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it was late, nearly eleven, and kendall was sitting on her front porch steps with a soda in one hand while her phone was in the other. she sat outside because her mom was busy working inside and she didn't want to bother her.

as she scrolled through instagram she heard a skateboard on the sidewalk. she furrowed her eyebrows and looked up, seeing a boy riding by on said skateboard. she recognized him even with the helmet on.

"ricky?" she found herself saying and the boy abruptly stopped and kicked up his skateboard, catching it in his hand before he looked over at the girl.

"kendall?" he was just as shocked. "this is where you live?"

"yeah," kendall looked behind her at her house before looking back at the curly haired boy. "what are you doing out so late?"

"it's a long story." he sighed and kendall slid over to make room on the steps.

"i've got time." she patted the spot next to her and it made ricky smile as he walked up the sidewalk and took a seat next to her. "want a soda?" she turned to her right and grabbed the extra soda she had brought with her, handing it over to the boy who sat on her left.

"my parents are getting divorced." he sighed, running his fingers through his hair before he popped open the soda. "i guess i'm taking it pretty hard." he looked over at kendall whose gaze was already on him. "my mom's moving to chicago in a few days."

"i'm sorry." she frowned. "not that it'll make you feel better, but i know how you feel. my parents got divorced when i was eight."

"wow, i'm sorry." he looked sadder than he did.

"it's okay." she shrugged her shoulders. "it was for the better. my mom's much happier without him now and things are okay. i mean, we move around a lot because my mom's job is crazy, but she said it was permanent this time, so we'll see."

"do you think my dad will be happier?" he asked.

"eventually." kendall nodded. "it may take some time, but he'll get there." a silence fell between them before kendall spoke again. "so i'm guessing you don't want to be home with your parents right now?"

"not really." he shook his head. "that's kind of the last place i want to be."

"you can stay here if you'd like." kendall offered. "we have a guest room and i'm sure i can find some clothes for you to sleep in."

"really?" a small smile formed on his lips. "that would mean a lot to me." he sipped the soda. "i tried staying at my best friend's house, but that was chaos and then my ex girlfriend's parents said i could stay at her house, but it was just too awkward. i had no idea where i was going to go."

"well, you skated down the right street." she chuckled before rising from the steps. "follow me."

ricky followed the blonde inside and led him up the stairs and to her room. he looked around while she grabbed clothes for him to wear and he admired all the pictures that were hung up on the wall. kendall grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a big t-shirt from her closet, handing it over to him. he thanked her and she led him down the hall towards the guest room.

once they arrived she showed him where all the lights were and told him where the bathroom was. they exchanged goodnights and kendall made her way downstairs to inform her of what was happening. her mom was just finishing up her work and when kendall explained everything she felt sorry for the boy and said it was fine that he stayed.

kendall said her goodnights and made her way to her room, closing the door behind her as she changed into pajamas and curled up in bed. she laid in bed staring at the ceiling for awhile before looking at the time, seeing that it was nearly two. she rose from her bed and made her way down the hall, heading towards the bathroom, when she heard sniffling coming from the guest room.

she hesitated before knocking on the door and slowly opened it when hearing a faint "come in" a few seconds later. "hey," she whispered, not wanting to wake her mom who was down the hall. "are you okay? --scratch that, i know you're not." she shook her head at herself and made her way over to the bed, watching as ricky quickly wiped at his eyes to try and hide the fact that he had been crying. "it's okay to cry, ricky." she placed a hand on his thigh and gave him a light squeeze.

"i know." he sniffled and forced a small smile onto his face. "it's just that i'm a guy and guys aren't supposed to cry."

"guys cry all the time; half the time they cry more than girls, to be honest." kendall waved him off before giving him a smile. "why don't you come hang out in my room for a little? maybe i can help you take your mind off it."

"how?" he fiddled with his fingers and kendall shrugged her shoulders.

"i have a guitar; maybe you can teach me that song you were working on last week at school? the one when i practically face planted on my first day."

"you play?" he questioned.

kendall nodded, "a little."

"can i hear you play something?" he suddenly sounded excited and his sniffling made kendall cave.

"sure, i'll play something for you." she pointed a finger at him. "but you have to sing."

"deal." a real smile made its way onto his face and they both hopped out of bed, making their way to kendall's room.

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