Chapter Eight

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"Get Flathead!" Rubyfur wails.
Zenwhisker, who had been visiting his mate and kits dashes out of the den with a nod.
Soon after, Flathead skids into the den, stopping beside Gravelstripe.
"Is it happening?" He asks.
Gravelstripes response is cut off by a wail from Rubyfur. She just nods and pushes a bundle of leaves towards Rubyfur who eats them rapidly.
"Kits," Hemlockheart mews, glancing to Kelpstream, "How about we go out into the clearing?"
Kelpstream nods, "that's a great idea, Hemlockheart."
Hemlockheart leads Kelpstream and the two groups of kits out of the den.
Ceaderstripe just sits in her nest as Rubyfur screams. She had enough cats coaching and caring for her right now, she didn't need Ceaderstripe too.
After a while the first kit is born; a black she-cat with a white chin and paws.
Ceaderstripe sits and waits while the rest of the kits are born. She says some comforting things, as does Dawnlight, but the two stay out of it for the most part.
Eventually the kits all have names: Rainkit; the black and white she-cat, Sparklekit; an orange she-cat with white paws and chest, and Gemkit; an orange she-cat with black splotches.
"Congratulations!" The kits yell as they all squirm back into the den, followed by their mothers.
"Hush little ones. Rubyfur and her kits need to rest," Dawnlight mews, "how about the older kits go back out and play?" She looks to the mothers of the older kits; Hemlockheart and Kelpstream, who both nod.

"We brought you some prey," Flathead says as he sets down his squirrel, glancing to Cocoabounce and Ambertuft  behind him.
The three cats set down multiple pieces of prey and help distribute them between the six queens. It was past sun high now so some patrols had brought back enough prey to supply the nursery.
"I can't wait until we're apprentices!" Copperkit calls with a mouthful of shrew.
"You've still got another moon before then," Hemlockheart laughs.
Ceaderstripe glances down at her own kits, they still had five moons left. One day they'd grow up and get their warrior names. Half a moon had gone by and it had gone to quickly.
"Any idea where Burntwhisker is?" Ceaderstripe asks.
Flathead nods, "he just left for a border patrol."
Ceaderstripe nods, "ok, thanks."
She rests her head on the edge of her nest and sighs.
Suddenly a jolt goes through her. She's no longer in the nursery, now she's in the forest. Cats are screaming all around. Smoke fills the air.
"Froststar!" She calls out, choking on smoke.
"Ceaderstripe-!" Froststar calls, stumbling toward her, "what's going on?"
The hot air around them is suffocating. She can just barely make out some of the voices around her.
Smudgeface is choking and sputtering as he screams for his family, Dawnlight is helping shove kits through the bushes, Stonestar is leading the way out of the trees.
"What's going on!?" A cat wails.
"How did this start!?" Another cries out.
A third begins to scream and then a tree cracks down, "I blame-!"
Ceaderstripe is snapped back to the nursery in the cool air. She gasps for air for a moment before regaining her breath.
"Are you alright?" Ambertuft asks.
Ceaderstripe nods, "yeah, I'm fine," she yawns, "I think I'll just take a nap."
Ambertuft nods disbelievingly, "ok..."
Ceaderstripe lays her head back down, taking a deep breath, and tries to fall asleep.

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