Chapter Ten

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"Your mom is so kind to watch the kits while we go out on a walk," Ceaderstripe breathes in deeply, taking in the scents of the forest, "I haven't been this far out of the camp in a while."
Burntwhisker nods, "she is-" He breaks off, sniffing the air, "what's that smell?"
Ceaderstripe glances around and sniffs, "what smell?"
Im such a mouse brain; I forgot he has an amazing sense of smell.
"This way," Burntwhisker leads the way through some bushes and after a moment Ceaderstripe can smell it too.
They bush through a bush and are suddenly greeted by the mewling of young kits.
"Kits!?" Ceaderstripe glances around the bush.
As she moves a branch on her left, she reveals a pair of small kits, though bigger than her own. The pair squirms toward her, both with thin layers of Frost on their fur.
"What are they doing here!?" Burntwhisker exclaims.
"They're freezing!" Ceaderstripe exclaims.
She begins licking the kits vigorously and after a moment curls up in the makeshift nest.
"There's no other scents here, not even stale ones," Burntwhisker shakes his head.
One of the kits sneezes, then begins speaking with a confident voice, despite the situation, "we made this nest here yesterday," she shivers, her mostly white fur spiking up.
"We didn't know it would get this cold," the other stutters, his brown tail somehow shivering more than the rest of his body.
"Where are your parents?" Burntwhisker asks, his tone borderline demanding.
"We don't have any," the she-kit sneezes again.
The tom sneezes directly after the she-kit, "we don't know what happened."
Ceaderstripe pauses her licking, "what are your names?"
"My name is Amber," the she-kit mews, "and my brother over there is Aspen," she nods to the tom, now licking his own paws.

"You found kits!?" Heatherfur exclaims as Ceaderstripe comes back into the nursery, her and Burntwhisker each carrying a kit.
They had taken them to the medicine den to get them checked out first and the news had traveled fast.
Ceaderstripe sets Amber down in her nest along with her own kits, "we did."
Burntwhisker sits Aspen down beside her and he squirms to be closer to her.
Ceaderstripe watches as Thunderkit and Lightningkit begin to sniff out their new nest mates.
"Now be nice everyone, you're family now," Ceaderstripe mews.
She leans closer and licks Amber and Aspens foreheads each in turn.

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