his mounting arousal without actually compromising Jessica. Jessica lay in contentment as she waited for her breathing to slow down. She smiled in contentment but it quickly turned into a frown.  Jessica was aware that Yul still had not compromised  her. She might be naïve when  it  comes  to  matters  of  the  bed,  but  she  knew  enough,  heard  enough  stories and seen some of Yul’s horses, to know what’s supposed to happen. And she damn well knew that putting in his fingers in her warmth wouldn't get her enceinte. With her realization coupled with determination, Jessica sat up. The motion surprised Yul who was trying hard to make his breath  even and control his  arousal  by  not  thinking  of  his  soon-to-be  wife  naked  and  satisfied  next  to him. 

 “Are you okay?” Yul asked worriedly. “I can call Spice Girls if you want.”   

 “Perfectly fine! Never been better,”  she answered quickly with a  smile that Yul found too sweet and cunning. “Just thought I have  something I’d like to do with you.”  Yul furrowed his brows. “With me?”  

 “Yes, Colonel, with you.” She emphasized her point by running her hand on his broad chest.  

 “Bloody hell!” Yul cursed. “Jessica…”   

 She ignored his warning tone. “Yes?” And to prove that she was deserving of her  title  as  a  minx,  her  hands  went  lower  to  his  thighs  and  caressed  them while her mouth left kisses on his chest, swirling her tongue on his nipple. 

“Oh God!”  

 Yul  felt  every  effort  he  had  put  to  keep  his  arousal  at  bay  thrown  out  the 

window, as a moan escaped his lips. Jessica’s roaming hands continued to go higher up his  thighs when she felt something long and smoother than the rest of the skin on his thigh. Breaking away  from  Yul,  she  turned  her  attention  on  the  two-inch  scar  along  Yul’s inner thigh. She continued to caress it then her mouth descended on his scar and traced it with feathery kisses, as if by doing so it would erase the scar and all  the  pain  that  it  had  cause  on  Yul, not  just  physically  but  emotionally  as well.   He watched transfixed as Jessica trailed kisses up his scar. It was not just the sensual display of her mouth lavishing his  scar, but  he also understood  the underlying meaning behind her action. She wanted to  erase all the pain that the simple scar had brought upon him.  

When Jessica looked up at the man she loved, she saw that he was practically beaming with affection and love for her that she couldn’t help but kiss him fully  on  the  mouth  before  turning  back  into  the  little  minx  that  she  was, causing Yul to utter another colorful curse.  

“Jessica,  are  you  trying  to  kill  me?”  Yul  choked  out  amidst  his  painful arousal.

“No,  Colonel.  Why  would  I  want  my  husband-to-be  dead,  before  we  even say 'I do'?”    

Her comment earned her a good-humored laughed from Yul but it quickly stopped as his little minx straddled him, her heat against his manhood. 

“Jessica,  don’t  say  I  didn’t  warn  you,”  Yul  gritted  as  he  switched  their positions.  

“I won’t.” He erased the smirk off her face and kissed her fiercely. He let his hands travel all over Jessica’s body, making sure she was ready for him. Hurting Jessica would be the last thing he wanted to do. He was afraid of the possibility that she would loathe lovemaking. No, Yul refused to think about that. He would make sure that Jessica would experience the full bliss of lovemaking. He  showered  Jessica’s  body  with  haste  attentiveness,  kissing,  sucking  and licking—all  moves  designed  to  make  Jessica  moan  in  pleasure  and  want more.    

“Please…” Jessica begged for something but was unsure what it was, though Yul knew exactly what she wanted. Jessica wanted to dance.  Spreading  her  legs  apart  and  lifting  her  hips,  he  rubbed  his  arousal  against her. 

“Yul…” Jessica moaned. 


“It  will  hurt,  my  love,  but  I  promise  to  make  it  better,”  Yul  said  before  he slowly slid in her heat. Until he broke through her barrier, his full length was plunged  into  her  welcoming  softness.  He  saw  her  flinch  and  he  was  afraid that he had hurt her a lot. My randomness and bugging powers are designed to annoy. 

“I’m sorry,” Yul murmured as he tried to remain steady in her.   

“That’s it?” Jessica asked with furrowed brows.   

Yul could not help  but laugh merrily. It was  something only his little minx would say.

“Of course not. Be prepared, Love…”     

Nothing prepared Jessica with the pleasure that came with their lovemaking, especially  when  Yul  began  to  move  within  her  in  slow,  deep  strokes  that made her yearn for something more. She  twisted  her  head  fitfully  on  the  pillows  and  began  arching  to  meet  his deep plunging thrusts.

"Please," she begged him in a whisper.  Yul  knew  what Jessica  had  wanted,  abandoning  his  restraint,  he quickened and deepened his strokes, making Jessica moan his name in litany until the pressure that has been building at the pit of her stomach burst. Yul held himself steady  as he  watched Jessica  convulse and tighten around him. He waited till she had her climax before he drove deep within her and with a shout of her name, he spilled his seeds within her.  

Afraid  that  he  was  crushing  her  with  his  weight,  Yul,  rolled  to  his  side, bringing  Jessica  into  the  warmth  of  his  embrace,  the  two  of  them  still connected as one.   

“I  love  you,  my  little  minx,”  Yul  whispered  as  he  pressed  a  kiss  upon  her temple. He performed jumping jacks. 

“I love you too, Colonel. I always have and always will,” Jessica murmured as she buried her head deeper into his warmth. Yul  watched  as  his  little  minx  yawned  before  her  eye s  closed  and  she submitted into the exhaustion of the day and their lovemaking, with a sweet and content smile upon her lips.  

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