Chapter Seventeen

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Wavekit's POV
Wavekit slinks out of the temporary den and around the back of it. He glances around to be sure that no one is watching before he prances over to the forest. They're at the edge of the forest now and he wanted to explore it while he got the chance.
It was early enough in the morning that the sun wasn't even up yet.
Let's see, he thinks as he pads into the darkness, I wonder if I can find something to e-
An owl hoots above him and he shudders.
How about I find something to play with? He pauses as he sees a tangle of vine like moss hanging from a tree, I'll make a prank for the warriors next time they go hunting!
He starts tugging the moss down and piles it at the base of the tree it came off of.
This isn't enough he looks around for more and eventually finds another bit of it dangling down from a tree.

Ceaderstripe's POV
"Wavekit!?" Wavekit's mother calls.
Ceaderstripe blinks her eyes open, "wha-?"
Wavekits mother is scrambling around in her nest.
"Steamcloud, what's wrong?" Heatherfur yawns.
"Wavekit!" Steamcloud qasps, "he's missing!"
Several cats jump to their paws instantly, Ceaderstripe being one of them. She looks over to Fadedwing who is searching the den already.
Ceaderstripe pads over to where Fluffypelt is sniffing the entrance.
"His sent," Fluffypelt mews, "he's not in here."
"Then where is he!?" Steamcloud panics.
"We'll follow the scent!" Fadedwing declares, "I need Steamcloud, Ceaderstripe, Burntwhisker, and Quailpaw. Mapleheart too."
All of the cats who's names were said come to the entrance.
"Let's go find that kit!" Fadedwimg lead the way into the center of the temporary camp, "Burntwhisker, follow his scent."
Burntwhisker takes lead and begins sniffing around the air and the ground. He starts heading toward the forest edge where the light rain of the outside was barely felt.

Wavekit's POV
The trap is set! He steps back to admire his work. A web of moss stretches between the trees surrounding him, weaved with cobwebs to make it sticky. He looks to the scattered pinecones that look like a spiders prey caught up in the web.
He turns to look at the large spider he shaped out of mud and moss. The rain was making it more wet and it probably wouldn't last very long.
He crawls under the web of moss and hides goes up the side of one of the trees. He sits on a low branch and looks down at his trap.

Ceaderstripe's POV
Ceaderstripe pads behind Fadedwing as they approach a wall.
"Whats-" Ceaderstripe begins.
"Cobwebs," Fadedwing tilts their head.
"What kind of spider did that?" Quailpaw whispers.
Suddenly there's a crack from above and a branch swings down on the other side of the web.
Everyone gasps and jumps backwards as a cry comes from the branch.
"Wavekit!?" Steamcloud steps forward.
"Help!" The young tom dangles from the end of the broken branch.
"Wavekit!" Steamcloud screams, "don't move!"
Wavekit begins to slip, his tail dangling into the spiders web.
"We've got to get you away from that!" Fadedwing glances to a giant spider in the center of the webs.
Suddenly a blur of black fur pushes through the group and leaps up the side of the tree.
It grabs Wavekit by the scruff and drops into the center of the web.
"The spider!" Steamcloud shouts.
"Its not real!" The cat rolls their eyes. She has two blue feathers tucked behind her ear, "I watched him make all this."
"Watched him make this?" Ceaderstripe asks.
"It was meant to be a prank," Wavekit looks at his paws, dangling below him.
The cat drops Wavekit on the ground and he falls forwards.
"Who are you?" Steamcloud asks, looking at the cat as Wavekit wriggles under the web.
"My name is Jaye," the cat swipes a thin paw over their ear, "what're you all doing here?"

"We should be going," Ceaderstripe mews.
They had been in the forest for a little while now. They were talking to the she-cat, Jaye, while Steamcloud scolded Wavekit.
"Right," Jaye nods, "I should finish hunting and get back to my family."
The group separates from the she-cat and begins padding jack to camp.

They get into the camp to see a group of cats all huddled together.
"What's going on?" Steamcloud asks.
"Blacksand," Sunsparkle cries, "he's gone."
"He's missing!?" Mapleheart steps in.
Sunsparkle shakes her head and steps aside, revealing the body of the elder, his mate collapsed beside him weeping.

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