In My Dreams

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He held me in his arms after so long. In that moment, all the struggles and hardships seemed to melt away. His embrace had always been my safe haven.

"Naina, it's going to be okay," he whispered softly, his words calming my weary soul. I felt two large tears escape down my cheeks as I took a deep breath.

"Everything is falling apart again," I confessed, my voice trembling with emotion. "I don't know how to keep it together." I let my tears soak his T-shirt.

"Naina, things will work themselves out," he reassured me.

"Zayne's parents hate me. His father called me a... a whore," I sobbed, my voice breaking as I poured out my heart to him. He held me close, his warmth offering support.

"And you believe him?" his words cut through my turmoil.

"Yes," I admitted, the truth feeling heavy on my shoulders. I was torn between my love for him and my commitment to Zayne. I longed for the past, for the simplicity of our relationship, yet I struggled to make my marriage work. The conflicting emotions tore me apart, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

"You are the purest thing in the world," he whispered in my ear. I knew I was far from pure, tainted by my thoughts and actions.

"I'm not. I cheated on him, I'm still cheating on him every time I'm here with you," I confessed, my tears hot against his skin. Despite my guilt, I clung to him, unable to let go. The thought of a life without him was unbearable, yet I fought for my relationship with Zayne, for my marriage in every way I knew how.

"Do you love him?" he asked, his voice soft and probing. Zayne had been there for me, picking up the shattered pieces of my life and trying to mend them, even as my sharp edges cut into him and left him bleeding.

"I do, I love him," I confessed. The truth escaped easily from my lips.

"And does he love you?" he inquired, his hands tracing soothing patterns on my back, a gesture that always calmed me.

"He does," I replied with certainty. Zayne's love for me was unwavering, even in the face of his parents' disapproval. I knew he cared for me deeply, his love unconditional and selfless. I was grateful for his presence in my life, for his kindness and generosity. But deep down, I questioned if he deserved someone as broken and flawed as me. Someone who had hurt him in ways that a wife should never hurt her husband.

"Princess, don't cry," Advik's soothing voice reached my ears as my whole body trembled with guilt. "You and Zayne are meant to be together. He sees the real you and loves you for who you are."

But would Zayne still love me if he knew the truth? Would he still love me if he discovered that every night, I found solace in Advik's arms? If he knew that I eagerly awaited sleep just to be with Advik in my dreams, holding him close as I did now? Would Zayne's love endure if he realized that my heart belonged to Advik in ways it should have belonged to him? If he knew that I was reluctant to let go of the fantasy that existed only in my dreams?

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