Chapter Seven

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Pinestripe's POV

Pinestripe sighed, walking by the quickly running river. The moon was high in the sky, and she could tell all the kits and apprentices were tired. Not to mention she was at the very front, which meant she had to walk more and remember the way.
    "Don't you think we should stop soon?" Pinestripe suggested, "I feel like sleeping in the middle of the night would be a good idea."
    "I never slept in the middle of the night, even back at FrostClan," Hazelstripe mewed. 
    "That's not healthy," Pinestripe replied, laughing a bit, "And I would think that OceanClan wants to be healthy."
    Hazelstripe slowed down a bit, "Eh, healthiness doesn't matter when you wanna protect your Clan."
    "Hey, how about we let all the elders, kits, and other cats rest while you keep guard?" Pinestripe mewed, "Then you can keep your unhealthiness elsewhere."
    "Fine," Hazelstripe agreed, "As long as we both take shifts."
    Pinstripe stopped and shrugged, "Good with me."
    As the cats stopped, Pinestripe announced, "Okay, we are stopping for the night, but me and Hazelstripe will be taking shifts."
    "And Pinestripe will watch first," Hazelstripe added.
    "Fine," Pinestripe sighed, "Everyone else, go to sleep."

    Pinestripe sat in the grass, glancing around warily. Anything could happen, and although she didn't think too much about it, she knew she had to be alert.
    A cold wind blew across the grass, making it sway calmly. The moon and the stars shined above her, as if StarClan reached all the way here. It was actually quite calming, and Pinestripe would've fell asleep if she wasn't on watch.
    Suddenly, the tabby she-cat heard thrashing and gurgling from the river. She laughed a bit as she thought, Why are the fish so noisy all of a sudden?
    After a minute, the fish stopped. Pinestripe looked over to make sure, only to see a gray- wait, that can't be...
    "Wavekit!" Pinestripe lunged into the water, diving downstream for the tom. When she secured his scruff in her jaws, she propelled herself to the surface. She may have been able to breathe, but the kit couldn't. That's kinda common sense, though, so you probably knew that.
    As soon as she made it to the surface, Wavekit started coughing up water. Pinestripe say by him, grooming the wetness from his fur and blocking the wind.
    After a minute, once she was sure Wavekit was somewhat okay, Pinestripe finally growls, "What did you think you were doing? You could've died in there and no one wouldn't have even known how!"
    "Maybe I wanted to have some fun," Wavekit mewed.
    Pinestripe sighed, "Only suicidal cats thing death is fun."
    Wavekit looked up at the brown she-cat, "What's suicidal?"
     "That's not important right now," Pinestripe stood up, "Now, we- and by that I mean you- should go tell your mom what you did."


Ceaderstripe stirs in her makeshift nest when she hears a wail.
"Where's my kit!?" Its Wavekit's mother.
The queen is rushing around, prodding nearby cats to ask of they'd seen him.
"I'm right here," Wavekit pads into the den, shaking water from his face.
"Wavekit!" The queen gasps.
She leaps over a warrior to reach her kit. She begins grooming him vigorously.
"Where were you!?" She asks in between licks.
"I uh- went for a swim," Wavekit looks up at his mother hopefully.
"A drowning more like it," Pinestripe rolls her eyes as she steps into the den.
"What happened!? You're soaked!" His mother keeps grooming him.
"I wasn't strong enough, Pinestripe had to save me," Wavekit admits.
"Come, come. We'll sleep now and then we'll talk about this in the morning," his mother nudges him towards their nest.
Ceaderstripe laughs softly, then being taken over by a yawn.
Ceaderstripe lays her head back on her paws before drifting back off into sleep.

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