Stone cold

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Here goes my teeny tiny apology for not updating for a long time... I was supposed to update sooner but lost whatever I had jotted so hold on for another day, please...  Without further ado here's the OS. Btw I would be using a song in bold

There stood the Oberoi mansion, an abode of memories for her. Some bitter some sweet,  just like coffee with preferences but still worth it like life.

Majestic as it ever was, giving an adequate idea of the wealth the people owned who resided inside, but all hollow from inside.

With each step she took a wave of memories hit her hard, harder with every step she took, trying to drown her down in the ocean of pain and the whirlpool of emotions, and her only saving grace her ignorance .

Ignorance towards the emotions which resided in her heart.

But she was Gauri Kumari Sharma, the dauntless, she had taught herself the art of deception so well. That now she doubted herself, that what on earth was going on within her?

Define her?  GKS ... Rude, shrewd, emotionless, egoistic, iceberg yadda yadda fashion  cum interior designer.

Yes, a fashion cum interior designer, life surely had changed in the past five years. Now all she was a filthy rich loner and the only thing people liked her was for her beauty and the way she warmed people's bed.

She was tagged as a vile, unchaste woman but none knew that was all facade she builds to protect her broken heart. An attempt to heal it, indeed an unsuccessful one, cause' once broken can never be mended.

And here she was walking through the mansion, which was dressed up like a bride.

A rosy flowery path, which she was treading, complimenting her blood red tube gown with a sleek low ponytale accompanied by diamond studs, and a braclet, the epitome of supposed perfection and beauty.

She could hear whispers here and there accompanied by ooh's and aah's, but she wish they knew that all she was a  mere cadaver .

She could see the media people rush towards her , she smiled saying-" there comes the bees."

Ma'am,Ma'am..... She could feel the flashlights hurt her eyes hard, the crowd makes her giddy, but she maintained her demeanor she had to be happy, happy for her man.

"One by one please. I promise to entertain you"- she spoke. Of course GKS was known for her sarcastic , rude and straightforward interviews and replies.

A media reporter asked-" Ma'am you've been invited to your ex husband's engagement ceremony how do you feel?"

She had seen this coming long back, she smiled genuinely and replied-  "happy at least one is moving on "she chuckled.

"Ma'am you know we've heard you been spending time with Mr. Singhaniya?"

"Have I ? You've your sources sweetheart, try harder to embarrass me . Now excuse me I've an engagement to attend," she replied in a cold chipped tone as she left.

She entered the royal thresholds only to be greeted with stares , she could feel her heart  pound, she could feel his presence she stared at the floor as she followed her way in hoping to mingle with the rest of the crowd.

Knowing that it was a false one, but hope was what one clinged on when things are hazy around.

Only to bash with the man whom she wanted to avoid the most, she could feel his breath ruffle her hair gently, oh! Man that feeling made her go weak on her knees. She could feel his hand on her waist , making adrenaline doing its job to the points of ecstasy.

Gauri- he called out an amalgam of pain, confusion , surprise evident in his voice.

No that was one thing she didn't want to hear, her name from his mouth it still had the effect on her. Old habits die hard she thought as she smiled.

She couldn't fall weak, she looked up to meet those dark chocolate brown orbs of his, filled with a whirlpool of emotions trying to drown her down.

She spoke with a heavy voice - it ain't your business to save me anymore Mr Oberoi. Between congratulations am glad that someone is moving on in a literal sense ", eying at the ring he wore.

When she heard a voice call her out. "Mr singhaniya, have I ever been happy to see you?" she replied as Om slid away from his hands as the other man kissed her lips gently.

Om could feel the little green monster take in charge of him, he was about to leave, when he heard her say- "Mr Oberoi you still seem the same.".

"Do I? If so you're mistaken, but I can assure you that you've changed. Stone cold aren't you? "- he replied with a humourless chuckle.

"Am surely indebted for your enlightenment. I think you've a beautiful day ahead unlike mine you shouldn't waste it by getting engaged in a dual of words, sire, excuse me" - she replied and left, followed by Mr Singhaniya but she gave him a look and he left.

A lone tear trickled down her eye as she saw the whole Oberoi clan from afar. Those selfish people whom she was ready to put forth her life for, what did they do for her? Hurl her with accusations, innumerable and vile as they were piercing her heart into a zillion or more pieces.

Yes, she acknowledged the fact that she wasn't right on her part, she had deceived them but not for her good but for his good.

She had played the fake pregnancy fiasco to protect the man she loved. But what did she get in return?

Not that she wanted anything.  But why pain?

And now she felt so numb to feel anything but today everything seemed afresh. She had been invited by Omkara Singh Oberoi himself and his beau, Shanti who thanks her green-eyed monster she had befriended called her Kranti in secrecy.

Of course, she was everything she wasn't, rich, educated and of course truth's girlfriend apparently. The truth couple Gauri chuckled as she wiped the traces of the lone tear.
Stone cold she whispered.

She blended in the crowd humming her favourite song-"Stone cold, stone cold
You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor
Stone cold, stone cold
Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel any more"

She could feel the elder Oberois giving her despiteful gazes as if trying to pierce her again, but failing to do so. But what moved her were those pitiful gazes from the junior Oberois.

GKS... Despised sympathy .. but what moved her were the traces of affection which she could feel behind those sympathy filled gazes. She averted her eyes away feeling uncomfortable.

Nothing made GKS, uncomfortable more than emotions. She remembered everything. That slap he gave her , it still had an imprint on her heart, that pain she saw in his eyes. She deserved it all, and this one of the zillion ways she punished herself.

She saw all the couple's dancing around he with her just wishing for once to be in her place , but not all dreams come true and those which don't are better known to the world as fantasies.

She just plugged in her earphone on and the song played, while she swiped her phone trying to act busy to distract herself-

'Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

Stone cold, stone cold
You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone.'

She felt a tap on her shoulder she saw Me. Singhaniya ask her for a dance she gently agreed , making a mental note to get rid of him soon.

She was busy trying to distract herself , whereas Omkaraji's eyes were just on her .

"You still love her right?" Asked Shanti.

No, she cheated me- he retorted.

But for you, just for you she cheated you. Why are you so stubborn Om. You know why are we getting married for our families. None of us is going to be happy. At least talk to her once. She loves you that's why she is still clinging on . And taking care of our wedding personally ain't easy for at least give her the benefit of doubt - she replied

Just shut up.. could you.  I hate her- he retorted.

Whom are you convincing Om? Me or yourself?- she replied.

Om remained mum as he saw Gauri's eyes trace him , he pulled Shanti closer and he could see her burn with jealousy.

Stone cold, stone cold
I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold.

Gradually partners were changed and she landed right there in his arms as if she always belonged there , she gasped saying- illusion.

He held her tight as they swayed their bodies to the music. His fingers gently traced her face , as if trying to carve something out of it. She allowed him to do so because this was the last time they would be this close.

She didn't care that people were right there judging them. Gauri spoke- it's high time you move on Mr. Oberoi?

Om pushed her away for the danc e step saying- who are you to judge where am I standing now?

No one , just a well wisher- she replied.

Well wisher huh?- he mocked.

Yeah!!  You can call me an evil scheming well wisher- she mocked at herself.

A soothing silence persisted as he pulled her towards him and she came bashing right into his chest and their eyes meet . Being the perfect epitome of conversation they always had .

Indeed eyes are the mirror to one's soul. Their glassy eyes a witness to the whirlpool of emotions within them , only if there was a world where they could live peacefully, maybe a parallel universe.

Shivay whispered to Anika- their eye game is still on point ain't it?

Anika nodded saying- "so in love yet so far , oh! How I wish they could be together "cuddling into her husbands arms feeling blessed to have the man whom she loved right next to her .

They both knew that they weren't doing right , especially the elders but they were stubborn as ever , and of course hypocrites who preached love but never knew the actual meaning.

Shivay noticed Gauri leaving and he saw Om follow her, he had his Bluetooth on he said- khanna.
And the lights went off..

Om followed Gauri as she was about to leave he pulled her in the lawn shouting - where the hell do you think you're going?

Gauri replied- to my home .. am done for the day.

Why are you done ? Asked Om

Gauri remained mum.

It affects you right? - he asked like a innocent kid.

She shouted back- it affects you. That's why you still wear this ring. She takes his hand and removes the ring .

Let go of the past. It's very toxic Omkara Singh Oberoi . It hurts here a lot ( pointing at her heart) and otherwise also you never wore that ring . Why now?- she questioned him.

Tears cascaded both sides, as he took her hand and removed the ring and shouted - if I have no right so do you, it's equal

She felt like a part of her was ripped away this was one thing she didn't let go of  for the past five years.

He pulled her closer and slid away the rubber band away and pushed her hair to one side and said- better

This was it for her she broke down slumping on the grass so did he next to her she looked at him and said - I hate you to the core . 

Whom are you lying to ?- he questioned

She came dangerously close and undid his bun and said- better, he smiled.

And he took her in a bone crushing hug, which she reciprocated.

But she suddenly remembered everything that had happened years ago she pushed him away and said loudly - stay away , between am planning to marry Mr. Singhaniya? So you better enjoy your life.

He was taken aback, he asked - why are you doing this to us?

She replied it was never us , it was always you and me . We never made it to the journey of being us.

For the last time am asking you Gauri are you happy?

Yes, I'm happy .. and she left
Whispering happy for you.. away from me .. it's for the best am sorry I can't afford to hurt you.

He shouted  back- so am I.. I have started liking her and I'll surely fall for her . And I was always right, you're just stone cold.. I was the fool trying to revive the spark we had .

Maybe nothing could bind them now , they both just clenched the rings in their fist as one made his way to his engagement and the other to her home.

Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

Don't wanna be stone cold, stone
I wish I could mean this but here's my goodbye
Oh, I'm happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand
If happy is her, if happy is her
I'm happy for you

Not knowing that they were still connected through darkness. Darkness which had filled their lives.

Darkness so comforting, yet so blood curling. Eerie but surprisingly soothing. And their only escape was the world of dreams.
They choose to hold on to eachother in their dreams cause' in their dreams they had no end .


That's it for this OS. I don't know whether the song synced in or not  .. plz do give your reviews.  And yeah thanks for reading regards Ana 😊💙💞. Updates would be up by tommorow still reviving my shitty ass lappy. And this may've another part in future no promises.  Cause' there's a somethings that still needs to be explored..


Just have a look if you want too.. and sorry for trouble.

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